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"B...... Bertoldt?"

That was all that escapes my mouth, my jaw is glued open. What did they just do?

Bertoldt's body is lifeless, blood dripping rythmically off his head. The culprit of this disaster?



Having stolen the gun from an MP officer, Reiner Braun- member of the 104th training corps- shoots suspect Bertoldt Fubar in the head. The victim is still alive, but hanging on a lifeline. He is said to be well in a month with proper medication. After healing, he is to be in the hands of the Survey Corps.

I crumple up the newspaper in disgust. How could they show this? Throwing the paper into a bin, I walk to my dorm in a blur. The past few days have been a blur entirely. Ever since Bertoldt was shot I hadn't cared. about everything else. Knowing he'd heal, he would be ok in another day or two. But I still couldn't stop worrying about him.

"Hey. Where the hell are you going"
Captian Levi was standing with arms crossed, leaning slightly on the wall behind him, "aren't you supposed to be working"

"Sir" I chant, placing my hand on my chest, "I'm heading to the dorm"

"Tch. Don't call me sir. I have a name you know. It's Levi in case you forgot"

Shocked, I slowly step back "S-Levi? You're allowing me to call you by your first name?"

"Well my name's not Jean for all I know" he snapped, "yes call me Levi. Damn brat that's an order."

"Yes Levi" I smile, trying to lighten the mood. "You know that suits you alot better than sir"

"I've noticed" he says, with the slightest hint of a smile. Seeing him smile was something that's never happened, so I just stare. "You getting to that dorm or what?"

Not realizing his smile faded rather fast, I looked around extrememly fast, causing my layered hair strands to cover my face "ah yea! I almost forgot SiLevi, I'll get going now"

I rush off with the last words I hear being "SiLevi? Heh"


Creaking open the wooden door to Bertoldt's room, I tiptoe inside. I feel bad for lying to Levi, but I wanted to see him.
Bertoldt was lying on his back, his eyes closed. His head was heavily bandaged with a red stained bandana. I thought he was asleep, but he was quite awake- scaring me to death when he opens a crimson eye. His once beautiful eyes were now a deep shade of blood red, probably a sidesymptom of his healing.

"Azalea?" He murmers. His eyebrows were raised a bit, despite the bandana wrapped very tightly. "Why are you here?"

"I wanted to visit you" I whisper "I wante-"


Huh? "Bertoldt? What's wrong?"

"No! Get out!" His eyes became darker as he scowls, his voice ripping through my chest. He begins to sit up, as if he wants to physically usher me out. Suddenly he takes a deep breath with an unhalting glare "Just get out"

Without saying anything, I leave. In the same emotions as the day I admitted my feelings towards him, I leave as fast as I can. I feel like such an idiot, trying to help him now.

Surprise surprise, I run into Levi once again.

"Hey watch it brat" he mutters, just then realizing who crashed into him, "are you always on a set course to run into me?"

"I guess so" I say, scratching my head. A single tear falls from my eye and I try to hide it.

Too late.

"Hey what's the matter rookie" he asks, although his tone sounds far from a question, "get into a fight with the girls in the dorm?"

"No, it's not that, I-" should I tell him?for all I know he would just be upset with me. I guess it's worth the shot.

"I-uh-I didn't go to te girl's dorm. I-I went to see Bertoldt." I stutter. Smooth

Levi sinply raises an eyebrow and stifles out a "huh". Relaxing his shoulders on the wall behind him, he looks me in the eye. "You must have alot of respect for this guy don't you" he asks. His voice is different than before. Flat and almost lifeless.

"Uh yeah I guess?" I respond healf-heartedly. Why was he acting this way?

Then, Levi grabs the collar of my shirt and pulls me close to his face with a cold glare. His face was so close to mine I could feel his warm breaths. As if it happened in a fraction of a moment he pushes me away with a 'tch'. "Then cut the act damn rookie" he spat.
Before I could say anything else he was gone.

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