best part {13}

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                             **2 days later**

Olivia's POV
Me and Cam cuddle together on the couch as we try to enjoy our last day together. "Wanna go to lunch?" Cam asks. I nod and smile at him. "That sounds lovely." He smiles back and we try to decide on where to go. "Any places near by that you like?" I ask.

He thinks for a moment. "There's this great restaurant I've been to a few times. It's like 15 minutes away. Wanna give it a try?" He suggests. I nod. "Sounds good. We should get going soon, it's almost 1. I'm gonna go get ready. I'll be down in 10." I smile and kiss him in the cheek. He nods and pulls his phone out, scrolling through Twitter.

I go up to room and pick out an outfit. Searching through my wardrobe, I pick out a graphic tee and light colored jeans. I throw my brown hair up into a messy ponytail and put on some mascara. Lastly, I slip on some converses. Content with my appearance, I walk back out of my room. "Oh, hey Liv! Where you going?" Toby smiles as we bump into each other in the hallway.

"Going on a lunch date with Cam. Since it's my last day and all." I say as I check my purse making sure I have everything I need. "Aww how fun! What time do you leave?" He asks. "My flight is at 11pm." I say. He nods and walks back into his room. I walk back downstairs.

Walking up behind Cam, who is still scrolling through Twitter, and wrap my arms around him. "You ready?" He smiles, standing up from the couch. "Yep!" I say excitedly. We interlock our arms and walk out of the house.

He opens the car door and helps me in. I smile and thanks you, pecking him on the lips. He enters the drivers seat and we turn on the radio. The lyrics to my favorite song begin to play. I turn the volume up and Cam smiles over at me. I begin to sing the song softly.

You don't know, babe

When you hold me

And kiss me slowly

It's the sweetest thing

And it don't change

If I had it my way

You would know that you are

You're the coffee that I need in the morning

You're my sunshine in the rain when it's pouring

Won't you give yourself to me

Give it all

Cam cuts in and grabs my hand, holding it tightly.

I just wanna see

I just wanna see how beautiful you are

You know that I see it

I know you're a star

Where you go I follow

No matter how far

If life is a movie

Oh you're the best part

You're the best part

He stops singing and we arrive at the restaurant. He parks in front of the restaurant and I stare him in the eyes. "I didn't know you could sing." I say, baffled by how talented he is and the fact that he knows the song word for word. "It's my favorite song actually. I know it by heart." He smiles.

"Really? It's my favorite song too!" I smiles excitedly.  We hop out of the car and walk inside the restaurant. "Table for two." Cam says to the waitress. She smiles at him and nods, grabbing two menus. I recognized this girl too well. I know her from somewhere but I can't put my finger on it. She seats us by the window.  "What would you like to drink, sir?" She smiles. "Water please." Cam smiles back.

"And for you ma'am?" The familiar waitress says, turning towards me. "Can I get some wine please?" I request. "Of course! ID please?" I pull my wallet out and hand her my ID. Her eyes scan the card and she looks surprised. "Olivia? Olivia Miller?" She says, looking at me with wide eyes. "Do I know you?" I ask.

"It's me! Amelia from high school? We um..missed at a party once." She laughs nervously. My eyes widen. "Oh my god, Amelia! I knew you looked familiar I just could recognize you. How've you been?" I smile, standing up and giving her a quick hug. "Good, how about you?" She smiles. "Pretty good." I reply, sitting back down. "O-okay well I'll be back with those drinks." She stutters a bit and walks away.

"That's the girl you kissed in high school?!" Cam whisper yells. "Yeah. She something. A little weird sometimes but I'm surprised she's talking to me." I say. "She seems really nervous." He says. I just nod my head.

Amelia arrives back with our drinks and she takes our order.

"How's your food?" Cam asks, taking a bite of his own. "Delicious. Thank you for taking me out, Cam. You're the best." I rest my hand on top of his. He smiles sweetly at me. "No problem. I love you, you know that right?"

"Yes, of course. And I love you too." We smile at each other and we discuss how and when we are gonna see each other again. "My brother is coming to New Zealand next week. We haven't seen each other in a while so he's gonna be staying here for a week." I say. "Maybe I can visit when he leaves?" He suggests. "That would be awesome. You sure it's not a bother though?"

"Of course not. I have family in New Zealand so I'd be able to see them again as well. You can even meet them while I'm there." He smiles. My heart races a bit at the thought.

Meeting his parents sounds terrifying. I want to make a good impression but what if they don't like me? What if I mess up? What if meeting them ruins me and his' relationship?

"Olivia? You okay?" Cam says, tapping my arm. "O-oh yeah. That'd be great. Your family sounds lovely." I fake smile. He sighs. "If you're nervous about meeting them, don't worry. They are super chill people and you will get along great with them. Just be yourself." He reassured me. I nod my head.

We pay the bill and I make sure to leave a good tip. I say goodbye to Amelia on the way out and thank her.

This chapter sucks but I spent an hour writing it so I don't wanna delete it all. I'm sorry that it's a bit short and boring. I need to come up with ideas on where to go from here. If you have a suggestions, please comment and let me know.

1101 words

best part  // goodguyfitz ✔Where stories live. Discover now