Hikaru Hitachiin Love Story ch.2

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You stared at the slip he gave you,you felt it through the fabric on your bright yellow dress.You looked at him with a 'should I trust you look'.He just nods down,you see another note of paper on your knee Kaoru taps your shoulder and whispers to you "Read them".You nod.You take Hikaru's note first,this is written on it.

We just met but me and Kaoru both know the same thing,and he will say the exact same to you as well,we were wondering since you are in advanced math if you could come over to our house later tonight and you could help us with out homework considering we are bound to get some.

You smile at his offer,out of the corner of your eye you see him smiling to himself,looking at the professer in the front of the room.You continue your train of thought you realize Kaoru might ask the same thing,You tap the back of his chair,he turns to you "yeah?" Kaoru turns his eyes toward you "I will come over,just saying" you say this in direction to him but never face him.You hear Hikaru silently say 'yes' to himelf,even though he tried to hide it,you pretend you dont hear him and write another note.

---After School,at the front garden----

As you were about to walk out of the academy's front garden gates you hear someone speak behind you,te voice was unfamiliar,and it was ovbious that it was not one of the boys you met earlier.But it was a girl."She walked into class like she was all that" one of them snickered,who are they talking about?."I know right" the other one laughs to herself "Just because she walked in with the Hitachiiin twins does not mean she can be a total snob about it,she could have the decency to pass notes to them out of class" Realizing..they were talking about you,at this point your sort of turning your head and get a glance at the girls talking they were looking down knowing you heard them,they were the two girls with long brown hair sitting at the front.You remember looking at them for a spilt second as they rolled their eyes at you.When you look forward once more,you bump into somebody "Oh sorr-Hey!" It was Tamaki "I noticed you were in my algebra class your in advanced math?" the tow of you started walking together,you heard the girls behind you talking with a jealous hint in their voice once more."Oh yep,i'm in advanced math,I was actually on my way to Hikaru and Kaoru's house to help them with their homework" he stopped dead in his tracks and looked down,you did the same but only looked down to try and regain eye contact with him "Why are you hanging out with those shady twins?" he says your shocked by this "Like you  have room to talk,Boss" you hear Hikaru say this as the boys walk up to you."Look,Tamaki it's just math nothing serious" your patting him on the back yet continue walking with the three of them.He soon responds to the words of comfort you are forced to give him."Well,here's my ride I'll see you tomorrow then" he never made eye contact with you,this somewhat hurt inside being slightly ignored by someone you thought could be your friend."Come one the car's right over here" Kaoru says this while puttin his hand on your lower back,leading you to the car.You sit in between the two of them,they made jokes,would make you giggle non-stop and asked you more questions about your self.When they pulled up the seemingly large,circular driveway.Their driver opened the door and a women,who you assumed was their mother,they has the same coloered skin and hair."Kaoru HIkaru welcome ho-who's this little lady?" she says walking toward you.She circles you as the twins repeat phrases such as  "She's a friend" "She's helping with homework" "We are not a couple" so on and so fourth."I approve of you,missy!" she turns around and walks over to her sons with a grin on "So..what's her name?" "Akira Susaki" they both say at the same time."OK,I'll leave you guys to your math,but do it in your room,the floors are being polished today and they are done with your room,so it wont be slippery walking up there,be careful up the stairs boys!" she shouts walking into the HUGE mansion."OK,follow us inside" Hikaru comes toward you as two tall men open the doors to the front and reveal the marble floors,chandalers,grand stair cases going up each side and red velvet chairs around a table with the prettiest flowers you have ever seen."Woah.." is all you can say.They lead you to the huge staircase on the left,as your walking Kaoru has his arm around your shoulder and Hikaru has a somewhat protective arm around your waist.You hear their mom walk through the foyer "Keep your hands to your self boys" they dont listen and we continue wlaking.Just inches before the first step you slip on floor polish.Your books fall on the floor as you scream,then your face is against someone's chest as you can hear their heart beat through the shirt's material,you look up to see Kaoru smiling at you,you return the smile."OK,Let's keep it going you to" Hikaru hands your books back to you."Thanks" you say taking them,their grasp tightens against your skin,espesiaclly Hikaru's you felt like he cared about you but made remarks that seemed to change your mind every time,Kaoru on the other hand was very polite,and did not come off that mischevious as Hikaru but still had a hint of it inside of him,and you knew it.As you three entered their room,it was expectingly big,a king sized bed with a white satin duvjet over the ivory sheets,white stripped walls with a hge white furry rug and a door in the corner of the room leading to a seeminly big bathroom,according to the mirror that you saw threw the door."Well,what's first?" Kaoru said while closing the door shut "I dont know what you guys have for homework,show it to me" HIkaru pulla textbook and a notebook out of his bag you open up to the marked page and scan it over quite fast but carefully enough to understand what it was they were studying."I see..You need help with this?" Kaoru sits next to you,Hikaru is resting his head in the palm of his head as he glanced to you from the side.This made you blush.He luaghed under his breath as he knew he drove you crazy.

----3 hours later---

After hours of explaining why this formula cant be used on 17,Hikaru was staring at you like you were crazy cause you knew this stuff,Kaoru surprisingly got it on the first try,yet you had no problem spending more timw with Hikaru.Then you heard a knock on the door "Come in!" The twins shout in unison.You see a maid walk in with a tray of 3 tea cups and some desserts for all of you "I thought you children were in need of a tea break!" she joyfully says while setting the tray down in front of me and Hikaru,Kaoru comes over and sits on the floor with you two "Thank you so much" you say amazed at the expensive desserts it would take you months to earn at home,HIkaru and your hands went for the teapot at the same time your hands touching,you look away and blush taking you hand away offering it to him.You suddenly hear your tea cup rattle on it's saucer,He was puring it for you.

---Hikaru's P.O.V---

It was cute the was she blushed when her hands met,I hear Kaoru whisper in my ear "Pour some for her,she'll like it trust me on this one" I nodded,puring the tes in her cup,she looked up and let out a slight smile."Thanks Hikaru" when we made eye contact,there was this little twinkle you just could not miss no matter what.I heard my mobile ring across the room."Kaoru can you get that?" he was already walking toward the bed,picking up my phone "Hello?" he says both me and Akria get up from laying on our stomachs to sitting down facing Kaoru's back.We exchanged looks."Yeah,I understand,she'll be right there".She had a concered look pasted on her face."Well,Akira has to go...and we didnt even finish studying together"he whined "Together?" she says getting up "You were sitting in the corner doing it on your own like you didnt want help,but besides that..." trailing her sentence into the silence that had just filled the room.We lead her outside,when we were in the car taking Akira home,before she got out of the car Kaoru whispered something in her ear "OK" is all she replied with.I started to feel that spark in me.Jealousy.I felt he tried to talk her up.I remained silent the entire ride home.Until,we got inside our room "What did you say to,Akira?" Kaoru looks up "I asked...

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