Hikaru Hitachiin Love Story ch.1

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As your walking down the hallways of your new school,you can't help but think you'll never fit in here considering you entered on scholarship."Where's the damn office" you say under your breath the acadamy is huge enormus light pink hallways and beautiful diamond chandalers.Rich people places,and you being a natural born commoner you were intended to be never experienced this type of luxury.You are walking down a random hallway attempting to find the office and utterly failing,as somebody brushes past you,your pushed into a door.As it slightly opens you walk into the room,stumbling a bit from that stranger in the hall.Rose petals come flying from nowhere,you try to brush them out of your hair but,when you open your eyes you on all fours with your papers and textbooks sprawled on the marble tiles "Are you ok?" you hear a voice above you as you look up you see a tall,blonde haired and blue eyed boy,he offers you his hand you take it slowly "Welcome,to the Ouran HIgh School Host Club" you hear two voices behind you talking in unison.Turning around oyu see they are twins both holding a red rose softly in their hands,they were charming."I am ok,to tell you the least,and thanks for weloming me to the host clu-what?" you raise an eyebrow at the twins "I'm Hikaru" "And I'm Kaoru" you didnt know which was which,you eyed them up and down.Their Hair!.Hikaru parted his hair on the left Kaoru parted his hair on the right "I'm Akira" you said staring at Hikaru,he was hot and you knew it.They were identical but the way Hikaru came acroos a bit more mischevious made him irrisistable."Yes,i'm Tamaki and this is Ouran's private host club i'm assuming you are new here?" he looked very friendly "I am new,I was looking for the office when I felt someone push me,I didn't mean to bother any of you" looking past Tamaki's shoulder you see three more boys.One of them is short with blonde hair,big brown eyes and is hugging a-a..bunny rabbit?.Next to him, a tall boy with dark black hair  and oddly colored eyes he seems to be protecting the shorter boy with an arm at his shoulder,the other boy with dark hair and glasses was writing something on a clipboard "Are you going to talk or stare off into space?" you heard a voice snapping you out of your trance.It was Hikaru.You noticed the twins had odd colored hair,it was a dark dirty blonde and auburn at the same time with striking gold eyes "Oh yeah sorry" noticing your books still lying on the tile you walk over and pick them up,as you are doing this two freshly polished loafers appear in front of you your looking up with your long curly hair in your eyes.It's clipboard boy."I am Kyoya Otori" he says never making eye contact with you "You are Akira Susaki,16 years old,your a 1st year and here on scholarship,you live with your mother and younger sister your parens are divorced and you are a skilled player of the violin,interesting" you are stunned by all the information he has gathered about you while only meeting 10 seconds ago "Uh-huh" you nod while getting up neeer losing grasp of your books."Your also in a class with the twins right about now" you stare at your watch and realize its been almost in hour and you have to be in first period right about now "Really then why am I here I have to get to class and so do they,dont they have to be in class?" at this point you are shocked that you spent this much time here "The school says they twins are excused from 1 class a day,since you are new and this is such a large academy they brush it off for the first week after that you have no more chances to be late" you hear footsteps coming up behind you "Hi!" "I'm Honey!" it's the short boy you observed earlier "I'm Mori" It's the taller one he seemed very reserved "Looks like you've met the whole club,now down to buisness" Tamaki was walking over to you lustfully,it was very alluring "Buisness?" you question him "Now tell me what kind of guys your into!" "What kind of guys i'm into!?" your shocked by his question yet half expected this considering it's a host club."do you like the strong,silent type?" turning you toward Mori "The boy lolita type" turning your chin at Honey "How about the mischevous type?" your books fell out of your hand as he gently pushed you toward the twins,I falling into  Kaoru's arms but making eye contact with Hikaru "What about the cool type?" this broke you from the trance that was his eyes,Tamaki was pointing at Kyoya.He pulled you out of Kaoru's grasp and pulled you into his chest,with his hand on your waist and the other intertwined in yours looking you dead in the eyes "Or are you into a guy like me?" "Umm..I was just looking...fo-" your voice trailed off as his eyes dominated yours,he knew he won but you was still hung on the twins.You hear people behind you,pulling you out of Tamaki's somewhat caring arms "We wont dissapoint" you hear Kaoru say this as Hikaru turns you around to face him "Having two loves is better than one isnt it?" "It's a young women's romantic fantasy"  you were intertwined in both their body's.Their arms around you waist and shoulders,you couldnt get out of their hold,and you didnt want to."Give a girl some space,boys" Kyoya pulled you out of them you were about to scream out that you wanted to be held a while longer yet,you held back your urges."Come on" Hikaru says while Kaoru gives your books back to you "We'll lead you to the class you have with us" he finishes the sentence for Hikaru.You were leaving the room with Kaoru holding the door open as you walk past with the other twin at your side "Let's see your schedule" Hikaru pulls it out of your hands."You have 4 classes with us and 1 class with the Boss" he said giving you your paper back to you "The Boss" you say confused while taking your paper out of his hand.Your fingers brushed each others."The Boss is Tamaki" you direct your attention at Kaoru "He is the biggest hit with the ladies at the club,since your in his class your in advanced algebra I see" "Yeah,I am" Hikaru holds a door open for you as you three walk into class.15 minutes left to spare.When the twins enter you see jealous looks from some girls,you see dreamy looks on others,the boys are sighing and looking away rolling their eyes.Hikaru and Kaoru take their seats,an arm pushes you up to the front of the class "This is our new student!" she says with a giddy expression plastered across her face."Her name is Akria Susaki,I see some of you noticed her when she walked in...with them" she rolled her eyes at the twins.I let out a quiet giggle as they boys snickered in the back of the room "OK,I will let you sit with the tiwns so you are by people you know,right at the desk inbetween them".As you take your seat you hear someone tap the back of your chair you turn your attention from the board toward Hikaru.He slips a note onto your knee.

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