Chapter 9: Warmest Night

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It was amazing to Sana how comfortable Mina seemed to be around her now that their feelings were out in the open. Sana had never thought of Mina as a cold person, but Mina was undeniably more reserved than the other members when it came to physical affection. It was rare to see Mina initiate a hug with anyone or to even rest her head on someone's shoulders, so it came as a shock to Sana when Mina sat down ever so casually on her lap in the middle of their dinner for two.

Sana gulped in surprise as Mina fixed a mischievously gaze onto her eyes. "Uh... What are you doing?"

"Isn't this what you asked for this morning?" Mina replied innocently, adjusting her position and sitting sideways on Sana lap comfortably.

"I requested a lap dance?" Sana asked dubiously, feeling her cheeks growing hotter by the second.

Mina laughed at the joke and then picked up Sana's plate and chopsticks. "This morning you asked me to feed you at dinner. Remember?"

"Oh, right," Sana said with an embarrassed laugh. She opened her mouth as Mina lifted a piece of jjimdak to her lips, her cheeks still flushed with heat.

"Who knew that the flirtatious Minatozaki Sana could be so easily embarrassed by something like this?" Mina mused playfully, feeding Sana a bit of rice.

The other girl accepted the mouthful before burying her face into Mina's neck, too shy to allow the younger girl to continue staring at her face. In retaliation for the teasing, Sana dug her fingers into Mina's sides until the girl in her lap squealed with laughter and begged for forgiveness.

It was such a simple joy to Sana to be able to play around with Mina like this and to not be concerned about invading Mina's personal space. (Mina had already broken down that barrier by charging in with her pseudo-lap-dance). Their combined laughter was like a duet that echoed through the empty hallways of their dorm.

"You're beautiful when you laugh," Sana murmured breathlessly, the sight of Mina's soft eyes and gummy smile literally taking her breath away.

Mina stopped mid laugh and gazed at the older girl. Her heart was fluttering uncontrollably at her first-ever compliment from Sana post-confession. Mina could see herself reflected in Sana's crystal clear eyes, and she knew Sana meant that compliment with all her heart.

The younger girl's heart raced as she gently threaded her fingers into Sana's hair and pulled her closer for a kiss. The heated presses of her lips against Sana's was like a "thank you" for Sana's sincere words.

Mina swung her leg over Sana's waist so that she now straddled the older girl. She hadn't meant anything by it, had only done it as a means of making her position on Sana's lap more comfortable as they kissed. But the instant her position changed, their hips became fully pressed against each other and Sana gasped audibly, breaking their kiss. Sana looked adorable with her eyes widened in surprise, and Mina had no trouble returning the compliment.

"You're adorable..." when you're surprised, Mina had wanted to say. But what came out was, "...always."

Mina leaned in again, wanting to recapture Sana's lips. The feelings in her chest were overwhelming right now. In the past, whenever Mina had felt like this, she always had to ignore those intense, longing feelings for Sana and force herself to think of something else, anything else. But now she was blissfully able to watch Sana's cheeks grow pink with delight at the compliment before Sana leaned up into her waiting lips.

"Are you done eating?" Sana managed to mumble into Mina's mouth after several minutes of exchanging kisses with Mina riding her lap. Sana's hands were now securely around Mina's waist while Mina's hands freely roamed up and down Sana's back and into her hair at a whim. "Should... should we clean up and go to bed?"

The Loneliest Person (Someone Like Me) [Mina x Sana]Where stories live. Discover now