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Harry sighed, tossing his phone to the side, rubbing his face tiredly.

"Who was that?"

Harry's head snapped up, turning round slowly to face Julia who was currently curled up tightly in the uncomfortable looking chair next to the grimy window of the motel room.

"No one," Harry answered walking over to Julia.

Julia swallowed loudly, her eyes growing wider. "What did they say?"

Harry glared at her. "That you were on the TV, reported missing."

Julia's heart leapt with joy. If she'd been on the news and everyone knew she was missing, someone was bound to find her soon, weren't they?

"But that's not very good is it Julia," Harry said quietly, not meeting Julia's eyes. "What if someone finds you?"

"I hope they do," Julia replied boldly. "And somebody will. I know they will."

The crack of skin against skin echoed in the room, the slap coming from nowhere, knocking Julia off the chair and to the floor with a startled gasp.

"Is that right?" Harry hissed, crouching down next to Julia on the floor, seizing a fistful of hair, dragging her face close to his.

Julia was shitting herself, but somewhere inside of her that rebellious punk kid stirred and she spat in Harry's face, glowering at him. She was Julia Afflitto for fuck's sake. Nobody pushed her around.

Harry's eyes had closed and his jaw locked stiffly, an irritated sigh whistling past his clenched teeth. "Feeling a little brave are we?"

"Fuck you," Julia snarled. "You can't just do this to me!"

Harry burst out laughing, screeching that manic, hysteric chortle that sent shivers down Julia's spine.

"You're real fucking funny kid," Harry smirked. "Maybe I didn't make it clear enough before. Maybe it didn't quite get through your thick skull who's in charge here."

"Get the hell off of me you sicko," Julia snarled, lurching up beneath Harry, managing to knock him off.

Julia didn't waste her time. She scrambled up and ran as fast as she could towards the door, her heart in her throat. Just as her hand clasped around the door handle, Harry grabbed a fistful of her shirt and yanked her backwards, Julia splaying out on the floor again. The ceiling span above her and dots appeared in front of her eyes, her head beginning to throb from the harsh impact of the floor.

A heavy knee crushed down against Julia's chest, pinning her to the ground. Harry's face cut in to

Julia's line of view, a sick, twisted smile plastered on to his mouth, his eyes glowing with some sort of wild, manic light.

"You need to learn some manners," Harry told her, his face inching closer to hers; his eyes flickering over Julia smugly.

"You can't do this," Julia insisted, struggling frantically.

Harry chuckled darkly to himself. "You know, it's funny, you keep saying that, but nothing's stopped me from doing what I want. So if you know what's good for you then you'll keep that pretty mouth of yours shut."

Julia stilled, staring up at Harry with big, scared eyes. "Please Harry, don't-"

He was cut off by Harry's lips catching her own in a raw, open mouthed kiss, Harry's lips working against hers forcefully, his tongue licking in to Julia's mouth, his teeth nipping her lips. Harry pulled back, a long line of spit between them. He giggled, cutting his finger through the stringy line of saliva, staring at it in wonder.

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