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Ezreals POV

It's been a couple days sense I left piltover. My journey to Ionia was pretty quiet, not to serious. Well i wouldnt say that i was playing with this gadget that Jayce had given me the day before i left. I still cant get the hang of surging my power through it. it seems like i can only get a small spark to come out every time. But i tested it yesterday and nearly blew my eyebrows off. i shouldnt try aiming it towards my face when its on. anyway I ran into a couple people on the way and ask if i could study them for research. They agreed happily and offered to walk with me in order to find out more about them. they were Ionians themselves coming from an eastern village. They explained to me about their leader, karma I think it was? And how she protects the land from all it's threats. They also mentioned about the latest attack on the Southern Ionia temple. Some guardian she is. They said that the southern part of Ionia was home to the most dangerous spirit that the villagers kept heavily guarded by their best worriers all year round, leaving their village basically vulnerable for any type of invasion. The noxians had somehow destroyed the village with less than twenty men or at least that's the number of bodies that was found and or captured. And the fire that was supposed to be guarded was burned out. Nothing left but ashes and scorched skeletons in the cold pit of where it use to burn. They guessed it was somehow taken by the noxians to use against all their enemy's but I doubt they could move a spiritual fire without a fight. I continued writing down all the descriptions that had given me as I continued my way through the forest. It was quiet and peaceful like it usually is on my trips, but today I had a new toy to play with. So it won't be quiet for long. I placed my notes back into my small backpack and started to fiddle with my new gadget again that attached itself to my arm days before.

How do you work this thing anyway? As if it had read my thoughts the womanly robotic voice spoke up again startling me. "You use you powers as you normally would, my job is to enhance them and make them stronger than what they normally would be. Why not try and test your limits?" I scratched my head in question about this new information I had just gotten.I had tried that already and nearly had a hairless face. I'm not nervous or anything, I'm actually really excited! I just don't want to over do it and blast a hole through a tree or something. I finally stopped conflicting with myself and decided to try it after all. I have created underground tunnels that travel all throughout Piltover, created new medicine and created gadgets similar to this one, Hell i created maps through the most dangerous places so it shouldn't be hard. I lifted my wrist into the air and let out a small spark of energy. Nothing happened. Wait nothing? " you are going to have to give me something much larger than a small spark ezreal" huh?, smart ass, just like Jayce. I chuckled to myself in remember of how stubborn Jayce really is. I should have expected him to put in a bit of his personality into this damned thing. I sighed and relaxed myself to give it another go. I focused a large amount of energy to my hand and released. What I expected to come out was a ball of energy like I wanted. But instead was a zigzagged streak of what looked like electricity?

No matter what it was it felt good to let out so much energy instead of some small burst. I let out another and another just to get the hang of it and just for fun I tried a new one. I focused every bit of energy I had into my hand and let it out with a grunt. A large streak of light erupted from my hand and cut through the trees that here in front of me. ' no no no no no that's not what I was expecting, cool , BUT NOT GOOD!

One bye one the large trees collapsed on top of each other. The once shady and beautiful forest was now full of sunlight and scurrying animals trying to run to safety. I apologised to each one as they passed by and threw my hands down behind my back. ' gah I'm such an idiot,' " yes you are" the machine answered. " shut up" I growled. Just then there was a rustle in the bushes and I stared for a second before looking around for something to use as a defense. I'm not using this thing again I might blow up the forest. I looked around and realised I had made a clearing and I was right in the middle of it. So whatever was in that bush could just jump out and get me I had no escape. The bushes rustled again and my breath got caught in my throat. I swallowed hard and awaited my fate. It was quiet which scared me. It always gets quiet when something's about to happen. I started to move slowly to where there were more trees but just as I tried to a wild boar erupted from the bush. The only thing I could do was stand there. You can't necessarily out run them. So I stood there frozen.

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