The great inventor

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"And this award goes to Ezreal!one of our brightest inventors in piltover!" The announcer shouted through the speakers sending the crowd in an uproar when ezreal emerged from behind the red curtains on the large stage in the middle of the overly crowded city. His blonde hair blew gracefully in the breeze as he embraced the cheers of his fans. he waved at them smiling as he took his new award and stood in front of the mic waiting for the crowd to die down.

Tapping the mic a few times the crowd grew silent waiting in anticipation as he laughed sarcastically toawrds the award. " Its a true honor" he said " to get this award... again" the crowd laughed along with him and grew silent again to allow him to continue. " i appreciate all your support and i will continue to create a better future.. For Piltover!" with that the crowd erupted in screams and cheers. ezreal only smiled and walked off the stage.

He loved what he does. He helped create piltover to be the best it could be. He was an inventor, a genius. At the age of eight he graduated from high school and age twelve he graduated from college. sense then hes been working as an inventor to create a brighter future for piltover. and as much as he loved to invent, he loved to travel. He hated being cooped up in the lab all the time so every chance he got he would travel. Go out to see the world had in store. meeting new people getting ideas from other realms. But even with an exciting life he couldnt help but feel something was missing.

" Ezreal, just the person i wanted to see!" his thoughts were cut short when he felt the heavy hand of his friend jayce on his back. Jayce was also and genius inventor. But hes been at it longer than ezreal has so he looks up to him. ezreal gave him a small smile and chuckled. " that right?" Jayce smacked his back a little harder nearly knocking him over and laughed loudly. " I wanted to know when you were going to start traveling again? You havent left piltover in a while and i was just curious is all". He had a point. Ezreal usually didnt stay in piltover to long unless he had a reason. But in this case, he didnt. He was just as lost as his friend was.

" Soon i suppose" ezreal replied scratching the back of his head. jayce stared at him for a moment and then smiled. " alright well just let me know i have something for you for when you go. its not finished yet but im sure i can get it done" ezreal nodded and walked to his hover board waiting for him near the exit. He pressed his fingers to his forehead and pushed them towards jayce as he flew off into the night.

Piltover was beautiful, a city of light. He hovered over the city watching the people walk the streets in groups or pairs. he sighed sadly as he watched a couple holding hands walk into a coffee shop together. was that what was missing? a lover? no no no it couldnt be. A genius needs no one but himself and his work. He chuckled to himself at the thought and flew off to his well built house at the edge of piltover resting on the edge of the cliff near the giant waterfall that roared loudly as it fell into the large river below that made its way into the city.

he smiled contently as he hovered to his cream colored two story house that waited for him happily to come home as always. walking in through his warm and cozied home he tossed his new trophy into the pile he had built up in a corner and watched it tumble down to the floor from there being to many in the first place. He sighed sadly and went back into his work room to finish his latest invention.

~~~~ time skip~~~~~~

ezreal woke up with a groan. his back was hurting from the sleeping position he had put himself in over his desk. he lifted his head from his arms and noticed the small spot of drool being guarded by his arms. he sighed and stretched his arms into the air, cracking his back in the process, and stared at

the invention he was supposed to be finishing.

He'd been working on it for months. creating a weapon that he could use with his power. something small yet simple. something that wouldnt get in the way. hes tried time and time agaim

but it seems like they all just blow up in his face. He thought back to what jayce had said last night. " let me know, i have something for you." What was that something? he hoped it wasnt something he had to put in a show case. he had enough trophies as it was.

'well' he thought ' it has been a while' eHe took some time to ait and think about where to go this time. he pulled his holographic map from his drawer and pin pointed all the places he hasnt been. the first marker was put on evnoxus. he swore he would never go there. not sense the childhood tragedy. Next marker landed on ionia. a peaceful place.

He smiled happily and decided ionia would be the lucky place to go to. he couldnt put his finger on it but he had a feeling this would be the best decision he had ever made. he called jayce to let him know he would be leaving and jayce said he would be over in just a short while. with the help of his bots he packed a backpack full of the things he would need and went to hop in the shower.

Once out he heard the doorbell ring and threw on some sweats and ran to answer sense he didnt want to keep jayce waiting. he opened the door with his hair dripping down his shoulders and chest and a small towel im hand to help dry himself off. jayce smiled awkwardly at the sight. he shifted uncomfortably as he walked inside ezreals home. the large pile of awards in the corner caught his attention. ezreal noticed his gaze and laughed. " had no where else to put em" he wiped away some water that trickled down his neck and started towards the kitchen.

Grabbing two glasses he poured himself and jayce some apple cider and handed jayce a cup. it was quiet for a moment before jayce finally cleared hia throat ans handed ezreal a box wrapped in red ribbon and blue guft wrapping. ezreal looked at jayce to see a slight blush over his cheeks. whats up with him?

" i just came to deliver this i hope you like it. i must go i have.. uh.. business to attend to." with that jayce stood up and left ezreal alone in the kitchen with the unwrapped gift. he sighed and undid the well tied bow on the box and placed it aside. tearing through the wrappings he revealed an silver box with the piltover symbol on the front. pressing the sympol the box opened showing him some king of metal glove. he cocked his head and stared curiously.

there were 5 different colors of buttons on the wrist and on the knuckled were unbreakable lights. he hesitantly placed the glove over hid right hand and wiggled his fingers to get a feel for it. the glove flashed a bright yellow. a voice echoed in his ears as the glove lit up in blue,yellow,green,red, and orange. " please enter abilities" abilities? whats this thing talking about? he looked in the box and saw an envalope written with his name on it. he grabbed it and ripped it open to see the message.

Dear ezreal,

This device was created for your powers it makes them some what stronger in a way during battle and it saves you stamina. just do some basic move so that it can read your powers abs copy them to help you later on. i shouldnt explain everything sense you like to do things on youre own i will allow you to figure it out. have fun!

~ jayce

A spark shot through ezreals arm to the glove and a loud ting came from it. he stared curiously as the voice returned to him. " download complete shall we begin youre training ezreal?" wow it knows my name too? all that from on spark? This trip is going to be interesting.

AND SO IT BEGINS. :3 ez is on his way to ionia and varus is on his way to noxus will they cross paths o.0?????? what will happen next? FIND OUT IN THE NEXT CHAPTER OF ROBINS CRAPPY STORIES!!!

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