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After eating Mr. Lee came to us and asked if he could pull Joshua somewhere for a while. I let him because I don't see any reason to let Joshua stay with me throughout the night. It wasn't as if Joshua Hong is mine.

But it felt closely like that when our hands were entwined.

I slowly shook my head as I trailed them with my eyes until they were gone. And I was left alone. But it didn't last long.

As soon as Joshua was out of sight, girls started to come over to me to start a conversation. And I realized, they weren't so bad. They were actually nice. They're not like those insecure women I used to meet. Believe me, I know a bitch when I see one. And no one is among these ladies.

When they ask me about me, they mean it — they're interested to get to know me. Not to bullshit around me, or to get some juicy scoop. They don't try to be my best friend. When they asked me what I do for a living, besides being an 'heiress' — their term, not mine — I told them I work as a fashion designer.

"Then, can we get you as our designer?" Audrine asked a little excited. "If it's okay with you, of course."

"You and Sen haven't  found one yet??" Maurine asked Audrine, obviously worried.

I was a bit lost, and Celestine was kind enough to pitch me in. She explained to me about their friend's engagement, and Audrine was looking for a designer who can make her wedding gown for her. But they're having a hard time finding one since it's a bit costly and their budget won't fit in. Audrine was willing to use her mother's old wedding dress, but she's worried since it's for her eldest sister — a family tradition.

"Well, sure." I said with a firm voice. "I can make a dress for you. I'd be glad to."

I was fully aware that wedding gowns are not my area of expertise. I just do casual wears, dresses, and a whole collection of couture gowns every once in a while. But I kind of like to make one for her.

Audrine seemed very sweet and nice, and I'd hate it if they postpone their wedding just because they don't have the budget for a dress. I mean, it's a woman's dream — to get married to the love of her life in a princess white gown, and I'd like to give that dream to her.

"Really? You'll do it for me?" He eyes widened and sparkled at the same time.

"Without any charge. You can consider it as my gift."

She jumped and surprised me with a thrilled hug. "Thank you! Thank you!"

She was so excited she left us too fast so she could share the good news to her fiancée.

Maurine and the other five girls smiled at each other and looked at me like I have a freaking halo around my head.

"If only Triz was here, I'm sure she'll like you." Calli said that made the others agree. And I just smiled, even though I have no clue who that Triz was.

It was not until another fifteen minutes before the girls left me alone to breathe. When I was left alone again, guys started to smile at me and say hi. Others are even too shy to be right beside me.

I sighed and checked my phone for the time. It's already past eight and Joshua isn't back yet. I don't see him anywhere too. Maybe their inside Mr. Lee's house. And I don't see that girl either. Minkyung Lee. Where is she by the way? She could've snatched Joshua away if she was that into him. And I haven't seen her since we arrived here. Is she also inside?

I frowned at the sting beating inside my chest. Not this feeling again. I don't want to feel like this — as if someone would take Joshua away from me. God, this was getting way more disturbing than I thought.

BOOK 4: The Seventeen Heirs Series; Hong Jisoo (SEVENTEEN FANFIC)Where stories live. Discover now