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I didn't know what do say, I was shocked by Levi's response. But a small "wha" escapes my lips.

Levi sighs and sits down at his desk. "I'm sure you know what I mean by that" he mutters.

I shake my head slowly, begging him with my eyes to explain. He got the message.
" they tried to keep the truth from me" he began, an odd tone to his eyes, "but I figured out fast. After me, Furlan, and Isabel were taken into the hands of the Survey Corps because they beleived we had potential, the military Police began pulling teenagers from the underground every three years to become soldiers. Almost all of them grew a hatred over the people above ground for making them separate from their fanilies and forcing them to train. Because of that the project dwindled down to a job for the Black Market, so the other soldiers would never know who was from where. The marketed trainees would never actually state the uderground to the commander, so their homeland remained a secret. Only one of those soldiers was recruited these three years, and that was you. I came from the underground with Furlan and Isabel, and you're from there too. That means every time I see you, I see them. It would hurt too much to get rid of that."
Levi ended and looked into my eyes, a small glint of emotion spreading across his face. I had never seen Levi like this, but I didn't know what to be more surprised about, the fact that he knew my background or the fact I mean something to him.

"I really mean that much to you?" I ask, my voice cracking a slight bit.
"I wouldn't have told you that story if you didn't" he said. His voice didn't have an edge to it this time, and I appreciated that. I never knew Levi had this side to him, but I didn't mind.

"You better get back to your dorm, or you'll miss dinner. Don't want that do you" he informs me, the edge slowly coming back into his voice.

'Oh yes! Of course! Thank you S-Levi!" I yell as I shuffle out the door, soluting quickly. A small 'huh' escapes his mouth as he pushes back his chair after I left and lets his mouth form a tiny smile.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 05, 2014 ⏰

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