Chapter 4

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The upstairs of the house was the messiest place in the house. There were seven rooms in all and most were bedrooms and bathrooms. Everything was clouded with dust and there wasn't one window in sight.

I walked down the hallway. The second floor was small but big at the same time with all the bedrooms and some useless storage rooms. I kept walking.

My brothers room was one of the biggest rooms in the house with two huge beds, three dressers and a big walk in closet. I might have been jealous but I wanted a window and having the only window in the house is a big thing.

I stepped out of there room and looked in the other rooms including my parents which held a bed that took up almost the whole space. If my mother and father were to adopt kids, we could totally fit them all in here.

I walked downstairs and headed into my room, looking out my window. In my opinion, this was the best room in the house.

I sat on my bed as I unzipped my backpack. The black gun clearly showed and I had an urge to just throw it into the woods and never see it again but I kept having thoughts. What if they were right? Could that picture really be real? Could that mist thing be real?

I kept looking out the window until I had a crazy thought. Just thinking can make you have crazy thoughts. I remembered when I first looked at the house that it seemed it had three stories. But there were only two. Or were there? My heart skipped a beat as I dashed outside without hesitation. It was cold out and the wind was getting stronger than before but I didn't really care.

I took a few steps back and inclined my head up to look up at my house. Definitely a third story. No way could a second story be that tall. I looked closer as I walked around the house. There were no windows but there was definitely something up there. "Why, why can't I just live a normal life in a normal house", I thought, dashing inside.

I spent the rest of my day inside my room, listening to my twins play upstairs and my parents talk from the other rooms as I paced around. Why was I so nervous? Was it what my friends had told me?

* * *

The next day at school I met up with them in lunch. Rocco, Devin, Clause and Mardin who literally almost all looked like each other in multiple ways sat with me. "So, uh, what did you do", Devin asked me as he sunk his teeth into a ham and cheese sandwich.

I don't know if I wanted to tell them or not. It would probably be best so I could just get it off my chest. "Well, this is gonna sound weird but I don't think my house has two stories. I went outside the other day and I noticed that it had three stories. Or I think."

"That's not possible", Devin muttered, leaning forward so nobody would hear us. "There's only two floors."

"Well when I checked it looked to be three." I shrugged and stuffed my cold nachos into my mouth. "Well. On Friday we explore then. That's tomorrow. Were gonna get everything we need and then where going to see if what you say Mason is correct."

I instantly regretted saying that. Now my friends are just going to barge into my house and decide to explore it. "No guys. You can't do that. I wont allow you. You can't just go into my house." Rocco squinted at me.

"Well do you want to get killed", Rocco asked.

"Listen, I don't believe your little skit your pulling here but whatever it is it needs to stop, like, now!" Devin sighed and causally took another bite.

"Fine Mason. Then we wont explore your house." I looked at the rest of my friends and noticed them exchange glances. "Thanks", I said with relief flowing through me.

I got off my bus at the end of the day and headed inside to my house after school. Like always, my mom waited for me by the front door.

"How was it", she asked me."

I shrugged. "Good I guess." I ducked under her arm and headed into my room.


I was warm and asleep with the blankets pulled over my head. I was dreaming I was flying through a city and everyone was worshipping me from below me with torches. I felt good until I woke up from the thump, thump, thump of walking noises. It was multiple of them and I heard our front door open very slowly. My heart stopped in place and I sat up, sweat flowing down me.

"Shh, quiet, don't let them here you", I could here Devin's voice from in the main room. Did my friends seriously just break into my house in the middle of the night? I unzipped my backpack and pulled out my gun. I quietly left my room and decided to follow them, careful not to make a sound.

My friend group headed upstairs and it was really dark so I could barely see anything. I walked up as softly and quietly as I could, keeping a distance from them as best as I could. That's when I made the mistake of walking too loudly. The stairs creaked below me and everyone of my friends pulled out their weapons from there blue backpacks they had on their backs.

Some were holding little slingshots. Some were holding clubs and knifes. "Guys, its me. Why the hell are you here", I whispered.

My friends froze. "Mason, just go back to sleep."

"Are you insane. You can't just break into my house! What the hell are you guys doing!!" I hoped that wasn't to loud. "Shh, keep your voice down. Where going to see if your right about your third floor."

"Guys, why are you taking this so seriously. This need to stop! I told you not to do this!"

"No, once you see, you'll believe me. Now if you wanna help then I would advise you come." I rolled my eyes and followed, slipping the gun into my pocket. My parents slept in the end room of the upstairs so we tried best to avoid it as we looked into the other rooms. This was gonna be super risky. We pulled shelves out and did everything.

While my friends were searching with there teeny little flashlights I walked down to the other side of the hallway. There was one more room we hadn't explored. I opened it and stepped inside to another bedroom. I've already been in this place from yesterday but I should still search it.

I began to do what my friends were doing, removing bookcases and shelves. I was about to give up. I was tired and afraid if my parents were to hear us or my twins. That would be a disaster. Everything was a disaster anyways now.

I leaned against the wall and I felt something move. I looked down and I noticed a little piece of the wall slightly broken. My heart skipped a beat and I peeled at the piece of wall about crawl through space. I pulled the piece of wall out and looked inside. My heart started thumping a million miles per hour when I saw the tunnel that probably lead to the third floor.

Hey guys. Thanks so much for reading my fourth chapter of Mystic Terrors. Please vote and comment.

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