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Pitch black emptiness, slowly covering his mind. Mercyless.

Was this the end?

It felt insane. Was he losing his mind? Drowning in his hatred? Angered about the world, of himself and what he had become. About Ganondorf, who was the cause of his condition and horrible life. And most of all he felt a heartbroken. Shaken of sadness to be alone again. Lose again. Falling into darkness without a chance to escape, like ever so often.


This question was burning in his mind like all those memories of his past. He felt no regret. Maybe he got time now to think about his cruel crimes, his reckless actions, but wouldn't feel bad in the slightest. He did it for her. His beloved (Y/N). Fullfilled his duties to keep this bastard away. Satisfied. He would endure all the pain again if it meant to safe her life.

"I love you"

Out of nowhere a sweet and kind melody reached his ears. It was calming his stressed soul and slowly it was leading him out of the darkness. It felt in a way familiar and embraced his body in a relaxing warmth. The darkness turned white, while he could feel a tingling sensation through his body.

"It seems that it's working... Please Link go on"

"Yeah don't worry.."

Slowly his eyelids opened and before he could realize what happened, the warrior clothed in black was pushed down by a deep hug from (Y/N).

"God (Y/N). He could still be hurt.", Link spoke shocked, observing Dark's surprised expression.

Soon his shocked state relaxed, while pressing her body closer. How much he enjoyed to hold her like this. To Just have her by his side.

"You saved me..", he whispered strained. Slowly (Y/N) pulled apart and watched him frustrated. "Dark. I was so worried and helpless.. It was Link who saved you with his ocarina.",she stuttered, while tears rolled down her cheeks. Quickly she pressed her face into his chest and hugged him again. Listening to his steady heartbeat. Sighing Dark's look fell onto the Hero of time, who watched the scene calmly.

"I played the song of Healing. I wasn't sure if it would work on you. Normally it heals only creatures of the light. I am relieved that it reached you. Maybe there is already a spark of light in you.", Link explained with a short smile and gave them some space to have time alone.

" Yeah there is light in my life. ", Dark whispered to himself and caressed (Y/N) 's back to calm her down.

" (Y/N).. you saved me.", he spoke lovingly and looked into her confused face, which he found too cute. Slowly he brushed her tears away with a smile.

"Since you helped me back then at the lost woods, you gave my life a meaning. It was always you, who brought me to the right path. You, who showed me how to love and care for someone. (Y/N)", he started to explain and took her hands in his.

"You saved my life and now you brought me light and energy to come back to you.", he squeezed her hand soflty and ended his speech with a passionate kiss.

Every kiss from him was something special. Full of longing, so bittersweet desperate, which let her body always shiver of excitement. A simple touch from him let her mind go crazy.

"Don't think you hadn't done anything.", Dark whispered lovingly, while resting his forehead against hers.
"And you Link.", he added seriously to the hero, who was watching him from afar. Smirking slightly the hero came closer, looking forward to get a first thank you from the demon of the dark.

"I couldn't believe that an old rusty instrument, whithin you play your stupid songs of time, would ever help me. Exceptionally I have to thank you as well.", he spoke arrogantly and watched the grumbling hero with an amused grin.

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