The Dirty Job

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" Varus! S-Slow down!" ezreal called after the tall purple male that was a few feet away from him. They'd been walking for what seemed like days, well to ezreal anyway. his arm was hurting again and the bag he slung over his shoulder slid down with every step he took. he continuously fidgeted with the bag placing it back on his shoulder only to have it fall back down again. He paused for the fifth time and re adjusted the bag.

Before he could start walking again he heard an annoyed grunt and felt the bag being ripped from his shoulder and stumbled forward into varus's bare chest. He used his hand to push himself up. The impact of his hand varus's skin made him pause. It was really warm, and it wasn't hot out today. it was more like freezing but he felt as if he had been sitting in front of a heater. It intrigued him thus leading his hand across varus naked skin. Ezreal watched as his chest rose and fell. His hand went over the loud thumping of varus's heart. he paused there and enjoyed the strong thumps he could feel through his skin.

He remembered his mom saying when he was a child that people who had strong hearts were the bravest people known to man. They were fearless and brutal but kind and gentle, he guessed she was talking about his father but he wasnt alive long enough for ezreal to find out what she meant. Ezreal was still lost in thought when varus grabbed his hand and squeezed it firmly. Ezreal jumped a bit and stared up into his pearl like eyes. He realized what he was doing and his face turned fifty shades of red. he snatched his hand away and walked past varus with his head down. Varus only watched bewilderedly before following behind him.

Ezreal still couldn't wrap his head around why he was so nervous around this stranger he had just met yesterday. He had been nervous about seminars about his newest inventions going wrong about farting in public, but never about being around someone. Just thinking about looking at the man made his stomach do flips. It bothered him because he couldn't find an answer. There was always answer, everything has an answer he thought. but he couldn't find this one. in his internal ranting he hadn't noticed Varus had hovered near him.

Varus lightly rubbed his arm against ezreals shoulder causing him to jump slightly. Ezreal looked away from varus's stern gaze. " How is it?" how is it? what is he talking about? Varus stared at his arm then back forward again. oh of course... my arm. He cleared his throat to get rid of his nervousness and slowly turned to look at varus and placed a slight smile on his lips. " its still sore but, i'll be ok." Ez looked at his bag that varus slung over his shoulder adding onto the weight he was already carrying. he felt bad that he made him carry his belongings, he had enough to hold already. " umm" Varus looked from the corner of his eye down at ez. Ez fidgeted a bit before continuing on " you dont have to carry my bag.. ugh i mean ive already troubled you enough." Varus only let out a small sigh. ez looked away ashamed. He cant even talk to him without stumbling over his words, all he wanted to do was thank him, not ramble on. for the rest of the walk ez mentally insulted himself and varus calmly walked by his side. Varus broke the silence with a small hum before stopping in front of a brush. Ezreal did the same and looked at him curiously. Varus pushed the brush over revealing a small run down town.

The town had this western feel to it with giant tumble weeds blowing by and old broken down stone buildings. There were no concrete streets or street lights just plain old dry dirt, maybe a lantern hanging on the wall here and there. Some barrels piled up in front of the outside shops that had fading names on their signs above. " Luciels Hair Salon" was the one that caught his eye first. He slowly lifted his hand to touch his hair realizing he hadnt cut it before he left piltover. it may be time for a haircut. He gazed around the small town some more and noticed a big sign that stood proudly above the entrance reading the words " HoleTown" on it. "HoleTown?" ezreal read out loud. he reached for his bag but remembered varus had grabbed it from him a ways back. He was about to take it from him but varus suddenly huffed and took a step forward out of the brush. His first step on new turf was greeted by a gun shot cracking through the air.

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