best part | {10}

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Olivia's POV

livgaming: come say hi to me at pax while I wait for the cunts to finish their meet and greet

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livgaming: come say hi to me at pax while I wait for the cunts to finish their meet and greet. im lonely.

User1: I'm on my way babes!
User2: wish i was there :(
raccooneggs: I miss ya. I'll have to visit soon uwu
livgaming: I miss you too babes :(
User3: you and Cam should date uwu fr
livgaming: @User3 who says we aren't ;)
goodguyfitz: @User3 @livgaming shes joking :/

"So how'd it go, guys?" I say cheerily to the boys as we walk outside, leaving the convention. "It was great! We have the loveliest fans." Toby smiles. The rest of the boys nod or hum in agreement.

"Aw, that's good. Are we just gonna explore for the last days of the convention?" I ask. "Yeah i think so, we don't have any other plans so it's up to you, love." Cam says. I smile at him. "I think we should go to a nice, proper dinner tonight. Like a fancy restaurant." I suggest.

"That sounds fun!" Jay says. "Okay, and the rest of you? What do you think?"

The boys nod with cheeky grins on their faces. "Okay, then it's settled. Dinner on me tonight."
"No way, I'll pay." Cam says. I shake my head. "You guys invited me here, the least I can do is pay for a nice dinner." I reassure. He frowns but instead of continuing to argue, he agrees.

We arrive back at the hotel and we all settle on going to a fancy Italian restaurant at 6pm. "Are you feeling better?" Cam asks, as we sit on the balcony together, smoking a bit of weed. I tilt my head in confusion and raise an eyebrow. "You know, the anxiety you had at the convention; you okay now?" He explains. "Oh, yeah yeah I'm f-fine." I stutter a bit.

He places his hand on top of mine and gives me a concerned smile. "Olivia, you promise?" He says sternly. I blush a bit and smile reassuringly. "Yes, Cameron. I promise." He rubs his thumb across my knuckles. I look down at my feet, avoiding eye contact. I lift the blunt up to my lips and inhale, blowing it back out of my mouth.

"Olivia.." Cam says in a hushed tone. I turn my head towards him. "Yes?"

"I think I'm-" Cam is cut off by Toby sliding the door open. "It's almost 6, you guys should start getting ready." He says. Cam sighs and stands up from his seat, pushing past Toby and walking inside. Toby looks a bit taken aback.

He frowns and turns towards me. "What's his issue?" He asks. I just shrug. "I think he was gonna tell me something. Don't worry about him, he can tell me later." He nods and walks back inside, motioning me to follow him.

I set my blunt in the small table and walk back inside. "I'm gonna get changed in my room, I think Cam went back there too." I say to the boys. They nod and I walk to the room next door. Unlocking it, I walk in and peer my head around the corner to see Cam staring at his phone, probably scrolling through Twitter.

"Hey, you alright? You kinda stormed out of the room." I say, sitting next to him on the bed. He looks up at me. "Yeah I'm fine." He says bluntly. I sigh and rub his leg, feeling sorry almost. He looks back down at his phone.

What was so important that he got angry about being interrupted?

I sit up from the bed. "I'm gonna freshen up real quick." I say and walk into the bathroom with some makeup, a pair of black ripped jeans and a white T-shirt. I'm super into skater-girl/punk aesthetic so I never wear dresses or anything fancy.

I apply some mascara and concealer, walking back out of the bathroom. Cam was still in the same position on his bed, eyes glued to his phone. "I'm ready, Cam." I smile at him. He nods and grabs his wallet along with his phone.

We arrive at the restaurant and I sit next to Cam. He did talk much on the ride here and I'm starting to worry about him. "What can I get you guys to drink?" The waiter says. He eyes me a little bit longer than anyone else, a small smirk on his face.

"Can I get a sweet tea please?" I request. "Of course, love." He winks at me. I clear my throat and try to suppress a smile. As he takes everyone else's drink order, I look over at Cam, who is shooting daggers with his eyes at the waiter.

He face burns red with what I can only assume is anger. "And you sir?" The waiter says gesturing to Cam. "Beer and some water." He says sternly. "Okay, I'll be right back with your drinks." He says and glances at me one more time, another smirk plastered on his face.

I tap Cam's arm and he turns towards me, anger clearly boiling in his blood. "You okay?" I whisper. "Yes, I'm fine. I don't like our waiter. And you're not tipping him, okay?" He says, a serious look on his face. I nod, understanding his annoyance.

The waiter comes back with our drinks and he sets mine down, placing a note in front of me at well. I frown and glance at him, he just smiles. "What can I get you to eat sir?" He says, beginning with Toby.

I open the note and squint my eyes.

Hey baby. We can hang out afterwards. Text me ;) My number is (***)-***-****

I roll my eyes at the note and set I back down. "And for you, love?" Michael says. "Chicken Alfredo, please." I say, trying not to make eye contact. "Of course." He says. I clear my throat and look down at my lap, fiddling with my fingers.

The look Michael kept giving me made me uncomfortable and I think Cam noticed. He places his hand on top of mine. "Are you okay? Is he bothering you?" He asks, sounding concerned. I just bite my lip and shrug.

"You can tell me. I don't want you to feel uncomfortable, Liv." He says, squeezing my hand tightly. I feel comfortable with Cam and something about the way he spoke made me feel safer. I hand Cam the note and take a sip of my drink.

His eyes scan the small piece of paper. Anger is plastered across his face. Cam doesn't say anything, he just places his hand on my thigh and squeezes it reassuringly. I flash him a small smile, letting him know I'm okay. He smiles back and Michael arrives with the food. "Can my girlfriend get a re-fill on her drink please?" Cam says. My face goes beet red.

"Y-Yeah. Sure." Michael stutters and his face is almost as red as mine. He looked taken aback by Cam calling me his girlfriend. The waiter grabs my drink and walks away. He shoots me an apologetic glance.

"Hopefully he leaves you alone now." Cam sighs. I nod my head. "Thank you." I mutter. He smiles and nods. "Anything for you."

hope you guys enjoyed :)

1211 words

best part  // goodguyfitz ✔Where stories live. Discover now