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Where did Mia Kazzandra learn to lie like this?

Even if each second her heart is breaking, she still kept on smiling.

She really does have to do what Irene wanted her to do. Joshua will be safer at Romania more that here.

She realized all of it when she visited her brothers and she watched how her niece and nephew smiles at her.

She will do it because she loves Joshua and her family.

She was the one who decided to meet him after agreeing with her brother's deal. She was the one who decided to be so close to him and most especially she was also the one who decided to love him with all that she can. And if she has to sacrifice just for him, she will do anything even if it would cause it her own happiness.

Kazzandra knew nothing is permanent in this world. She's not even planning her future for him. She just wants him in it but with what's happening now, she doubts it would still happen.

She jumped when a car horn suddenly blasted behind her.

She looked at the car and it was a silver Lamborghini that has tinted glasses and she can't see whose inside. She was about to walk away when the window on the driver seat rolled down only to see Jimin grinning at her.

"I thought I just saw the wrong person." He said as he got out of the car. She was sitting at the Empire's gate, letting time pass when Jimin saw her.

"How do you know it's me?" She asked.

"Of course, you're not just someone to me, Kazzandra. You're a friend." He said and opened the passenger's seat for her.

When she was settled in, Jimin started the car engine.

"We were looking for you since this morning. Even Jisoo Hyung is looking for you. "

She gulped and sighed after. "Joshua's there?"

Jimin nodded and turned to me as he drove to the Empire's private road. "You really didn't tell anyone today's your birthday? Even Jisoo Hyung didn't know and when I suddenly mention it, I felt like he's so close to punching me but he didn't say anything instead he just walked out."

Kazzandra doesn't really find her birthday special, so it's fine if he'll not know about it. But based on what just Jimin said, sure, Joshua Hong is damn mad.

He's mad and that's good for her. She'll have more reasons to make things easier. She shook her head when she remembered something.

Just last week, Joshua got mad at her too when she ditched him, and he walked out too but in the end, he still ended up with her. He's mad at her but he can't stay away, he will never stay away. Joshua Hong is too attached and she has to find a way to break that.

"Can we take a detour and not go back to the empire just yet?"

Kazzandra saw how surprise flashed through Jimin's eyes even if he didn't look at her.

"Okay . . . What do you want me to do?" He asked.

She shrugged and stayed quiet for a while as Jimin drive her to Myeongdong.

"Let's go there." She pointed at the small arcade shop and Jimin just nodded at her, parking his car near the shop. The two of them went out and he pulled her by her waist and whispered something.

"I don't know what's going on with you but I can sense something's wrong, and I have a feeling that you don't want to tell me so I won't ask you now since it's you day." He whispered as they entered the arcade shop.

They played all the machines even the most childish game and it freshened her a little. This are one of those times she'll be thankful she met and became friends with the famous Idol and dancer, Park Jimin.

BOOK 4: The Seventeen Heirs Series; Hong Jisoo (SEVENTEEN FANFIC)Where stories live. Discover now