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•Image is not mine and the credit goes to the artist, Glee-chan on DeviantArt

Artemis's POV

I stand off to the side of the mission room observing Wally as he tries his best to nonchalantly hover over the zeta-tubes. One of the new recruits, Bumblebee, is training with Black Canary, and I can hear M'gann laughing from the kitchen.

"Whatcha doing?" I ask nonchalantly inching my way closer, but the only answer I get is a shrug. Sighing I switch my smile to a glare knowing even that won't get him to listen. "This isn't healthy Wally, she'll be back when she's back" I snap.

I'll admit there's a bit of resentment in my voice, but can you blame me? It's been a year and he's still fawning over her while I've been right in front of him this whole time. I tried to get over him, I really did, and it was getting easier. Then she left, she left Wally lonely and broken so I had to console him, and that distance I worked so hard to keep... Broke.

Sometimes it felt like he was moving on, but then I'd turn around and he'd be like this all over again.

"I don't know what you're talking about Artemis, but considering it has been a year Ana should be back any day now." He stated blandly his glare mirroring mine, and I could feel a growl rolling around in my stomach. "When are you going to wake up and realise she's not coming back!" I scream but all he does is roll his eyes.

"Wow, what's going on here?" Robin asks tentatively jogging up to us, but I have a feeling he already knows. With each passing day that our friend is missing the team seems to be more on edge. "Same thing as usual." I snap dryly turning away from both of them.

"C'mon Artie you're to axed, so let me talk to Kid." He soothes lightly pushing me away, but once I'm far enough away I turn around to see Wally with his head buried in his hands as Rob rubs his shoulder mumbling something.

I think that's the moment I knew I had to move on because I had no chance. Not when he was that far in.

Anastasia's POV

"Anastasia dear, are you ready to make our rounds tonight? I figured we'd do it by horseback." I can hear the smile and excitement in her voice, and it makes me sad that the biggest variation I've had over the last fourteen months is taking a stroll at night either on foot or horse.

"Coming..." I sigh gently dabbing my eyes one last time hoping to keep the tears in. I open the door to my overly large room in the temple, and I step out forcing a smile for my grandma.

Our walk to the stables is silent, and I busy myself with sunset that's just starting. "Grandma?" I ask my voice almost non-existent, but she still hears me. "What is it dear?" And her sweet voice has my stomach turning in knots.

"I was just wondering when I'll be able to go home." And if it's possible my voice gets even quieter, and when I look into her eyes I swear I see the one twitch. She doesn't want me to leave, I picked up on that almost instantly. I think she was hoping I would still be that ten year old girl that clung to her leg, and maybe if she got me a few years earlier I would have.

However now I have friends something, other than Donna, that I don't have here. Here everyone looks down at me even though they know nothing about me, they just assume the worst.

"When you're training is complete you may leave." She states through gritted teeth, and each time I ask her the more annoyed she grows. "I know, and I'm not trying to be a problem, but I've done everything you've asked. I'm much stronger now, my archery and swordsmanship skills are nearly perfect, my reflexes are a lot faster, and I've managed to excel in my studies."

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