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Third Person POV

When it all started a year ago things were different than they are now. When the small girls powers first manifested everyone was ecstatic, but within five minutes she wiped five people from existence and a spirit like energy possessed her body.

Her father, the one who offered her up, had planned for this and swiftly clasped the collar around his daughters neck. Instantly the energy that encircled her dissipated and the only sign of what just happened was in her eyes. What used to be blue eyes were now dyed red, the same shade of the psionic energy that had just consumed the entire lab.

The small girl was shaking vigorously, trembling because her skin burned. Sweat coated her skin and she cowered in fear of what she had just witnessed herself do.

He silently escorted her from the room, but they didn't return to her room, nor has she ever been back. Instead that night the few scientists that survived started testing her, but to do this the collar would need to be removed, and for every person that she accidently murdered there was another that would immediately take their place.

At first she screamed and begged them to stop the pain being unbearable, but after time the cries of pain that she inflicted on her tortures drained her own out.

They wanted a weapon, a way to force the world on their knees. However they had no idea that they recreated the Pandora's box scenario, and if it weren't the sweet girl they chose the world would already be dead.

Anastasia's POV

"This is a major covert mission that only senior members of the team will be going on." Batman pauses specifically eyeing Robin who glares back. "An old Star Labs facility has been showing signs of activity, and I need you guys to investigate."

We all nod and head off towards the zeta-tubes Wally immediately falling instep beside me. "Really another covert mission?" He asks me keeping his voice down so Kaldur doesn't hear and lecture him. "Well what did you expect we are a covert team."

"But we suck at being covert." Artemis adds catching up with us on my other side, and I can't help but laugh as I switch my armour to stealth mode. "That's why we should practice." I quip stepping up to the zeta-tube.

"Team let's hurry!" Kaldur demands and we all nod jumping slightly at his harsh tone. Wally runs in front of me kissing my cheek and shoving me out of the way before I can stop him. "See ya on the other side gorgeous."

Anastasia's POV

"The facility seems to be mostly vacant, but every once and awhile heat signatures will come from the far east side. I'm guessing they've got some kind of shield that's blocking us out, but there's also something on the inside that's affecting it." Nightwing explains over the link.

"Kid Flash and Divine are going in while Artemis and Nightwing gather all the intel they can out here, and Miss. Martain, Superboy and I will keep the coast clear." Kaldur explains and once we all agree Wally and I head towards the part of the building we've all been saving for last.

Wally sprints ahead of me and I fly through the open air duct ceiling even though no one's around. "They're coming out of the room." Wally whisper yells up at me, and I drop down low enough to pull him in the air with me. About five middle aged people walk out all of them looking drained, but that's not the scary part.

Two of them are carrying a body of a man, and he's covered in blood and looks almost shriveled. "Ana let's go, we don't have time..." He trails off nodding between the people and the lab, and I snap out of it putting us both down.

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