Hikaru Hitachiin Love Story ch.3

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--Kaoru's P.O.V---

 "I asked her..."my voice trailed off I didnt want to tell Hikaru a lie,he was my brother how could I cause him that kind of pain? "Asked her what,Kaoru?" he started getting a jealous tone in his voice."I asked her if she wanted to eat lunch with us tomorrow,and if she could hang out sometime" he raised an eyebrow at me "i'm telling the truth" he looked down "I thought you were lying,I'm sorry" I ran over to him  and grabbed his shoulders so he would face me "I could never lie to you,the pain isnt worth it" he hugged me and I could smell his hair products.I felt much better sleeping knowing he trusts me,honest.

---The Next Day----Your P.O.V---

I walked into school as I walked down the halls with Tamaki and Kyoya at my side,I recevied jealous looks from every girl in that place,I felt powerful as I smirked to myself."Are you still sitting with me today?" I hear this from behind me and turn around to see Hikaru and Kaoru "Of course".Walking with the four of them got girls even angrier I heard them saying "I hate her" which kind of hurt me but I brushed it off "I wish i was her" is something else that was going around,Tamaki put his arm around my shoulder and smiled down at me.I decided to get closer to him as I felt his body heat against mine.I looked over past Kyoya who was calculating something for the club...Usual.Hikaru looked at Tamaki and I with a disgusted look on his face and looked away when we made contact.I pulled away from his warm body "Why did you go?" he says.I look up while were walking.Hikaru and Kaoru came up behind me Hikaru making mor distance from me and Tamaki,he put his hand on my waist and pulled my closer Kaoru did the same,girls were now rolling their eyes and walking away."Keep your hands to your self Suou" Hikaru snickered.I had to admit,it felt weird having guys fight over me,but whatever I guessed it was a way to get girls jealous and therefore they could attract more customers because so many girls will be fighting for their attention."Now boys remember she's a human being to" Kyoya fixated his gaze at the twins "She must be handled with care" HIkaru rolled his eyes along with Kaoru "See you later Senpai" the twins said in unison.We all wlaked into class the girls with long brown hair stared at me,mouths open,eyes narrowed.They knew they wanted to be me and I knew it too."I see you made friends with the twins" one of them say the three of us stop.They twins glare at them evily."You jealous?" Kaoru questions them walking over and sitting on her desk "Yeah,wanna be Akira?" Hikaru said very snarky "psh,why would we be jealous of her?" one of them rolled her eyes "We all saw you get into the same car yesterday,wonder what the slut did with you to" this hurt me she called me a slut when I was helping with algebra."What did you just call her?" I looked up to see Hikaru bent over her desk,his eyes narrowed."Yeah,a slut" she said looking over his shoulder making eye contact with me sharply."If you call her that ever again" Kaoru finishes his brother's sentence "You will pay for it".Hikaru grabs me by the shoulders and whispers something in my ear."Don't listen to them,your not a slut,your just better than them" he pulls back smirking.I feel Kaoru's hand around my waist leading us over to our seats just as the teacher walks in.She sees Kaoru's hand at my waist and slaps it away "Hands away from her Hitachiin".I let out a giggle "What's so funny about that Miss.Susaki?" "Oh,nothing" I say hiding my  laughter.

---4th period---Tamaki's P.O.V

I took my seat at the middle of the class,not many people were here yet and I knew Akira might get lost on the way.It was only 45 minutes til' lunch,I was starving after 3 hours.Suddenly,I heard Akira's laugh and when I got up to look for her outside the class.I saw what tore me inside.Akira was leadned up against the wall as Hikaru's arm is raised over her head their faces about half a foot apart,Kaoru was holding himself up with and elbow on his brother's shoulder both of their right hands in their pockets,Kaoru's head leaning in to their conversation "Hey,Tamaki!" this snapped me out of my trance instantly.Akira waved to me still against the wall,Hikaru glaring with  that 'Dont even think about it' look."Well,the boss looks like he wants to murder us" The twins say together.I see she then leans in closer to Hikaru he starts to blush as less space comes between them.She kisses both of them on the cheek,Hikaru turns a bright red.She blushes at the fact he was acting shy."Tamaki?" She was now standing next to me with her dark violet eyes staring into mine.I started to blush,I knew because I could feel my cheek's burning wiht intense heat.She giggled and walked past me into class,brushing against my shoulder.She took a seat in front of me.Before I sat down she kissed my cheek."Are you really jealous of Hikaru and Kaoru?" I thought of my answer then the teacher came in

---On the way to lunch---Your P.O.V---

As soon as the bell rang,I ran out of the classroom making sure that I was the first one in that hallway.I ran down to halls and a flight of stairs holding Tamaki's hand so we could go get the others.I looked at him occasionaly to see him turning a bright red,I smirked to my self.As we entered the lunch room we spotted Kyoya,the twins,plus Honey and Mori all sitting at a table,a seat between Hikaru and Kaoru is the place I locked my eyes on.When I sat down Hikaru looked away when I tried to talk to him,he just ignored me and said the thing that hurt me the most "Why are you talking to me how about you go talk to Tamaki it looks like you got to know each other when I wasnt around" I looked at him about to start crying,I felt a tear roll down me cheek "Wh-what?" your voice cracked as you stuttered.He looked over at me.He tried to say sorry multiple times.Kaoru saw me crying a river by now and Hikaru trying to explain himself.His hands were locked on my shoulders,I kept hitting his to make him let go,when I finally got out of his grasp.It was time for 5th period,Kaoru walked there with me as Hikaru was with Honey and Mori a few feet behind us,what sucked was that the twins were in my 5th hour class.You saw a slit of paper pushed on to your desk from Hikaru,Just read it.

I know I hurt you with what was said at Lunch,just meet me at the back gardens by the cherry blossom trees after school,please,you wont be dissapointed in me after what I am going to do,promise.I wont be a jerk if you go I know you'll forgive me. -Hikaru xx

Should I trust him? Why would he talk to me? He and Kaoru called me their toy the other day,did they mean it?...So many questions were running through my head I didnt know what tot think.

---After school---back garden---HIkaru's P.O.V

I was wondering where she was.Then I heard her voice behind me "Hikaru?". I wanted to do what I was about to for so long,I took her hand and led her under Kaoru and I's favorite cherry blossom trees.The weather was perfect.The petals were flowing lightly in the wind."Why did you say that?" she looked down ovibously remembering vividly what I had said "I-I dont know" I really didnt have an explination I guess I was just jealous,of how they were holding hands until she sat down "You dont know?!" her voice raised a little.I felt my cheeks burning at the thought of what I wanted to do.I cupped her face in my hands,looked her in the eye a tear was forming and we both knew it.I kissed her.It came out of nowhere I just...kissed her "I really like you Akira" what did I just say,did I confess my love to her? She looked at me her tear now dissaperaing.She didnt respond,I started to get afraid that i potentially messed up our friendship.Was she just being nice or did she feel the same way?

----Your P.O.V----

He kissed me,I kissed back.We kissed.I felt my heart stop as he looked at me with those big eyes.I knew I felt the same way and now I knew he felt the same.I didnt respond I just..hugged him,my arms locked around his neck,his hands around my waist."I forgive you" I whispered in his ear then I nuzzeled my head back into his neck,he did the same as we just stood there wrapped in each other's arms the cherry blossom trees hid us from the rest of the world.I felt complete,I didnt feel alone anymore now that I had Hikaru by my side,I knew he was special.I knew right them,I loved him. 

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