To Be With You

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The moment he noticed (Y/N) 's sad expression, Dark knew that it would be a mistake to stay at Hyrule castle. This wasn't the life he had wished for.

"What are you talking? Don't joke around.", Zelda spoke shocked, while (Y/N) tried to calm the situation in saying that it would be okay, but Dark's serious look let her fell silent again.

"It's like I said. I decline to stay at your castle.",he repeated in a dominant tone.

"Dark think about it. What are you gonna do? What about her?", Link asked surprised and pointed to (Y/N), who was feeling more and more uncomfortable.

"It's my decision, because it's about her.", he started and squeezed (Y/N)'s hand softly. Zelda and Link watched the dark warrior stunned. Never did they believe that he would decline such an offer. He would be able to live a carefree life.

Stepping back, Dark started to wander around alone, while watching the enormous paintings on the wall.

"I can't say that my life was going well..", he started to explain.

"As a demon of the Dark Realm, you always have to be on guard and ready to fight. My life was often boring and meaningless, if i didn't have to fight. But out of nowhere I met her... She saved me and since this day, my life was important again. To stay by her side and watch over her. And soon she was taken away from me.. ", Dark spoke calmly, while his look fell onto her saddened one. Tears welled up in her eyes of all those horrible memories.

"Not only my life was filled with terror and nightmares... She was captured and locked away. On top of that without any memory. To have her back again, was unfortunately for me. But I got a second chance... I couldn't believe it that I was able to love again. Our relationship got stronger. And now you are saying that I should lock her away again? To have a life behind castle doors? To hide from our fate? You know better than I, that your people fear me. There wouldn't be another way than staying hidden all the time. For me it's okay. I don't care to be locked away, if it meant to keep her safe, but it wouldn't make her happy... She wouldn't be the same.. ", Dark spoke and came back to their side.

"Dark....", (Y/N) hugged him tightly and hid her face in his chest.

"Don't underestimate me Zelda. I am stronger than you think. You should know that.", he said in a mocking tone and got an angered look of the princess.

"On the other side i am aware that we can't life on our own. We need support. I think it would be better if we stay at the outskirts of Hyrule castle. It's not too far away and close to the lost woods, which gives us more space and most of all peace. Beside i honestly don't Care, but maybe in the future your people will accept me. I will protect (Y/N). ", he added with his strong voice. Zelda thought about the demon's plan and had to admit that it would be possible. And it was definately easier to realize and life with.

" This green imp at your side needs a hard training. We have to bei prepared for the future.", Dark ended his speech and got clapped onto his shoulder by an grumbling hero.

"I have to say he is right. If we work together and train, (Y/N) will be able to stay where she wants. And you Zelda you aren't far away.", Link spoke to Zelda who was still unsure of what to say.

"I am feeling so uncomfortable.. I make you all so worried. I stay here. As long as I am with Dark, I will handle that.", (Y/N) sobbed and was hugged by her lover.

"(Y/N)... We know you too good. After a week you will go crazy here or going on my nerves that I will.", Dark joked while kissing her forehead. (Y/N) pouted and punched his chest playfully.

"Don't worry my dear, I just want to have a quiet and peaceful life for us like you deserve. As your man I am responsible for that.", he spoke proudly and watched her flustered state amused.

"Okay. You get a house near the lost woods. Link will have to keep an eye on you guys and Dark.... I want you to behave! No destruction, no shouting against townspeople.", Zelda ordered in a demanding tone, but on the other side she was beyond happy.

(Y/N) couldn't believe it. She had accepted her fate to life at the castle. She would do anything to just stay by his side. After all what happened he still did everything to make her happy. Overwhelmed she jumped into his arms. "(Y/N)!? What the hell...", Dark stuttered embarrassed but was silenced by a deep kiss from her.

"I love you.... "


The rustling of the leafs mixed with the sound of birds created a comforting melody to relax, but deep inside the woodlands the sound of clashing swords interrupted the peaceful day.

"You have to get faster."

"Shut up.. I know"

"Let's make a break"

Breathing heavily two heros started to walk through the woods. They were exhausted, their clothes wet from their fighting, nevertheless they felt great. Dark had to smile after seeing his new home in the distance.

"can't wait for her cooking. God the dinner yesterday was amazing.", Link spoke dreamingly with hearts in his eyes.

"I would recommend to look for your own girl or cook for yourself than eating my food from my woman. Such a shame.I can't believe how much you are able to eat. You green imp." Dark growled annoyed, but was interrupted by a friendly clap onto his shoulder from a laughing Link.

"Awww... Don't be like that. I am sorry, but (Y/N) promised me to cook for me. And you know better than I that she wouldn't allow me to eat elsewhere just because you are annoyed." Link joked happily and walked along to get home. Dark sighed deeply and just followed his friend's action.

On the other side (Y/N) was already waiting for her lover and Link to come home. She loved how Dark was always surprised about her cooking skills and amused about how he was growling of Link's compliments towards her.


"(Y/N)... What should I say... Amazing. No unbelievable good. You are the best", Link spoke happily and rubbed his stomach.

"I am so glad you liked it. If you want something special, please just tell me and I will cook it.", she spoke while putting some of the meal into his bag.
The sound of the closing door let Dark relax. Silence filled the area and sighing exhausted (Y/N) let herself fall into a armchair.
" if you want to know my opinion... I also found it good", Dark huffed jealous.

"... good?", (Y/N) watched the amused demon offended. Slowly he got up and came to her side. Trapped in the chair he came closer and closer. His look alone let her shiver.

"It was...", he started and kissed her ear.

"delicious....", he kissed down her neck. Flustered she listened to his seductive voice.

"and...unresistable ...", he kissed her cheek lovingly and looked into her widened eyes.

"and hot..", he ended his words with a kiss. How she loved to be taken by him in such a passionate way. Enjoying his warmth she let herself fall into his embrace while her fingers brushed through his silver locks. With every minute their make out session got more intense. Dark decided to change the location and without to leave her delicate lips he grabbed her form and got up from their position. Automatically she slung her legs around his hips to hold onto him.

"I think it's time for my dessert...don't you think my dear..", he spoke huskily and kissed down her neck. The sudden touch let her escape a sudden moan. Embarrassed she hid her face into his neck while Dark chuckled amused.

"sounded like a yes...", he added playfully and headed to their bedroom. He wanted to show her how much he loved her, how happy he was to be with her. (Y/N) was overwhelmed by his words, his touch and the way he was caring for her. She wanted to enjoy every minute with this man.

"The memory of you saved me..."

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