• ° eleven ° •

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Jisung dreamt of a very happy scene taking place in a forest.

There was a happy little chicken prancing about, enjoying his life peacefully.

He had left his family two days ago and was ready to start his new life.

All was good and well.

The chicken heard a rustle in the bushes.

A few yummy sunflower seeds came out of the bush, but he didn't think much of it.

" how delicious! " he thought, taking his time to savor the flavor.

Suddenly, he was shot with an arrow.

The chicken gasped and fell to the ground, and saw that he was being taken away into a van by humans.

" N-No! Please.. " he cried (in chicken language, of course)

The sound of the engine staring revved in his ears.

It was super loud, so loud to the point where Jisung woke up in a sweat.

There was a loud banging sound coming from downstairs.

He tiptoed quietly towards the window.

When he peeked outside through the blinds, he saw Qian Kun and his son Yangyang.

oh shit! why are they here?

Jisung decided to run back upstairs and hide underneath the covers.

The continuous knocking went on.

i hope they leave.. please leave!

The knocking stopped after five minutes.

thank you jesus!


Outside, Kun and Yangyang let out grunts of frustration.

"Have another idea?" the older asked.

"Well.. I guess we could try the window near his bedroom."


"What? Chenle told me he'd always climb in through there if Jisung didn't answer the door."

Yangyang said that as if it were no big deal, and to be honest, it really wasn't.

"CHENLE DID THAT? OH MY LORD- THAT'S NOT SAFE!" Kun exclaimed with his hands in his hair, walking around in circles.


"I don't like that idea, Yang."

"We have no other choice." the younger shrugged.

"Can't you, I dunno, CALL HIM?" the other debated.

"No, the fuck? That's awkward. And boring."

"So you'd rather get hurt-"

"Obviously. Plus, I wouldn't get hurt doing that, only you would."

The parent scoffed. "Convince me."

"Would you rather have Chenle stay silent his whole life, or get our happy Chenle back, with a broken ankle?"

Kun's eyebrows furrowed.

"Fine. I'll do it."

"Honestly, it isn't even that hard. Stop worrying and follow me."

"You order me around like I'm your peasant."

"You're my parent, so I guess you really are my peasant in a sense."


Jisung was lying down in his bed again. He planned to veg out the whole day.

Scrolling through his Instagram feed, he liked a picture that his friend Jaemin posted.

The caption read,

Just moved into my new house, and I'm already friends with the neighbors! I can see my new bud @ renren00 from my bedroom window, too <3

He made a small face of disgust when he saw Renjun's smiling face in the picture, unliking the post.

Jisung thought he saw two heads pop up behind his window through his peripheral vision, and he rubbed his eyes to make sure he wasn't seeing things.

A loud scream escaped his mouth shortly after.

"OH MY GOD!" he yelled, hiding under his bed when he saw Kun and Yangyang.

"Jisung. Let us in." Kun ordered.

"We won't bite.. if you come out from under there." Yangyang joked.

"Ah. Fine."

It had been a few months since he had talked to the two, and he was nervous as hell.

He hesitantly opened his window and let them climb in.

"Welcome to my humble abode."

"Jisung, don't try and act all innocent. You know why we're here." the oldest stated.

"It's because of Chenle, isn't it?"

"Oh, how did you guess?" Yangyang sneered.

"What is it that you want from me?" Jisung asked, ignoring the other.

Kun sighed. "We want you to come with us to our house. Chenle deserves an apology."

"HE wants an apology? I deserve one from him more."

"It doesn't matter who needs the apology more, both of you need to set aside your arguments and make up."

"F-Fine. Only because I don't want Yangyang to bite me."

"Great! Now get in the car. I want my old baby back."


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