best part {6}

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Olivia's POV
I feel someone tapping my shoulder and I groan a little bit. "Cmon, Liv. We are here." Swagger says. I groan obnoxiously and sit up straight, unbuckling my seat belt. He laughs and gets it if the car, as do I. I grab my bag and pull it over my shoulder. All the boys grab their bags as well and we make our way into the hotel lobby. The place was extremely nice and modern. Everything was white and there were plenty of marble counter tops with vases of flowers or small decorations.

The decor was appealing and I couldn't Imagine how much it costs to stay here for 5 nights. But, Ryan was paying for it and he treats money like it's nothing. Which the boys and me are very grateful for since we probably wouldn't be able to afford a hotel like this.

Cam heads up to the front desk and checks us in, getting our keys to the rooms and some information about pool hours, room service, etc. I don't pay attention though and I glance around the beautiful lobby. "Admiring the decor?" Jay asks, walking up to me. I flash a quick smile and nod. "This place is gorgeous. I can't imagine how much it costs. It's unfortunate Ryan can't be here."

Jay nods as well, admiring the place with me. "I know. But he's a great manager and he needs the vacation time. Bali is a great place for him since he definitely enjoys relaxing there."

"Alright guys, we are on the 25th floor and we have two suites. Me, Liv, Swagger and Mason get one room and Matt, Jay and Toby get the other. There are two beds in each room." Cam says, handing Matt one of the room keys. "So are two of us gonna have to be in the same bed?" Mason asks, glancing at me. "Yes. Me and Olivia will share a bed and you and Swagger will share one." He replies. My cheeks heat up.

Sharing a bed with Cam? I guess he made the decision for me. But I'm definitely not complaining.

"But I wanna share a bed with Olivia!" Mason complains. Cam rolls his eyes and shakes his head, heading towards the elevator. We all laugh and follow him.

As we get in the elevator, I reach for the button for the 25th floor and I feel my finger tips touch someone else's. I look up to see it's Cam's finger. We stare at each other for a second then pull our hands away, laughing nervously. I turn my head towards the boys to avoid eye contact and luckily, none of them saw me and Cam's encounter.

We reach the top floor and head to our rooms which are right next to each other. Me, Cam, Swagger and Mason walk into our room and I stare in awe at the gorgeous white room with glass sliding doors that lead to a large balcony. "Woah.." I mutter. I set my bag down in the corner and slide the door to the balcony open, the nice breeze hitting my face. The air is warm but the weather is gorgeous.

I peer over the railing to see a nice pool at the bottom. "Wow, this place is so nice." Cam says, standing next to me, admiring the view. I nod. "Nice is an understatement. This place is beautiful." I respond.

"Are you excited for PAX?" He says, changing the subject. "Yeah definitely. But nervous of course. I've never been to an event like this." I shudder at the thought of how many people will be here. Large crowds give me anxiety and I worry that I may not be able to handle it.

"Don't be nervous. I'll stay by your side and if you ever want to leave, I'll escort you out and help as much as I can." Cam reassures me. I give him a warm smile and hug him. "Thank you, Cam."

I hear a booming voices enter the room. "This suite looks exactly like ours." Jay says. "No shit, cunt. Same hotel." Mason rolls his eyes. "Shut the fuck up, Mason." He replies. The two bicker back and fourth like brothers and soon Cam and Swagger are yelling at them.

"Guys, be quiet, we are in a fancy hotel and a noise complaint is what we are gonna get if we don't shut the fuck up." Matt says, taking control of the situation. I nod in agreement and the boys settle down. It was friendly bickering, of course they weren't actually mad at each other but they get loud when the argue.

"Do you guys wanna smoke a bit?" Swagger asks. Everyone agrees expect for me and Toby. "I think I'm gonna go relax but let me know when you guys are done." He says. "I think I'll join him." I add. The boys just shrug and nod as they roll a blunt.

Me and Toby leave the room and head to his suite. "Not in the mood for a smoke sesh?" Toby asks. I nod my head and sit on the bed. "Just not feeling it. Got a lot on my mind is all." I reply.

"Wanna talk about it?" He says. I nod.

"I'm just nervous about the convention. I've never been to something like this and I'm afraid I'll mess something up. I don't do good with large crowds either so it's just nerve racking, you know?"

"Yeah I get it. I have anxiety too and I understand what you mean. But don't worry, me and the boys will take care of you and anytime you wanna leave, we can. I'll always take you back here to the hotel if you aren't feeling well at the convention. I don't know if I can stay here with you since I have meet and greets as well as other little events to go to but I'll support and help you as much as I can."

"You're in safe hands, Olivia. Don't stress about it." He smile sweetly at me.

"Thanks, Toby. That's very reassuring and I definitely needed that. There's also something else in my mind though..." I trail off and look down at my lap, blushing.

"What is it?"

"Cam. I think I like him."

Toby looks shocked but his facial expression soon turns into a smirk. "I knew it! You guys are soulmates!"

"Why do you say that?" I ask, confused.

"I'm sure Cam is in love with you too! He has heart eyes for you and whenever you guys talk I can just feel the connection between you two." He says.

I blush and smile nervously. "Really?"

He nods. "Of course. What if he likes you too?"

I pause and think for a moment.

"I'd be his if he asked."

Hope you enjoyed his chapter and I hope you're okay with the new title! Let me know what you think in the comments <3

1163 words

best part  // goodguyfitz ✔Where stories live. Discover now