best part {19}

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*the next day*

Olivia's POV
"What do you want to do today?" Cam asks as we lay in my bed together. I shrug. "Maybe just have a chill day? It's been an eventful week, Cam." I laugh.

"Indeed. How long has it been since you uploaded a video?" He asks. "Jesus, like a month? I've been so busy with you guys I almost forgot I had a channel." Cam laughs at me and I sit up in bed.

"Wanna record some CS? We can see if the boys want to join as well?" He suggests. "Sounds great! Text them while I set up and put some normal clothes on." I hop out of bed and go into my bathroom, changing into a sweater and a pair of leggings.

I examined my appearance in the mirror. The bags under my eyes were still dark and my skin was still pale. It would be a few days until I go back to normal.

I look at the scars on my arms and my stomach, a tear drops from my eye and I quickly swipe it away.

No crying today, Olivia. It's all over now. You're safe.

I walk out of the bathroom to see Cam in his boxers without a shirt on as he is changing. My face goes beet red and I admire his frame.

I don't notice him looking at me until he chuckles. I jump a bit and release my lip from in between my teeth which I didn't realize I was doing.

Cam smirks and walks over to me, shirt in hand. "Staring, huh? Like the view?" He teases. "I-I wasn't staring, I w-was j-" He cuts me off by attaching his lips to mine.

It surprised me at first but I soon relaxed and wrapped by arms around his neck. It turned into a heating make out session and he back ups until he is against the bed.

He sits down and I slowly take a seat on his lap, my legs spread out to both sides of him. I pull his hair a bit and we make out for what feels like days until he pulls away. My face is flushed and I stare at him in awe.

He smirks at me, chuckling again and picks me up as he stands. I wrap my legs around him and I kiss him once more. "You're adorable." He laughs, setting me back down in the ground.

"S-Shut up." I say, trying to catch my breath.

We head to my recording room and I run CS. Going into discord, I call the boys and they all answer within seconds. "Olivia!" They all say in unison. I giggle and smile like an idiot. "Hi guys!"

"We are so glad you're okay!" Swagger says. I smile at Cam who is sitting next to me and he kisses me lightly.

"I'm here too guys!" Cam says, acting offended. "Yeah, yeah, we don't care." Mason says.

Cam gasps and rolls his eyes. "Whatever."

I begin recording and start my intro. "Hey guys, whats poppin'? It's ya boi. Back at it again with another monthly upload." I joke. Cam laughs. I introduce all the boys.

"Oh and Cam who is actually with me in real life. He is visiting me in New Zealand! Ain't that something?" I laugh.

All the boys laugh as well and we begin the first round of CS. We make jokes here and there, some I mentally note to cut out since they are way too offensive.

Later on during the session, Raccooneggs and Kryoz join the call. We start a new game and the jokes get even better-or worse-depending on how you look at it.

"That's guys name is racist.." Kryoz says. I look at the bottom left. "Nigward..? Oh my god!" Racc laughs.

"Nigward!" Swagger laughs maniacally. We all go into fits of laughter and tears are falling from Emmy eyes.

"What's up Nigward?" Racc says.

"Sup, Nigward?" Swagger says, laughing even harder. " know Nigwards favorite rap artist?" He begins. I tilt my head and frown in confusion. "What?"

There's a pause. "Futureeeee." Swagger says, referencing the Spongbob episode.

We all die laughing and I'm practically falling on the floor. Cam is laughing his ass off as well and I'm convinced we are both going to pee ourselves at some point.

Once we've calmed down, we try focusing on the game. "Go site A Swagger!" I yell. "What?" He says, knowing exactly what I said. "SITE A!" I yell louder. He laughs to himself and does what I say.

"Now diffuse the bomb." I command. He's the last one and the game depends on him. "Swagger!" Racc groans. "Diffuse it, cunt!" Mason yells.

He remains silent, his character staring down at the bomb. He waits till the last second and starts to diffuse it. "You fucked it up for everyone!" I yell. On cue, the bomb explodes and we all groan in frustration.

"Fuck you." I groan with my head in my hands. He goes into a fit of laughter as well as everyone else. I stop recording and Racc and Kryoz say goodbye. We all decide to chat a bit.

"So..what happened when they found you, Liv?" Toby asks. I sigh looking over to Cam. He places his hand on mine.

"Well, they found me in the warehouse because my brother Joey could see my location from his phone. My ex-boyfriend, the one who kidnapped me, walked in and we basically had a stand-off. Cam tried to convince him to let me go but he refused. He tried to shoot my brother but Cam pushed him out fo the way. He distracted him while Joey snuck up behind him and he was able to tackle him. Cam grabbed the gun and shot him. They took me home and now we are here." I pause, sniffling a bit. I refused to cry.

"My ex tortured me for days. Wouldn't feed me or give me water. I was dehydrated and starving. I don't think I would have been able to last any longer. He cut up my arms and my stomach. He had done this to me before when we were together. He was never good to me. And he wanted revenge on me for leaving." I sigh.

Cam rubs my back softly, kissing my cheek. "I'm so sorry, Liv. We are glad you're okay now. You have an amazing guy in your life." Swagger says. I smile at Cam.

"I do, don't I?" I kiss him on the lips and we all say goodbye, leaving the call.

"Olivia?" Joey calls out. "Yes?" I reply, standing up from my desk and opening the door. "Oh, there you are. I'm gonna go hang out with a friend if that okay." He says. I nod my head and smile. "Of course! Let me know if you need anything. Stay safe!"

He nods and gives me a hug before walking out the door.

Cam comes up behind me and wraps his arms around my waist. "Cuddle time?" He asks.

I giggle and turn around, leaning into him. "We can do a bit more than that." I smirk. He looks into my eyes to see if I'm serious and picks me up, carrying me to my room.

He drops me down onto the bed, climbing on top of me. He smirks down at me, attacking my neck with kisses.
We cuddle close together as I lay my bare best against his.

"Will we be together forever?" I ask, breaking the silence. "I hope, Liv. I can't imagine my life without you." He kisses the top of my head.

1286 words

best part  // goodguyfitz ✔Where stories live. Discover now