For your good christian minecraft server

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    "Look, Kuroo, we need to talk." Tamaki started.

    The rest of the club were all sitting around a large oval table, similar to the ones you sit at in meetings; also the rest of the room was dark, for no apparent reason. The twins dragged me to the table. I was placed at the head of the table, with the windows behind me whilst His Majesty sat on the opposite. I raised an eyebrow at them because whatever happens afterwards will most certainly get weird. At least I could jump the window if things get too... weird? I don't know the word for it, and neither does the author. Honestly, I don't think that a word even exists to describe shit like this.

    "About..." I slightly raised my voice at the end of it signalling that it was a question.

    "Well, me and the other hosts have been discussing this but I think we need to fix your... habit."

    "Which habit? Which one are you talking about. And Megane-kun, did you arrange this?"

"Actually, no. The whole club agreed to this."

That's when my brain decided that it was a great time to assume shit and descend into (gay) panic.

Could it be that I secretly find Mori-senpai hot and stare at him sometimes? But don't we all? I still remember that time I said that I'm not gay? I'm bisexual but never mind that. It was just the spur of the moment. I'm sorry if I stare a sometimes—ok maybe a lot but still. Seriously, the real question should be, who doesn't find him hot? Petition to start a go-fund me so I can suck his di—[A/N: Kuroo, you kinky bastard, NO].

Ow. Author, I'm sorry please don't hurt me. Even though the aftermath between me and senpai would hurt mo—[A/N: If yoU DoN'T. I wILL]—Oya, oya... that's kinky—[A/N: you're the kinky one so ShUT]

[A/N: Apologies, we were experiencing some technical *cough cough* difficulties, the story will resume as usual now ;)]

Thanks a lot, Author. [A/N: what did I say about the fourth wall again? :)] Honestly, I never thought a smiley face could get so scary. [A/N: Kuroo.] I was anxious as fuck. They was so goddamned vague—how the hell was I supposed to get anything from it?

    "To be specific your..." He looked so... lost. That was of course, until Kyouya whispered something in his ear. "...explicit language"

    "...Oh. That habit."

    I mentally sighed. Honestly, I don't even know how I got to this point. I guess I heard it when I was younger and just picked it up or something and now I curse like a goddamned sailor—see what I mean? Although the harsh reality, is that I'm not going to stop anytime soon.

    "What about it?"

    "Well... we as a club, think it might be a little... excessive"

    "Excessive? Ha. You should meet my mom." I scoffed. I never really liked talking about her but sometimes, I don't really mind.

"But Kuroo, What about honey-senpai?" Incest 1 stated.

"He doesn't need this." Incest 2 finished.

"He's a fucking 3rd year and a master at martial arts. I am pretty damn sure he can take care of himself."

    "You do know that it could decrease your reputation, and not just as a host, right?"

    "Yeah, well no shit Sherlock. At least I have enough common sense to know when to not do things, unlike Blondie here."

    "I'm offended."

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