Ch.7 - Etch-A-Sketch

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Akria's P.O.V~

  I woke up to a bright light being shined into my face. My hnad went upwards to cover my eyes. A groan escaped my lips as I heard a door open. The Host Club walked in, bosting sweets and trinkets of many kinds. 

   "Really, you ust eat if you wish to stay alive, i'm assuimg you know this, Akira?" Kyoya spoke drearily. I nodded, a bit tired and consfused to speak. 

  "Have some chocolate, Kira-chan, it'll make you feel better!" Honey shouted, pushing a green and pink box onto my lap. He gave a thumbs up and a huge grin, I returned the smile.

   "Well, are you going to talk?" The twins said, quite bluntly. I laughed and relpied. "Yeah, I'm just tired."

   Tamaki walked towards my bedside and handed me a box, instructing me to open the package. I did so and stared blankly at his face, he just grinned and pointed to it happily. "Do you know what that is?!"

  "It's an etch-a-sketch." He crossed his arms with a 'hmph' and got all cheery once more. 

"Anyways, it's a toy mainly used by commoners and it's super fun," he smiled "I wanted to give it to you." I nodded and thanked him. "Well, since you're tired, we'll let you get some rest!" 

  Before they left, Mori gave me an awkward hug, the twins got me stuffed animals and my favourite mangas. I thanked them all once more, then I was alone again. My hands wandered towards the Vampire Knight manga as silence fell over the room. 

Tamaki's P.O.V~

  We all sat in stillness in the music room. I sighed and planted my head on my hands. My eyes had started to wander around the room. Nori was watching Honey, quietly. The twins were playing some board game, quietly. The Shadow King was in his usual corner, quietly. 

  It was quite boring with nobody here, without Akira here. I want my little girl back! I fell back on the couch squirming a bit on the velvet couch just thinking about her. 

   "You okay, Boss?" Kaoru said, appearing in front if me. I attempted to nod. "Ya' sure?" Hikaru asked. "Y-Yes, I'm sure."  I stood up at pointed at the boys.

"Tomorrow, we musn't be affected by the situations that have taken place! We will operate as usual, got it?!" They all, by all I mean the twins and Honey, saluted me.

  Just because something happened that we have no control over doesn't  mean we should stop our services....That's not what the Host Club is made of.

Hikaru's p.o.v ~ 3 days later

I could feel my heart racign and my palms sweating. I wasn't nervous, psh, how could I be nervous. Okay, I'm nervous. Today, I will just ask her. My anger and Jealousy won't affect my determination. I pushed the door open and saw Akira reading the Fairy Tail manga we got her. She smiled and marked her place in the book, motioning for me to come closer. 


    After we had talked for a while, about school, the club, cake...I stopped her and decided I should stop avoiding the subject and finally ask her.

"Akira?," She nodded for me to continue, "will you go on a date with me?"

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⏰ Last updated: May 03, 2013 ⏰

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