because i love you

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Tired eyes, dirty clothes, the once happy face, which (Y/N) always let hope for a bright future, was replaced by a helpless and strained one.

''Why? What..what is he doing?...'', (Y/N) whispered into Zelda's shocked face and touched her hand through the metal bars.

''(Y/N) are alive..i am so glad..Link will be so relieved.., but we don't have much time to talk. We have to find a way out. Maybe he left the keys somewhere here.'', she told her shaken. (Y/N) was pressing her friend's hand softly, while tears ran down her face. Shocked was an understatemend, but on the other side...

What did she expect?

''This was his order? To capture her and lock her away deep down in his chambers, till he has to hand her over to Ganondorf?'', she whispered helplessly, while tears rolled diwn her cheeks.

Zelda stopped her pleading and touched (Y/N)'s cheek lovingly.
''(Y/N)...what happened? What have he done?'', she whispered and for a moment (Y/N) had to overthink everything. It was his duty, but to see it in real, pained her heart. She told herself to always see the good in him and not the monster he was on the outside world and everybody spoke about. What should she do about this mess? How should she react towards him?

''(Y/N), you have to calm down. We have to leave as quick as possible. This is our only chance.'', Zelda tried again to control the situation. Her look wavered to the door, in which Dark left after his outburst and slowly back to their only hope they had right now, but sadly (Y/N) was in her own world, lost in her thoughts about Dark.

''We don't have much time...i was able to hurt him, but he will come back as soon.. Please.''

''What the hell are you doing here?!'', his dangerous voice shot through Zelda's speech. Frightened the princess look fell back onto the door, which was now wide open and a more than pissed dark warrior was standing in the doorway. His voice pulled (Y/N) back to reality. Her look landed on his angered one. There he was, the man who changed her life completely to the better and now back to despair. Slowy he made his way to her side. Zelda pulled (Y/N) closer to her to keep her in a way safe and protect her, obviously an useless attempt of the metal bars in her way.

''How could you..'', (Y/N)'s angered voice shot through the dangerous silence. Standing up, she stepped before the princess to protect her, who was pleading that she should run away, but (Y/N) silenced her by taking here shaken hand.

''Zelda, I will handle that.'', she spoke confidently. Shocked the princess stopped her pleading, while watching her doings in shock.

Dark was right in front of her, his hand rested above her head on the metal bars, while his angered look watched her beautiful eyes. She could see that he was tired, exhausted and his arm was bandaged. Still blood ran down his tunic.

''Tell me. What are you going to handle?'', he growled pissed. For a moment (Y/N) avoid his intense glare to regain her confidence.

''You should tell me what are you doing here. I told you to stay in your room, till i come back. Damn it (Y/N).'', he shouted and punched against the metal, which shook of his power. Zelda was pushed back and landed onto the floor.

''I am here to help Zelda! How could you!'', (Y/N) shouted back in anger, while punching against his chest. Dark's eyes widened and he had to step back of her loud outburst.

''What did you expect (Y/N)? That Ganondorf's order was about to find some herbs? You know what a monster he is. Just go back to your room and let me finish this. We will discuss this later.'', he huffed back strained.

''A monster like you...'', (Y/N) whispered hurt. She thought she would never say that to him. Even if she was aware of his cruel status. But his acting, this scene before her. It pained. The man she fell deeply. The man who made her butterflies raise in her stomach. Broke her heart.

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