Chapter 2

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Author's notes:

Sorry for the long wait, but this story will be undergoing a small rewrite, because, let's admit it, this story is practically flooded with crappy grammar.

Chapter 2: Back in Berk

Hiccup's POV

I stood in front of the familiar building with a faint smile, good memories making itself known in my head. The sign on top read 'The Forge', though it was slightly hard to make out due to the dim lighting. As the only mechanic shop in the whole of Berk, it was quite popular to the local residents. I checked my watch.

9:47 p.m.

It's already past working hour and I hope he won't be mad. Mentally bracing myself, I walked up on the front porch and knocked on the door. I heard some rustling and barely concealed cursing, with some muffled footsteps before the door opened. And there stood Gobber, my old mentor and who I considered a second father.

He took one look at me and snorted, obviously mistaking me for a stranger. "Sorry, lad. Shop's closed." He started closing the door, but I shoved my foot between the gap, stopping him in his tracks.

His eyes snapped to my foot for a moment before he brought his gaze back to my face with a glare. I chuckled in mild amusement. You know that meme about how someone's face looks like when they're about to give the other a roast that will destroy the other's will to live? Well, that's what I'm feeling right now. Except for the destroying someone's will to live part, of course.

He was about to open his mouth, to shout obscenities at me, most likely, but I cut him off before he could. "Come on, Gobber. Can't an apprentice visit his teacher? I haven't grown that much that you can't recognize me, right?" I asked sarcastically.

I watched in glee as his jaw dropped and the mug of mead he was holding-don't know why he was holding one-fall to the floor. He stared at me wide-eyed in stunned silence for a few seconds, before charging at me to engulf me in a bone-crushing hug.

Now, imagine yourself as a Minecraft character, and you got hit with an falling anvil for the first time. You survived, and you felt lucky. Then you got hit from every sides by TNT cannons. Now, think about how that will feel in real life.

"Lad, where have ya been?! I missed you." My face is literally starting to turn blue by this point. "Gobber...can't...breathe!" I managed to gasp out.

He immediately released me. Oh god, my spine! Once I regained my breath, I gave him a smile, "May I come inside?" He grinned that familiar grin of his, "Of course you can, laddie. Come in, sit down."

He led me to a coffee table, and we both sat down at the couch opposite each other. I looked around, smiling as I recalled the fond memories of my time working here.

Gobber poured me a cup of tea, while he drank some beer. "So, lad. Why are ya here? Not that am not happy ya finally returned."

Hearing that, my face turned serious. I sipped some tea while I replied, "I want you to answer my questions truthfully, Gobber." He stared at me with wide eyes, probably because it's the first time seeing such an expression on me. I'll have to thank Toothless for teaching me that.

"You're welcome."

He nodded. "Have you heard of something called a Soulflask, Gobber?" I asked. This, apparently, took him off guard, as he literally spat out the beer he was drinking. Lucky for me, I managed to duck in time.

He coughed violently, before he stared at me in bewilderment. "How did ya know about that, lad?" I gave him a cocky grin, "So you do know."

"Aye. It was ya father's project." He narrowed his eyes. "What do ya want with it?"

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