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Anastasia's POV

"It's official he's gone and done it." I turn around staring at the smaller boy as Wally trails behind him. "What did Wally do this time?" I ask teasingly, but I give Wally a pointed glare screaming with my eyes.

"Not him! It's Bruce, he's gone and replaced me!" He growls in aggravation trying to pounce on the punching bag that's hanging in the corner but I stop him. "Dick your going to have to give me more information than that." I state blandly easily restraining him.

It's only been a month since he decided to tell me his secret identity and three since I returned from Themyscira, so I guess you can say I'm adjusting. I'm not even a quarter of the way through my senior year and I want it to be over with, but at the same time I have no idea where I'm going for college.

"Last night a kid somehow managed to get three of the tires off the Batmobile before he caught him, and instead of turning this kid in he brought him home." He explains and when my initial shock wears off Wally and I share a cheeky smile.

He's totally jealous.

Of course we can't outright say that....

"Dude you're jealous!" Wally laughs and I slug his shoulder which makes him bump me with his hip, and we probably would've continued if it weren't for Dick clearing his throat. "I'm not jealous!" He proclaims like it's the most ridiculous accusation ever.

"I hate to say it Dick but... You kinda are." I state through a giggle and he shoots me a sharp glare, but there's a sad look hidden behind it. "It's just this kid is a total douche." He pouts, and I set him down on ground Wally following.

"Well I have a feeling that's what having a sibling feels like." I chuckle, but he doesn't seem amused.

"You've always wanted a little brother, well now you have one." Wally adds, but he still looks bummed out about the whole situation. "Yeah, but not this one." He whispers nose crinkling in disgust at the thought of the boy.

"Sadly you don't get to pick your siblings, but I've always wanted a sister or brother so I think you should take advantage of this opportunity." I explain and he pushes his glasses down his nose his blue eyes glaring like my words are completely ridiculous.

"You haven't met him..."

"Dick that doesn't matter, you have to try to..." Wally tries but our friend cuts him off sharply shaking his head.


"Richard Grayson you listen to me right now. You're going back to the mansion and you're going to sit down with..." I pause looking to him for help which he eventually gives.


"Well you're going to talk to Jason, and at least try to tolerate him." I demand making Wally jump while Dick refuses to move not even giving anything away on his face. "Fine." He eventually pipes up and stands heading for the door, but pauses. "But I'm not going to enjoy it." He deadpans leaving me and Wally alone.

"You didn't scare me by the way." He proclaims sitting back into his hands and I lean forward resting my elbows on his crossed knees. "Oh really? So that's why you jumped five feet in the air." I tease smacking my forehead my widening smile never leaving my face, and he just nods eagerly.

"I have to leave for cheer practice soon, and remember Roy's visiting me afterwards for his monthly check in." It's something I take very seriously especially after the condition I found him once I returned. "But you have to promise me you'll tell me everything he says, he won't talk to me anymore."

"You know it's because he feels like he's taking the 'real' Roy Harper's place being with you guys, while spending time with me or Artemis is easier because he's the only one we've known." I explain taking his hand in my own making him smile at the small contact, but ever since returning I feel like I always have to be touching him in some way.

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