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Julia's scream got lost somewhere in her throat and she couldn't do anything but stare. The ache in her lungs reminded her that she wasn't breathing and she couldn't really care right then.

She'd just watched Matt die.

"Julia?" Harry asked worriedly. "You don't look so great. Are you gonna throw up or something?"

Julia slowly turned her head to look at Harry, not really believing what had just happened.

Harry cut the ropes and Julia's body decided to give up and she sagged to the floor where Harry quickly pulled her up again.

"Are you okay Julia?" Harry asked, staring at her with concern.

"What... what've you done?" Julia breathed, staring at Matt's mutilated body.

Harry pulled Julia close hugging her tightly. "It's okay, Julia, don't worry. We can be together now, you don't ever have to worry about him ever again. He's not in the way of us anymore."

Julia's body was numb and her mind seemed to have stopped working. Harry sat her down on the chair and handed her a glass of water.

Julia just held the glass, staring at Matt's body. Harry sighed and picked up the bag he'd brought with him.

It contained sealed bags of hundreds of different people's hair. He started to scatter the hair all over the house where he'd been, over every surface he could. When he'd done that he returned to the kitchen and dumped the rest of the hair all over the kitchen.

Julia watched him blankly. "What are you doing?"

"Getting rid of any evidence," Harry answered.

"By covering everything in hair?"

"Yeah. If there's millions of different people's hair all over the house, how will anyone find out who did all of this? You couldn't arrest anyone because there's so many different types of DNA everywhere," Harry answered as if it was the simplest thing in the world. "No solid evidence this way."

Harry then turned to Julia and smiled. "Come on, let's go."

Julia's numb legs refused to stand so Harry sighed and helped her up, holding her hand as he guided her out of the house. He shut the door and then pulled Julia across the street to his house. He opened the door and pushed Julia inside. He peeled off the stretchy rubber gloves he'd been wearing.

"Wait there," Harry instructed her and disappeared.

Julia stood, waiting, still numb and completely in shock.

When Harry returned he held a pair of car keys and a rucksack. He'd changed his clothes and any trace of blood was gone from his skin.

"Come on Julia," Harry grinned and grabbed her hand. He dropped the rucksack and keys and then tugged Julia up the stairs.

He pushed her into his bedroom and instructed her to sit on the bed. Julia did as she was told, still waiting to wake up and for all of this to be a dream. Harry handed Julia clean clothes that were free of blood and then looked Julia up and down.

"Wait, we should get rid of the blood first," Harry decided.

He led Julia into the bathroom and switched the shower on. The sound of the rushing water brought Julia back to earth and she blinked rapidly. She winced and backed away from Harry who was smiling at her softly.

"We can shower together!" Harry beamed. "Won't that be fun? I've always wanted to share a shower with you Julia."

"I don't want to," Julia said as Harry grabbed her hand and pulled her towards him.

Harry leaned in and his arms snaked around Julia, one hand slipping up the back of her shirt. "You're mine Julia. You do what I tell you to."

Part of Julia wanted to give in, but a stronger part of her wanted to get the hell away from Harry.

But then the image of Matt's body flashed in her mind and she decided she should do what Harry says.

So Julia let Harry undress her, her breath hitching in her throat when Harry's fingers hooked the waistband of her underwear and slowly tugged them down.

"Get in," Harry told her and began to rid himself of his own clothes.

Julia stepped into the shower, glad there was separation between her and Harry, even if it was only a shower curtain. But that didn't last long and soon Harry was stood beside her.

Julia shivered and looked away as Harry's soapy hands caressed her skin, washing away the blood. She reminded herself that she should be scared out of her mind right now, that she shouldn't let Harry touch her like this. But part of her, even if it was only a tiny small part, wanted to feel Harry's hands against her skin.

Julia gasped when Harry's hands travelled up her inner thigh and stopped there.

"What a-" Julia began but Harry cut her off by placing a finger over her lips.

"Ssh. You'll love it," Harry whispered in her ear.

Julia's head fell back against the wall of the shower and a low moan came from her throat as Harry moved his fingers in small circles on her skin slowly.

"You see?" Harry murmured. "You like that, don't you baby?"

Julia could just about stand up, her knees going weak. Harry smiled as more moans emitted from Julia.

"Tell me you like it Julia," Harry told her. His voice was low and husky, but there was something demanding threaded through it, something that told Julia not doing what Harry told her would cost her. "Tell me you want it."

"I-I want it," Julia groaned, her eyes slipping closed as the heat building up in her stomach grew. "I'm... I'm gonna-"

"No," Harry told her. "Not till I say you can."

"But I w-"

"I told you Julia. You do what I tell you to," Harry growled, his hand speeding up.

"Fuck," Julia gasped, biting her lip. "Please Harry, oh God! I really fucking-"

Harry cut her off, slamming their lips together and kissing her fiercely. Kissing Julia was so much better than he'd thought it would be. And it was what he thought about most of the time. He'd waited for years to kiss Julia and now he finally was, he didn't want to stop.

"Can I?" Julia whimpered, pulling away.

Harry sucked on her neck, wanting to mark Julia as his. "Yes."

A few seconds later Julia's mouth hung open in a silent scream and she came, barely able to stand up.

Harry smirked, pleased that this beautiful creature was now his and could do whatever he wanted with her. He could make each fantasy he'd dreamt up over the years finally come true.

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