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"Wh... Why didn't you tell me?" Bertoldt coughs as he just stares into my eyes.

"There was no other time."

He slumps over into my lap, his head on my chest and lets out a little whimper. "I didn't know you felt that way." I wrap my arm around his shoulder and grab his hand, entwining my fingers with his. With the deal of strength I could muster, I gently place my chin onto his soft black hair, and he responds with a slight squeeze of my hand. Before I knew it, the world was spinning until all I could see was a dizzying black.


"Rise and shine brat. Get your sorry ass out of bed"

I rub my eyes and sit up in a daze. Where am I? Last I remember I was in a field with Bertoldt, outside the wall. Was that a dream??

"I bet you're wondering why you're here" the low voice continous, seeming like he read my mind. "We found you and that tall freak cowering under your skin inside Wall Maria. You were completely uncontious, so we brought you and him back."

Removing my hands from my eyes reveals Levi, the captian of my leading squad. Out of instinct, I throw my hand to my heart and mutter "sir"

Levi just simply rolls his narrowed eyes and growls something under his breath that I can't catch. No matter what circumstance I always look up to Levi, and respect him with all of my being. I personally know what he's been through first-hand. Him and Bertoldt have been the only two who would have respected my background.

Suddenly, like remembering my own name, it all floods back to me.

"Wheres Bertoldt?" I ask, my voice containing alot more bitterness than I expected.

"Easy there freakshow" Levi spat "he's in custody. A trial will be held soon on him. Alot more people than you think saw what happened with him. And alot more people saw you and him do whatever the hell you thought you were doing out there. Damn rookies never know when to act."

I knew I should be offended, but I wasn't. I was enraged.

"In custody? You mean he has to go through trial? Like Eren did? You can't be serious."

"Oh but we are brat" Levi scowled, "he can't get away with what he's done without a good fight, got it?"

My mind was in a whirl of thoughts and confusion and I could only process one thing straight.

No matter what, I can't let Bertoldt die in the hands of the Military Police.

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