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"I like you too"

Those words repeat in Nero's head over and over. A gentle smile spreads onto his face.
"But... I don't know if this will work out", Y/n suddenly says.
"Don't get me wrong, I really like you but when all of this is over I will go home and-"

Suddenly Nero cups Y/n's face and connects his lips with her soft ones.
"I don't want to think of that right now", He says as they break the kiss and lean their foreheads against each other.
"All that matters is the time here and now."
Y/n smiles as she looks up into Nero's turquoise orbs.
The male carefully takes the girl's hands and squeezes them knowing that when Y/n goes back to her dimension she won't be able to return.
"We still have time until our plan so let's spend that time together", Nero whispers with a gentle smile.

Both lay down onto Y/n's bed arm in arm.
Before falling asleep Nero whispers a shy and quick "I love you" into the girl's ear. She smiles brightly and drifts off to dreamland.

The next morning Nero sleepily rolls around the bed and opens his eyes as she realizes that Y/n isn't there.
Confused he wanders into the kitchen where Nico already sits with a cup of coffee and a magazine.
"Hey, tough guy! Finally up", She greets him. "You sleep in every day so shut up", He returns with a groggy voice.
"Where's Y/n", Nero then asks after sitting down onto a chair at the table. "She went out."
"Yea, for a stroll."
Nero raises an eyebrow. "Who would go for a stroll in a destroyed city full of demons?"
"She would." Nico takes a sip of her coffee.

With a groan Nero gets up from his chair ready to look for the missing girl.
"Hey, Nero." He turns back to Nico who just raised her voice.
"Did she tell you anything about herself?"
Nero starts to think at that question.

Both barely know the girl from another universe yet they trust her.
"I only know that her father was an asshole, that she likes video games and that she's 19." Nico nods at Nero's response.

Nero then proceeds to change into his daily attire and grabs his weapons just in case.
"Where are you going", Nico asks as she sees Nero all geared up.
"I'm getting Y/n."
"Woah, why so serious? Did something happen between the two of you?"
The male's cheeks start to burn up. "Aha!"
Nico skips over in front of the 185 centimeter male with a grin.
"Did you tell her you like her?"
Nero groans in annoyance. "So what if I did?"
"Yay", The mechanic yells, her voice filled with happiness.
"Celebrate when I get her back here", Nero groans and walks out of the garage into the empty streets of the over run city.

"Where could she have gone?"
Nero walks along every possible street in town and can't find his fresh love anywhere. "Where the hell are you, Y/n?"
Then it hits him.
If Urizen was the one to get Y/n here maybe he has taken her to send her back to her world.

Nero turns around at the too familiar voice.
In front of him stands a confused Y/n with a bag full of rather fresh food.
A sigh escapes his lips as he runs over to wrap his arms around the girl's body.
"I thought he took you", He says as he squeezes her.
"C-can't breathe!" Nero breaks the hug and looks the girl right into her e/c orbs.
"Don't ever walk off like that again!"
"I was just getting food, geez. I even told Nico", Y/n explains and Nero just rolls his eyes.
"Some day I'm going to kick her ass", He mutters loud enough for Y/n to hear.

"Calm down, Jack Frost. I take all the blame, now let's go back." Y/n takes Nero's hand into hers and both start to walk through the destroyed streets of the city once again.
"I could never imagine my home to look like this", She suddenly sighs.
"Everything in ruins."
"Yea, for some it's the end of the world. For us just another crazy demon guy trying to take over the upper world", Nero says with a grin. "Most of the people are in refugee centers. The rest was probably killed."
Y/n gazes towards the ground.
"We'll get through this though. I'm sure we will", Nero adds trying to lift his girlfriend's spirit.

Suddenly the couple hears crackling noises and strange howling.
"Shit", Nero says as he takes his sword from his back. "Demons?"
"Yes! They must have followed us."
Not long after their realization a group of Empusas appears out of the ruins and stroll over.
Blood covers their insect like form scaring Y/n almost to death.

Back then they didn't look as scary from inside the van but this is real.
If she isn't careful she could die right now.

"Get behind me", Nero yells as he stands in front of Y/n. They have been cornered with their backs against a brick wall.
"Nero", Y/n cries as she holds into the said male's jacket in fear.
"Don't worry. I got this", He says equipping a Devil Breaker called Overture.

"I won't let them hurt you."

After many many many complaints I fixed the typo in here so you can stop pointing it out, thanks

Another Universe (DMC5 Nero x Reader) [completed]Where stories live. Discover now