Target Practice!

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Ezreals Pov.
" Ezreal keep running no matter what ok honey! I love you! " My mother kissed my forehead before pushing me down the narrow ventilation shaft she had hidden behind her desk. "MOMMY!!" I screamed and reached to touch her but she closed the vent before i could grab her. I kicked the metal piece closing the gap between us. " MOMMY COME WITH ME!!" I clawed at the metal in protest but she just pushed her desk back onto it. It woulndt budge. I continuously called out to my mother who was trembling in front of the desk. Why wont she come with me? Whats wrong? mom why are you afraid? The door bursted open and i heard loud grunts and screams as they came in. I lowered my head to see under the desk through the vent. They ... they were noxians! Why are they here?! They grabbed my mother and threw her around like a toy smacking her with hammers and swords when she tried to fight back. Why are they doing this?! What had she ever done! I watched in horror as her body became limp after a while and collapsed to the ground.
She looked at me with blood trickling down her face. Bruised lips and black eye. Her favorite dress that she always wore was thrashed and torn covered in wholes and puddles of her own blood. Even though she went through that beating she still had a smile on her face. Her heart melting smile that could clear up a rainy day. Why was she smiling? Why isnt she angry with them why didnt she come with me! she slowly pulled her bloodied fingers to her lips and motioned me to be quiet. She mouthed the words i love you before a hammer came down on her head smashing it to nothing.
He blood splattered across the mens feet in the room and to me. The small spray of my moms blood on my face stunned me. I wanted to scream i wanted to cry but she told me to stay quiet. I covered my mouth and began to sob. My heart ached, my head was spinning, i felt sick and alone. My dad had died a couple years ago when i was about three. mom said that the noxians had killed him like they did her. My sobs were masked by the sounds of the laughing men in the room. those horrible laughs, Those monsters! i'll kill every last one of them. I promise to avenge you mom. I promise!
I heard a loud popping sound like fire close by. Fire? i dont remember making a fire. My eyes slowly fluttered open to see a small open fire burning lightly in front of me. I slowly sat up pushing my good arm against the tree for support. A small brown blanket rolled off my shoulders and onto my lap. Huh? dont remember grabbing this either. i looked around and saw that i was completely alone. the only things around were the fire, a small brown bag on the other side of it and the comforting darkness of the dense forest. i sighed and rubbed my aching head. i havent had that dream in a while. looking up at the night sky with its thousands of twinkling lights i hummed sadly at the memory of when my mom and i use to watch the stars every night before bed. we would give each one a name and try to connect them to create a picture in the sky.
i smiled sadly at the picture she had made of a deformed rabbits head with only one eye. She always had a weird imagination. i think thats where i get my silliness from. i could never take a serious situation seriously. She had always told me like is to short to be serious so i try to make every situation the best i can. Its the least i can do for her. I was about to lay back against the trunk of the tree until i heard a loud snap coming from the darkness. I slowly shifted over to my bag to grab the small knife i had in the pocket. before i could reach the bag a figure emerged from the bush. He brushed past the leaves that scratched his broad shoulders as if trying to pull him back in. His pearly white eyes locked on me which made my heart stop. His long white bangs bounced in front of him carelessly as he came closer to the camp.
i thought he was gone? The man from before stepped out of the darkness and into the dim light of the fire. why did he come back for me? He sat down next to his bag and picked up a small stick to throw into the fire. It was a long silence before he looked at me and tilted his head. My heart sped up and i looked down towards the ground. Why in the world when he looks at me i get like this? i tried to calm myself down by thinking of one of my latest inventions. i usually change the subject to calm myself down or to forget things. that is until he spoke up. " why are you sweating?" he asked. sw-sweating? i rubbed my forehead with the back of my hand and the sweat rolled down my hand into the dry dirt underneath me. it must be from the dream i just had. i hadnt realized i was sweating from it.
I just smiled at him and gave him a fake laugh. " weird dream heh" He kept his eyes glued on me for a while before looking down into the fire.
" nightmares are a weakness they are just fears of your past." he said poking the stick in the fire. i looked at him a little shocked. Was he watching me? i chuckled and nodded in agreement. He's right after all, its a weakness that the noxians can use as an advantage over me when the time comes to get my revenge. But i won't let that happen i made a promise and i swear on my life I'm going to keep it. i watched him as he shuffled through his bag and pulled out some green container. It looked liked a bunch of leaves wrapped into a bowl and stuck together with something holding it in place.
" here." He tossed the container towards me, i cupped my hands to catch it but i completely missed. the tree would have caught it and it has no hands. he cocked a brow at me as i scrambled to grab the container off the ground without putting to much pressure or my arm. once i had it in my possession i sat back down under the tree and inspected it. It really was a bunch of leaves wrapped into a bowl. but what surprised me was the liquid inside. None of it seeped through even after that fall. How'd he make this? he could have used the pepper leaves and dipped them in the hec tree sap, but that sap isnt strong enough to
hold all of this liquid or he could have use- " are you done trying to figure out how i made that?" i paused my thinking for a minute to glare at him. He was leaned back on his arm while the other rested on his knee head cocked slightly in annoyance. opps, i guess i went into thinker mode. I gave him a small
smile before carefully placing the container down and staring in question. what was i supposed to do with this? " your arm" I heard him say over the fire throwing in two new sticks. Oh.. of course. is he reading my mind? I pulled the small cloth he had tied onto my arm earlier and placed it beside me. I gently dipped two fingers in the liquid and placed it around my shoulder. It burned at first but then left a cool sensation over it relieving me of the pain. I closed the container back and stood up to take it over to him. He may have thrown it but im not going to be stupid and throw it back.
I gently placed it down next to him. As i stood up my stomach made the loudest noise it's ever made. my eyes widened in surprised and i covered it with my hand trying to mask the sound. i hurriedly walked around the fire and sat down with a plop. i really hope he hadnt noticed that.... i looked over at him and to my surprise it was like i wasnt even there. he was looking up towards the stars completely ignoring my existence. Well... at least he didnt notice my stomach growl. looking at him i couldnt help but notice his features. He was very muscular and his hair looked so soft to touch. He had paint under his eyes i guess they were supposed to be battle signs. His skin was flawless and the scales that rode up his arms and legs stopped at his broad hips and forearm. I've never seen anything like him. He truly is unique. i want to know more about him. i want to know... him. Without thinking i asked again. " what's your name?" I blinked a few times realizing i broke the silence. He slowly turned to look at me. His glare was menacing and deadly but for some reason i wasnt afraid. I thought it was rather cute actually. as deadly as he may seem i dont think he would hurt me. i mean come on, he came back to fix my arm. Lost in thought i hadnt realized he was in my face again. how the hell does he move so quietly? He grabbed my arm and began to re-wrap it in new bandages. His touch was so gentle. i looked at his face again getting lost in his eyes. They are so different,they have no color they are just pure white. I cant even see his eyes its just white mist coming from the corners and disappearing into the air. " varus." i heard him say. varus? thats his name! he actually told me! " nice to meet you." i said smiling. He paused on tieng up my arm and stared at me. I could feel my cheeks getting warm. he was so close and his body was so warm i wanted to get closer to him. what is with this guy? what is wrong with me? " you are attracted to him ezreal it is a common thing to have feelings for someone else." My mechanical hand said from the bag. My eyes widened and i back peddled to my bag and kicked it angrily. " SHUT UP!" i shouted. I turned back to varus who quirked and eye brow at me.
How embarrassing. I dont even know this guy and yet i feel as if i have some sort of attraction to him. i sighed and smiled at him. He was still staring at me as if something was on my face. blush maybe? i dont know but all i can do is smile. my arm hurts to bad to do anything else. Varus suddenly stood up and walked around the fire. i watched as his hair gracefully flow behind him. Even as he stood he makes no sound how the hell does he do that!! I tried standing and right when i moved the sound of crushed rocks roared underneath me.

Yeah, i am so sneaky... varus stopped at looked at me over his shoulder. He let out a small huff before laying down on his bag with his back turned toward me. I watched him for a while before doing the same. I hope he doesnt leave in the morning without me. Not sure how far i can get with my arm like this. I let out a content sigh before nuzzling into my bag. It wasnt comfortable, especially with that glove in there but its better then getting dirt in my hair. I thought about where i was going next. I want to head towards the nearest town and get some better equipment and bandages for my arm. i should ask him to go with me. My stomach growled again and i clenched it tightly. i cursed under my breath and tried to ignore it. i dont have any food. and i cant go hunting this late. i silently scolded myself for getting into this situation in the first place. i shouldnt have eaten all my food back in norton. i clenched my stomach again to stop it from growling but that only seemed to make it louder. " Here." i jumped a little from the sudden voice interruption. I turned to see varus handing me a piece of meat wrapped in a leaf. i sat up and quickly grabbed it scarfing it down like it was my last meal. " dont starve yourself." He said annoyed as he watched me eat, which made me a bit uncomfortable. I swallowed the large bite i had taken from the meat and whiped my mouth with the back of my hand.

" thank you" i mumbled and averted my eyes. That glare he was giving me wasn't a very friendly one. I know i look pretty pathetic at the moment, I cant help it! It was my first time using that damned glove and if i hadn't burned down half the forest i wouldnt have ran into that wild boar, But i wouldnt have run into him either. I'm greatful he's helping me and all but he doesn't have to act like im that much of a burden on him. He could always just leave me here, even though i dont want him to he does have the option.

I felt my stomach churn as i could still feel his eyes burning holes in my head. i couldnt help but feel small as he looked down on me. i dont know whats wrong with me, i can usually shake off what people say, or at least laugh about how serious they are but him, for some reason with him i cant. It's like he has some sort of power that he uses against people to make them feel guilty or something. i cant explain it, all i can think about is how bad i feel that he stayed behind to help me and he didnt have to. It was a while till i heard him move.
I expected him to go back to his spot around the fire but he just sat in front of me. he crossed his legs and Boredly folded his arms over his chest. i slowly turned to face him and cleared my throat to get rid of the last piece of meat. " The next town is four miles from here im in need of money and im going to use you to get it. they are having some bandit issues along with malfunctions with their machinery. i need you to fix whatever they need and i will handle the bandits. then we can split the money and i will be on my way." I stared at him for a moment lost for words. He wants my help? Well i mean i dont mind, its more time i can learn about him but why all of a sudden does he - " its as an apology for the broken arm. you get most of the profits." alright he's reading my mind. that just makes him all the more interesting. I scratched the back of my head going over the same list to make sure his plan was worth it and eventually made the decision to go with him. i thrusted my hand out to him to shake in agreement. he stared at me curiously but slowly took my hand in his. i was expecting him to shake it but he twisted my hand so that his was in sync with mine and locked our fingers together. I was taken a bit by surprise. i wasnt really expecting him to do that, or his hands to be so big. They were much bigger then mine by far, but they were so warm. i blushed comfused on what to do. i looked at him and he was staring at our hands same as i was. But his once death glare towards me had softened and he looked so much... calmer. What is going on!? i quickly pulled away from him and tried to find something else to look at. i could feel my fave was hot as a furness i didnt have to tell it was redder then a tomato i felt it. " a-agreed" i said shakily.

YAY alright so they goys a plan .3: well varus does so.. WILL EZREAL TAKE THE BAIT?!

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