3. Cool Kid

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She is '64 liner, now 55 yo. But she has fifteen or even fifth years old soul inside her exquisite yet chic aura (yes she is the aeonian dan best definition of beauty for me, absolute). She is a cool kid and the embodiment of swag. The mixture of hippie, punk, and conservative woman in a positive way.

She growth the mindset that folks are your best-pal-forever, there is no structural hierarchy in our fam. She enriches our eleutheromania mind by breaking the honorific rule in our way of speaking. I and my sister even call her in a lot of funny yet random nicknames base on our mood in a day, and vice versa. The Latino role, KPop idol, Thai actor/actress, Western superstar, pet, archaic Javanese's name or mix. We also describe our chemistry by series of skinship like kicking/slapping the ass, stroking our tousled hair, pulling our hair out, and tickling our waist. But deep inside our heart, we know that we connect and treat others with boundless affection. In certain case, we still show the attitude in order not being seditious children despite that barbarian behaviour or that pinch of brazen attitude. Because all that Eastern culture and Muslim precept still and always flowing in our blood. We are a tight-knit family.

In my humble opinion, she is honest, bold, and undeliberately yet effortlessly funny. She always expresses what's on her mind and heart. Just like a kid. Yes, older she gets more childish she is. She never tired to throw nonsense yet corny and super lame dad jokes. Speaks unimportant thing repeatedly. And always get a random craving for ice cream and chocolate, mostly at night. She also fancies in late-night-snack of chips or instant noodle. She also put that innocent cat face as a gentle-begging-code when I or my sister enjoy our junk food or childish yet full of MSG snack or sweets.

 She also put that innocent cat face as a gentle-begging-code when I or my sister enjoy our junk food or childish yet full of MSG snack or sweets

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We are rare to show our affection by words. It's almost never. Even if we undeliberately say it, we make it up by cracking a silly-joke. We also don't say it in the Holy Day like Eid Al Fitr, when children suppose to apologize by saying it while squat, bow your head down to her knee, and grasp her hand. For us, it is too cheesy. We are bonded by emotions and moments. We synchronized by an identical frequency that allows us for being sentimental about past or memory. Sometimes my mother recalls my childhood memory and then she will shed a few tears. Weeps and weeps. And of course, it triggered me to do so.

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