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Picture: mariearts.ksa on Instagram

Later that day:

"Dinner's ready", Nero and Nico hear Y/n yell from the kitchen.
"Okay, she's a keeper", Nick says running off.
Nero smiles to himself, gets up from the couch and also walks into the kitchen where he sees Nico sitting at the table with drool literally dripping out of her mouth.
"Oh, Jack Frost has also decided to come", Y/n says teasingly and grins at the tall male.
"Shut up, Fluffbutt", He says in return, still with a smile on his face, and sits down at the table as well.

Y/n places the freshly cooked food onto the table. It looks like wraps filled with salad, tomatoes, cheese, sour cream, salsa, corn and fried chicken breast.
The mechanic immediately takes one and bites into it. "I'm never letting you leave!"
At her comment Nero also takes a bit of the food and tries it. A harmony of countless tastes spreads in his mouth.
"I'm surprised you still had chicken because your fridge is real empty", Y/n says tasting her food as well.
"You're staying here. Meals like this every day are literally godlike", Nero says taking another bite.

After a while of Nico and Nero stuffing themselves with the food they lean back in their chairs with filled stomachs.
"I'm full", Nico groans.
"You guys literally ate 3 wraps each. I've never seen someone eat so many."
"Well, we're one of a kind. Speaking of which, I'm tired", Nico says as she gets up form her chair. "Goodnight!" The mechanic yawns before strolling into her room.

An awkward silence fills the kitchen until Nero decides to speak up.
"You cook better than Kyrie. I tip my head to you."
"I don't like being compared to people but thanks", Y/n says as she starts to take care of the dishes. "Wait, let me help you." Nero jumps up from his seat and takes the plates from Y/n's hands to bring them to the sink.
Both start to wash the dishes, one washing the dishes with the soap and the other drying it with a towel.

"Sorry for comparing you to her. I just can't help it sometimes", Nero sighs as he focuses on drying a cup.
"No offense taken. I get what you're getting at since my friend F/n went through the same thing", The h/c haired girl says handing Nero another plate to dry.
"But you're not as annoying."
Nero's eyes light up at Y/n's words. "I'll take that as a compliment."
Both chuckle loosening the mood a bit.
"If I may asks what exactly happened between you two?"
A gentle smile spreads onto the male's face as he dries the last pan.

"Turns out angels like here do sin. After going out every day at the same time I became curious and caught her cheating-"
"What?! Oh hell no! I will whoop her ass", Y/n yells leaving Nero speechless.
Y/n stops as she realizes how petrified Nero is by her reaction and clears her throat. "Sorry, go on."
"Anyway... it ended in me breaking up with her which she didn't like at all."
"See? That's what I don't get. When your partner cheats on you but they still want to be together. It doesn't really make sense except they like the feeling of secrecy which would be destroyed."
Nero nods in agreement.
"I'm over it so it doesn't matter too much."
Y/n hums and sits down in a chair by the table while Nero does the same.

"What about you", He suddenly asks leaning forward. "What?"
"Anyone special in your life right now?"
A chuckle leaves Y/n's lips. "No, no, no!"
Nero raises an eyebrow. "You're as red as a tomato, spit it out, Fluffbutt."
The teen covers her blushing face in embarrassment.
"N-no, what I mean is... that I've never been in a relationship before."
Nero's eyes widen. "What?! Like, how? You're literally gorgeous!"
At the realization of his words Nero's cheeks also start to light up in a bright red color.

"I mean, I've been like this my howl life. I was always taught that you need someone special but that kind of changed when my dad left us", Y/n explains. "But we're not going to get into that."
Nero chuckles. "There's so much to learn from you", He says leaning his head onto his palm. "I'm not even that interesting", Y/n laughs as Nero keeps a straight face.

"I don't care. I find you highly interesting, not only for the fact that you're from another dimension, but your character is so fascinating."
Y/n's cheeks light up even brighter.
"O-okay there, Jack Frost. That's enough for one evening. I'm going to bed", She says getting up from her chair.
As she wants to leave the kitchen area Nero calls out her name. "If you ever feel lonely just hug me."
Weirded out by his sudden words Y/n dashes into her current stay.

What the hell was that?
She's never felt so awkward in her howl life.

Nero hits his head with his palm.
"Idiot", He mutters over and over before deciding to go into his room as well passing by Y/n's room.
For a second he stops in front of her shut door but continues his trail into his.
The male falls onto his bed with his gaze towards the ceiling thinking and Y/n.

At the same time Y/n changed into a pair of pajamas and currently lays on her bed under her blanket looking at the ceiling.
Does Nero like her?
She immediately shakes that thought out of her head.
"No, he can't like me. When the DMC 5 timeline is through I'm going home and then we won't See each other again", She mutters to herself rubbing her pounding temples.

After taking a sip of water Y/n lays down onto the mattress shutting her puffy eyes and drifts off into dreamland.

Another Universe (DMC5 Nero x Reader) [completed]Where stories live. Discover now