Chapter 5

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I didn't want my friends knowing what I was doing. If they knew everything would have turned chaotic. I imagined all of us trying to squeeze through the tunnel at once. I made sure the door was locked and I walked over to the tunnel. I seemed endless when I looked through. Probably because it was really dark.

I squeezed myself through the confined space. I never had claustrophobia but when I it came to this I was worried. My heart thumped against my ribcage and my hands shook. My body was all the way inside now and pretty soon my friends would try to get through because they would think I was in here.

My flashlight barley helped but I could see a little bit so I started edging myself up through the tunnel inch by inch. I didn't know if I heard something but I could swear I heard my friends trying to open the door. Great. Now everybody was probably gonna wake up and we were all gonna have a happy family reunion.

I didn't know how long I was in the tunnel but it seemed like hours. What was I doing? Why was I volunteering to do this? I should be surprised that this was in my house but I wasn't the least bit surprised. I wanted to go back out of this freezing hell hole but I also wanted to see where this led.

I edged forward another inch and my arms touched wide air. I squeezed myself all the way through and I stood up in a pitch black room. My flashlight only showed some things. Like a chair and an over turned table. It looked like a storage room from what I could see.

Fear crowded inside of me but I let it pass. I wanted to see what was in here. I wanted to see if my friends were right about their stupid creature. I walked further inside the room. My flashlight flickered and dimmed. "Crap", I muttered. If my light went out I was screwed for life.

I looked around. It was a pretty big room with furniture everywhere, tipped over and ripped up. Great. I did all that for nothing just to see myself in a secret attic with furniture everywhere. I sighed and was just about to head back when I heard a small groan from behind me. My light started flickering like crazy and it went dark. My heart started thumping so hard I thought it would pop out of my ribcage.

I slowly turned around and came face to face with the mist creature I had seen in the picture. I pulled out my pistol and started shooting at it over and over again. The creature disappeared and I screamed like I never screamed before as I jumped inside the tunnel, crawling as fast as I could.

My arms bloodied from moving to fast but I didn't care. "Mason", I heard Devin scream. I fell out of the tunnel into the bedroom. My friends burst through the door with there weapons raised and my twins and parents behind them.

"We have to go. NOW", I screamed. I burst out the door with my family and friends following me with worried looks just as I had. "What happened", Rocco screamed.

"Ill explain later. We have to go as far away as possible." We burst outside into the night without bothering to put on our coats. My dad was already starting the car. We jumped inside and drove off into the cold night.

"Mason, WHAT IS HAPPENING", Olivia screamed.

"Just keep going", I muttered feeling every eye trained on me. We kept driving. That's when my father screamed. "Crap! What the hell is that", my father screamed staring at the rear view mirror. I looked up and I saw the mist creature behind us. "Gooooo", I screamed.

My father put all his weight on on the gas pedal and the car sped forward with a jolt. The mist creature groaned and started running. Fortunately, he wasn't that fast so we sped away from him. My father was sweating like crazy and my twins huddled together in the back seat. We sped down the lonely dark road with trees surrounding us.

"What was that. Tell me now Mason", my mother yelled.

"He, he was the person I saw upstairs." Everyone gasped. Devin's was the loudest.

"The, the third floor", Devin asked quietly. I nodded.

"Its just a storage floor but that might be where he lives. I'm so sorry I didn't believe you before Devin. I should've"

"Its fine. I didn't expect you to anyways." We kept driving and no one else asked questions. We pulled into a five story hotel. We all got out of the car and headed into the building as fast as we could. It was a big hotel with a huge fountain in the front. The receptionist desk was huge with a curly haired lady behind it typing on a computer.

"Uh, room for nine. If you have one", my mother said

"You'll have to do three separate rooms or if you guys just want to sleep on the floor", the lady said in a strong Australian accent.

"Ok, we'll do that." The lady eyed all my cuts on my bloodied arm and the looks of horror across my family and friends face. "Ok, here, room 236. You don't have to pay for everybody", she said, handing us the key. We walked into the elevator with opera music playing from up above.

"When we get in, right to bed", my mother said firmly. All of us agreed but I knew I wouldn't be able to sleep.

Inside, the hotel room had two big beds that my parents took up. The rest of us slept on the carpeted floor. It was uncomfortable but it was better than getting ripped up by a mist creature.

My father turned off the light and we fell asleep, cold and worried about what had happened tonight. I fell asleep and I didn't know how long I was asleep until I heard the loud screams that woke all of us up.

We jumped up and we all ran out the door into the hallway. Everything was dark and another scream sounded from in another second floor hallway. We started running and thick mist engulfed us. More and more screams could be heard and I saw the monster. Only there wasn't just one. There were hundreds.

Hey guys. Thanks so much for reading my fifth chapter of Mystic Terrors. Please vote and comment.

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