24; WHIM

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I immediately moved between the three men. "Easy, boys." I said as I looked at each one of them.

PJ moved slightly with a note of hesitancy, but Takashi didn't budge and it quite irritated me. I can't believe how they could go against someone they've been working for years now and even a friend of theirs. Takashi seems to be loyal to the one who asks for his service. These siblings just like to meddle into each other's lives. It's not even my house, so they're not entitled to be in a state of defense here.

"Takashi." I said, infusing a warning tone in my voice. It seems like he understood what I meant when he loosen up a little.

I felt the force of Joshua's anger upon seeing his unsmiling, hard face and guilt pinched my chest once his stone cold eyes settled on me. He's very angry and displeased by this, but he's still trying control himself. I could see it clearly through his clenched jaw and his palms now balled into fists.

I thought Takashi and PJ were big guys. But looking at them right now as they stare at Joshua with animosity, it's like I'm watching two wolves fighting against a beast — a wild looking beast.

For a doctor, Joshua owned a body of a warrior. He seemed to be much stronger and bigger than both of them, even though they all share the same built and height. It's just Joshua, I guess, for possessing that kind of prominent facial features mixed with his personal allure and strength.

Now that I'm seeing him in this state, I suddenly recognized that menacing shadow hanging around him that gives instant fear to everyone who looks at him — that kind of fear I felt at that time I first met him.

Maybe this is the reason Takashi, PJ." I patted their shoulders. I have to meddle in between before things go out of hand. "It's just Joshua."

They retreated from their defensive stance and relaxed a little bit, but their alertness was still tangible. I know they're just doing their job as a bodyguard and they're acting purely for what they were trained for. But there's no need for them to be protective. I'm not in danger.

I looked at Joshua shyly. I'm just so embarrassed and guilty at the same time. "I'm sorry, I —"

"So you've been ordered by my brothers?" He cut me off swiftly, his mouth barely moving. "I didn't know I'm considered as a dangerous person now."

"It's not like that —" I tried explaining, but Takashi hurriedly blocked my way as I try to reach for Joshua.

Concern swarmed me when I saw how Joshua's lips flattened unforgivably because of it, that's why I can't stop myself from shoving Takashi's arm.

"What are you doing?" I hissed, glaring at his belligerent face.

What are they doing, really?! They're really going against Joshua inside his own mansion! And Joshua didn't even back down. In fact, his rigid face turned dangerously predatory.

I don't know what to do if this will turn into a bloody fight. But I'm pretty sure I would sinisterly pay a visit those people who ordered them to be here if that happens.

This is all Jeonghan and Soonyoung's fault, dammit!

I thought they'd be still in that position for a while, but for some reason, Joshua chose to turn away first — in silent anger. He left us inside his laundry area. He's so intensely mad I think I could see his rage trailing behind him.

"Stay here." I said to them when I heard the laundry room's door closed. "You can finish up here. I'll just talk to him."

Takashi looked like he was going to stop me but I just narrowed my eyes on him in warning. "Try following me and I'll be damn sure I'll pay those people who ordered you a bloody visit." I threatened — and I wasn't kidding. "You two, don't do anything stupid."

BOOK 4: The Seventeen Heirs Series; Hong Jisoo (SEVENTEEN FANFIC)Where stories live. Discover now