Epilogue: Sneakiest Moments

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It was about seven weeks after Chuseok. Sana and Mina spent every day since the start of their relationship stealing kisses with each other late at night, early in the morning, and when no one was looking. The secretive nature of their relationship was fun and exciting, but they also longed for extended periods of time where they could be together away from prying eyes.

On rest days where the Twice members usually went out together, Sana began to occasionally stay behind to be alone with Mina. And although the members found it extremely uncharacteristic for Sana to not go out on those rest days, no one seemed to realize that Mina and Sana were now dating.

"Just wait until you go out on the next rest day," Sana murmured into Mina's ear as the two feverishly tore each other's clothes off the moment the other members were gone, making full use of their alone time together.

Mina giggled, placing butterfly kisses down the length of Sana's neck. "Everyone's heads will explode."

Sure enough, when Mina decided to go out the next rest day, she was suddenly the talk of the town among Once and Twice. And when she went out the next two rest days after that, everyone thought she was sick. But still, no one suspected that the reason Mina suddenly wanted to leave the dorm was because she wanted to go on dates with her girlfriend.

Mina finally got to experience the cute shopping dates with Sana that she always dreamed about. She finally got the chance to feed Sana desserts at their favorite cafe while knowing full well that the affectionate glances Sana gave her were anything but platonic. And although sometimes there was another member or two in tow with Mina and Sana on these dates, completely oblivious to their new couple status, Mina was thoroughly enjoying her dating life. It wasn't the most ideal way of dating, but Mina and Sana were making the most of it and it was more fun and fulfilling than Mina ever would have imagined.

Mina never felt jealous whenever Sana was affectionate with the other members. She watched Sana cuddle with Dahyun on the sofa and smiled. She watched Sana offer a kiss to Jeongyeon (which was obviously rejected) and laughed. She watched Sana flirt with Momo and baby Chaeyoung and hold hands with Jihyo and it honestly made Mina happy because every interaction made Sana happy, and Sana's happiness was her happiness.

And Mina didn't mind in the slightest that Sana was giving attention to the other members because Sana was first and foremost hers. Because in the dead of night, whenever they snuck back into the living room together while everyone was asleep, it was just the two of them and Mina was the one Sana cuddled with, Mina was the one Sana really kissed, Mina was the one Sana babied and flirted with and touched deeply, sensually, and lovingly. Because Mina was Sana's number one and Sana was Mina's.

"I have a confession," Sana mumbled against Mina's cheek one night after pulling back from a slow and heated kiss. "I was really jealous when you were holding hands with Nayeon-unnie earlier."

Mina pulled back from Sana's lips and stared incredulously at her girlfriend. "You were jealous of ME? You, who spent the afternoon flirting and hugging and nearly sitting in Tzuyu's lap, were jealous that I held Nayeon-unnie's hand?"

Sana buried her head shyly in Mina's shoulder. "What can I say? I'm a jealous person by nature."

Mina smiled, in no way offended by Sana's misplaced jealousy. The older girl's subtle insecurity over her was endearing. And at it's worst, Sana's honest and simplistic jealousy made Mina feel loved. She kissed Sana and took her hand, bringing her lips to each of Sana's knuckles lightly. "You are the only person for me, Minatozaki Sana. There's only room in my heart for you."

Sana blushed from the sincere declaration, kissing Mina's forehead as Mina kissed her hands.

"Do you want me to look only at you?" Mina wondered, taking Sana's other hand and continuing the string of kisses over her knuckles. "Do you want me to talk only to you? Play only with you? Touch only you?"

Sana hugged Mina greedily. "Yes. But that would make me a selfish girlfriend. And a hypocrite."

Mina laughed. "It would make you a total hypocrite. But I would do it if it makes you feel more reassured."

Sana shook her head with a smile. "Just kiss me, only me."

"Only ever you," Mina confirmed, leaning in for a kiss.

"Me too," Sana agreed, smiling into Mina's waiting lips. "Only ever you."

Some day after their second month of dating, Mina went into her bedroom one afternoon and quickly noticed that the furniture was rearranged. Most notably, her bed was now pushed up against Sana's to create a double wide bed. And Sana, the likely creator of this new furniture layout, was resting comfortably on top of the resulting double bed with a mischievous smile on her face.

Mina looked around the room in confusion. "Eh? What's going on?"

"You like?" Sana asked playfully, patting the open spot next to her on the bed. "I was getting lonely sleeping without you, so I came up with a solution for it. Tada!"

The younger girl smiled nervously. "Sana, I'd love to sleep in the same bed with you every night, but isn't this a little too obvious? People are gonna figure it out..."

Sana laughed and shook her head. "Jeongyeon and Momo have been sharing a bed since the beginning and no one really thinks they're dating. So why can't we share a bed too?"

Just as Mina was about to make another argument against the new sleeping arrangement, Nayeon and Jihyo entered the room. They both paused in surprise and stared at Mina and Sana.

"Huh? What are you guys doing?" Jihyo wondered.

"Just moving the furniture a bit. Mina and I wanted more space to store our stuff, so we pushed our beds together." Sana pointed to the large, empty space where Mina's bed used to be. "Pretty cool, huh?"

Mina waited nervously for Nayeon and Jihyo's reaction to Sana's natural-sounding explanation.

"Whoa, daebak!" Nayeon said, nodding impressively at the amount of extra space that Mina and Sana had gained. "That makes so much sense!" She quickly turned to Jihyo. "Jihyo-ya, let's do it, too."

"And give you more space to spread your mess? No thank you," Jihyo declined.

Nayeon pouted and tugged on Jihyo's arm. "Please? I'll keep it neat. Plus, we can sleep next to each other. It'll be super cozy!"

Jihyo plugged her fingers in her ears and started to walk away. "Lalala~, I'm not listening until you clean up your part of the room first!"

Nayeon and Jihyo exited the room noisily, leaving a surprised Mina and a smug Sana alone in the room. Without another word of complaint, Mina went over to Sana and laid down next to her girlfriend in their new bed. They shared a quick kiss with each other, smirking all the while as accomplices.

Mina knew that one day, when they were ready to tell everyone, Twice would support her relationship with Sana. But until then, Sana and Mina would find a way to make their relationship work.

"I love you, Mittang."

"I love you too, Sattang. Are you still lonely?" Mina asked, gazing into Sana's glittering eyes. She already knew the answer, but she loved to hear Sana say it.

"I'm not lonely," Sana murmured affectionately, "because Mittang is here."

"Good," Mina smiled. She laid her head on Sana's chest. The older girl's heartbeat was steady in her ear as Sana stroked her hair. "I'm not lonely either because Sattang is here."

-- END --

The Loneliest Person (Someone Like Me) [Mina x Sana]Where stories live. Discover now