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į  {Jades POV}  į

I woke up and sat up rapidly.But regretted it when pain shot through my whole stomach. I laid back down slowly and took in my surroundings. I was in a hospital bed with a ugly hospital gown. Yes the light was bright but I was used to it......I always some how I end up in a hospital. Drew is part of the gang but works at the hospital. You might be wondering why the hell do we need blood tubes. By the way NO WE ARE NOT VAMPIRES. We use the blood tubes to record the people we killed and what gang did they used to serve. And after that we put the blood tubes in a blood bank so other people could have blood transplants or need blood.Yes we are in a gang but were not that heartless. I decided to look around more and I spotted jay a few feet away from me in a hospital bed. I slowly and gentle got out of the bed making sure I did not reopen my stitching. I was still connected to the IV so I got the other thing it was connected to. I moved it next to jays bed and got in with him and held him close to me and noticed that his hair was curly. Why is his hair curly❔. I don't know but he looks so cute with curly hair. And I also noticed that he wasn't paler than usual. I sighed in content with jay in my arms and my face borrowed in his neck. I guess that drew listened to me.

*10*minutes later

10 minutes later I was still watching jay. I know I am a stalker for staring at him for ten minutes but common I love him. I started to feel someone shifting under me and I saw that Jay was fully awake. I smiled at him. But instead of retuning the smile he frowned. Why was he frowning?

"We're were you I got very worried..I left me" he said

"Sorry" I said as I pressed  a kiss onto his fore head . " had to take care of some family junk"

I knew he didn't believe me but didn't say any thing about it. Which I was grateful for.

After a long silence he broke it

"Why are you in a hospital gown" he said as worry was clear in his eyes.

I sighed dreading to answer his question but non the less I did. " I got stitches"

"But why " he answered shrilly

"Because I accidentally fell on broken glass " I said making up a quick  lie.

"Are you okay,are you hurt" he said

"Mm fine" I replied

I leaned  down and stole a quick kiss.

"Ready to get out of here" I wisp erred

"Yeah..let's go" he said

I turned around and pressed the button to call the nurses in.

A bunch of nurses ran in .

✳️1 hour later✳️

We were all set, we could leave.

EVery thing was alright.

I spotted jay coming out from the bathroom. I quickly went behind him and warped my arms around him.

"Let's go to my place and cuddle"

"Mmk" he hummed

I gently led jay out of the door and into the car. We both entered the car and there were red blotches of blood on my car seat.

Jay gasped at the hideous sight.

After I explained to him the blood was from  when I fell on the glass. ._.

He calmed down and we went to my mansion.

We took a shower ,taking our turns

And I gave him clothes from my *gulp* d-d-aa-d

And I changed.

We were currently cuddling on the my king size bed . But this time it was different instead of me holding him,he insisted that he wanted to hold me.

It felt nice to be loved. But it feels even nicer to give love.

Jays POV

It felt good and nice to hold jade my girlfriend. I will never get tired of saying that. I love her so much. I wanted to hold her so I know that I won't ever lose her. And we will be to get her cause I love her.

:}  :}  :}  :}  :}  :}

I hope you love this chapter thank you and sorry if I haven't updated in a long while. It's that my mom cut of our wifi because I got in trouble. I did something horrible. I-I stole the cookies  from the cookie monster !!!🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪

No but really I am grounded.

🌹🌑Dark Rose🌑🌹

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