• ° seven ° •

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Jisung groaned when he looked at his latest test scores, he knew his parents would be pissed.





Chenle came up to his depressed friend.

"Hey Ji whatcha looking at-"

Jisung turned the tests upside down quickly.

"Nothing! I-Its nothing.."

"Dude I've seen your dick before, and I'm pretty sure that's all the confirmation I need to know everything that's happening with you."

The younger hesitated for a moment.

"I- ugh, fine. My grades have gone from up here-" Jisung held his hand above his head, "to down here." He put it down to Chenle's height.

"I'm not that short!"

"Yeah you are."

"Am not!"

"You areee-"

Jisung's teasing was stopped when Chenle grabbed him by the ear, starting to drag him somewhere.

"Hey! Don't pull a Misty on me! Where are we going?"

"To the café!"

"What? Why?"

"Because we need a break."

"More like I need a break.."

All eyes were on them as they entered the little place.

The younger was so embarrassed. "Chenle.. let go."

Chenle sighed.

"Your parents are gonna whip your ass, Pwarkie."

"Don't rub it in."

"Anyways, it was so much fun today at Lucas hyung's!"

"What did you do?"

"Yknow, the usual. Joke around, have fun, etcetera."

"Wow I can't believe the dumb little dolphin said eTcetEra."

The green haired male almost pushed Jisung off his chair.

Jisung felt sad. Today was a really bad day for him.

"What's up? Why do you look so depressed?"


"Don't give me the silent treatment, Ji."


"Ah whatever. So Lucas was talking about his two friends and their dancing abilities and all-"


"Still not gonna talk?"


"..then he was like "Ten hyung, Taeyong hyung!" And he put his two hands together and made an explosion "The world goes bangggg!" haha that was so funny oh my god-"

Jisung wanted to burst.

this idiot seriously won't take a few minutes to empathize with me. what the hell?

maybe he's why I cant ever focus on my studies.

always distracting me, dragging me to places, getting us in trouble.

ugh, I've had enough.

"jesus christ, chenle, will you ever shut the fuck up?"


"I'm tired of all this talking! There's never a second of silence whenever I'm with you! This is why I'm failing school!"

Chenle's eyes welled with tears. he never knew he was the cause of Jisung's troubles.

he sank in his seat.

"Put duct tape over my mouth then, asshole."

"Thanks for giving me an idea, but I'm sure you can do it yourself."

and with that, Jisung stormed out of the café.


Jisung power walked his way home, the angry and furious expression he had on scaring everyone and everything out of his path.

He took a good look at his tests one last time, letting his tears ruin the pen ink in his writing.

He tossed them all out the window and watched them fly away in the wind.

I need to study.

Jisung's mom and dad had always encouraged the idea of school over friends and love, so he obeyed even though part of him wanted to return to the small chinese kid.

He shut himself up in his room, not even bothering to eat dinner.


As for Chenle, he was heartbroken.

Not heartbroken because he loved Jisung,

definitely not,

he was heartbroken and guilty for not trying to help his friend.

my stupid big mouth!

i need to shut the fuck up.

that's it.

from this day forward,

I, Zhong Chenle, will never say a single word.

this will better everyone.

even me.

i never meant to hurt anybody.

he walked home alone, not even greeting Yangyang and Kun.

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