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Harry tapped his fingers on the top of the table whilst he waited for his sister to pick up the phone. He hadn't spoken to her in a while and he knew for a fact that she was friends with Julia. He'd seen her with her when he'd been

watching Julia and sometimes he'd seen Gemma with Julia and that boy. That boy who he was going to be getting rid of

very soon.

"Hello?" Gemma asked, her voice sounding a little pissed off.

"Hey Gem," Harry greeted her smoothly.

"Harry? You haven't called in months! How are you?"

"Fine. How're you holding up?"

"Okay I guess. How come you haven't been to see us in so long?"

"I've been busy Gem. I've uh, got a lot going on with work at the moment."

"Really? That's great! So the music is going along well then?"

"Yeah, it is. Anyway, things are fine with me but they don't sound so great with you. You sounded a little annoyed,"

Harry commented, quickly changing the subject.

He didn't like talking about his work. He made music because it was his thing, it was what he did. It didn't mean he had

to talk about it with everyone. It was kind of a private thing and although people obviously read the lyrics, it wasn't the

same. He didn't know those people and they would never meet him and they were buying his cd's because they liked

them, so it didn't matter what he made them about. But people he knew, people who were his friends and family... it was

different. He just didn't discuss it, that was all.

"Oh it's nothing. I just kind of had an argument with Julia today, that's all," Gemma sighed.

Harry tried to act like he vaguely remembered who Julia was. "Julia? She's your friend, right?"

"Harry, I've told you a million times! Julia's my best friend. Or at least, she was."


"Yeah. She's leaving Boston with her boyfriend, Matt, on Friday. They're just packing up and driving off. They're going to California!"

"What?! Califronia?" Harry managed to choke out.

No. Julia couldn't just leave. Julia was supposed to stay in Boston. With Harry. Well, he hadn't exactly gotten round

to that part of the plan yet. He still had to meet Julia properly and then she could be his.

"I know! I can't believe she'd just leave me like that!" Gemma agreed.

"Why are they leaving?"

"Julia said that somebody's been watching Matt and he wants to get away. She said this guy's been stalking him for

weeks and they don't have a clue who he is or why he's doing it."

Harry swallowed. He couldn't believe he'd been so stupid. How could he have let that stupid dick see him? He'd

thought he'd been so careful, just like he had with Julia. He thought he'd be able to do it with no problems at all seeing

as he'd been watching Julia for nearly four years without her ever knowing. Maybe Matt was just slightly paranoid

and looked out for that kind of thing anyway, that's why he'd seen him. But it didn't matter. What did matter was that

he might be losing Julia.

"Oh, that's terrible Gemma. But maybe he's just imagining it? I mean, people think up that kind of thing all the time.

They get paranoid," Harry replied, trying to sound calm.

"I know, I've told her all of this! I've told her she should go to the police if she's that worried, but she won't listen."

Harry stiffened. "I think they should just forget about it. I mean, it's probably nothing. Are they not even going to wait

until graduation?"

"No. They're leaving Friday night."

Friday. That didn't give him very long at all.

"Well, at least you tried to talk some sense into him. Look, I've got to go Gem, but I'll call you soon, yeah?"

"Sure," she sighed. "When are we going to see you next Harry?"

"I don't know, I'm really busy with work at the moment Gemma. But I'll try," he answered and then hung up.

Slamming the phone down, Harry got up. He had work to do. Work that involved getting rid of that man-whore who was

trying to steal away his Julia. Work that involved finally making Julia his, once and for all.

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