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"What're you thinking about?" Matt asked as Julia got killed yet again by another online player.

He knew something was up with her. She was too quiet and wasn't paying attention to the game, which really did mean

something was up with her. She threw himself enthusiastically into every game, just as much as he did. It was one of

the many things they had in common; their love for video games.

She shrugged, gnawing on her lip, clicking her tongue against her teeth. "Had another fight with my mom."

"Oh," he sighed. "Was it bad?"

"Kind of," she mumbled, rubbing her eyes tiredly. "I said some stuff that probably hurt her a lot. But to be honest, I really don't care anymore. She just needs to grow up and get over herself and just move on. Since her and dad split up, it's like she turned back into a teenager again. I'm sick of having to act like the adult."

Matt squeezed her hand sympathetically. "Maybe she's just taking her time about it Julia. Maybe she'll see that she's

acting the wrong way soon."

She shook her head. "I don't think she ever will. It's been nearly four years Matt."

"Then leave," he said suddenly. "Leave and then maybe she'll wake up and see what she did wrong. Maybe that'll be the

only way to make her see."

"Leave?" she repeated, staring at her boyfriend who stared back at her with sincere brown eyes.

"But I don't have any money and I have nowhere to go," she pointed out.

"Whoever said anything about you doing this on your own? I'd come with you," he told her.

"You want to leave Boston? With me? With no money or job or anywhere to go?" Julia asked, shocked.

"It won't be that hard to find an apartment to rent. It could be anywhere. It'd have to be cheap... but we could afford it. I

mean, I've been saving up from my job in the shop and we could get jobs when we got there... we'd be able to do it, I'm

sure we would," Matt explained, sounding so sure and confident.

"Matt, I can't just... we can't just up and leave. We can't just leave everything behind and... what about school? What

about your family and friends?"

"I don't care about any of that. Julia, we're in our last year of school... we're graduating soon. We'd have to be moving

out and getting jobs and all that shit pretty soon, right? So why not just start a little earlier?" he suggested. "Julia, you

know I'd do anything for you. I'd leave everything behind to leave with you."

"You'd seriously just give up everything for me?" Julia asked.

He nodded. "I love you. People do anything for the ones they love."

Julia felt a smile spread across her face. "I love you too Matt."

He smiled back and threw his arms around her, hugging her tight. He pressed his lips against hers and kissed her


She pulled back from him. "What made you think of it?"

"Of what?"

"Of leaving Boston with me."

He paused. "I love you and I just really want to get out of here as much as you do Julia. But... but can I tell you


"Of course," she replied immediately. "Anything."

He took a deep breath and in those seconds of silence, a million possibilities raced through Julia's mind. She thought

through everything he might tell her, however impossible or stupid it actually was. Like he might be terminally ill, or breaking up with her, or he'd gotten into drugs and become addicted, or he'd robbed a bank.

All of those extremely unlikely things entered her mind, but nothing prepared her for the answer he eventually gave


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