Chapter 11: Sweetest Love

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Sana leaned into Mina for another kiss, feeling the younger girl becoming more aggressive with her response as their lips met. Mina's hand cradled the back of Sana's head, pulling her closer and deepening the kiss. Mina's other hand tugged at the hand Sana had placed on Mina's stomach, urging it up toward her breasts. And despite the fact that Sana was very certain that Mina was asking her to prove her feelings with sex, Sana couldn't help but seek Mina's confirmation before they continued.

"W-wait, what exactly are we doing right now?" Sana asked nervously, resisting against Mina slightly so that her hand remained on Mina's stomach rather than being pulled upward any higher.

Mina stared at Sana and blushed. "Are you really going to make me say it?"

Sana smiled back apologetically, not wanting to embarrass her girlfriend but also not wanting to misunderstand the situation. "Yes, if only so that I don't get confused by what you're asking for."

Mina smirked, her eyes darkening alluringly as she leaned toward her girlfriend. "I want to have sex with you," Mina whispered, planting two fingers gently on Sana's lips and staring at her like she was the most beautiful woman in the world, which Sana knew wasn't true because Mina existed in this world, too. " you not want to?" Mina wondered softly, vulnerably, lightly running her fingers across Sana's lips and causing the older girl to swallow heavily.

Sana was extremely aroused at the moment; it would be a lie to say that she wasn't. She had probably been aroused since the moment that Mina sat on her lap at dinner last night all the way until now. But it was an arousal accompanied by guilt. "Do you feel like I'm pressuring you to have sex with me?" Sana asked Mina contritely.

Mina blinked in confusion at the unexpected question. She looked at the hand that Sana had on her stomach, the one that Mina herself was actively trying to guide towards her breasts against Sana resistance, and then looked back into Sana's eyes curiously. "Aren't I the one who's pressuring you for sex?"

They looked at each other, paused, and then laughed. Sana gently pulled her hand back and they both sat up straight.

"Let's talk clearly," Sana suggested, to which Mina agreed.

"I already told you that I wanted to have sex with you," the younger girl pointed out. "What do you want to do?"

Sana bit her lip, trying to swallow her hesitation. "...if we're being honest, I really want to have sex with you, too. I've wanted it for so long now. But I don't want to push you to do anything that you're not ready for."

Mina's eyes widened as the realization dawned on her. "Oooh, OK, I get it now. That's why you've been sending me mixed signals since last night, isn't it? Why you keep kissing me and touching me like you want to go all the way and why you keep stopping yourself, like last night and now."

Sana pouted, embarrassed as she listened to Mina's accurate assessment of her inconsistent behavior. "Maybe..."

Mina laughed. "God, you're so cute. I wish you just came out and said it though. It would've been less confusing. But you're still trying to protect me even now, aren't you?"

"I just don't want to force you to do anything that makes you uncomfortable," Sana said, placing a warm hand against Mina's cheek. The younger girl's eyes were soft and understanding, patient as she waited for Sana to explain her feelings. "I don't want you to lose your innocence."

"You think I'm innocent?" Mina couldn't help but giggle in disbelief at the comment. "You know I was dreaming about you yesterday morning, right? Do you know what we were doing in my dream before you woke me up?"

The older girl shook head and Mina's cheeks burned with embarrassment as she revealed her dream. "You were eating me out and I was begging for you to go down on me even harder."

The Loneliest Person (Someone Like Me) [Mina x Sana]Where stories live. Discover now