Katie(pt2).Needs A Friend

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"Buzzzz buzzzz buzzzzz"
"Ohh fuck me what time is it love?". Cook groaned at me I rolled over and grabbed my phone.
"Hello? Okay, 20 minuets I'll meet you there". I rolled out of bed and threw on some deodorant and a sweat suit.
"It's 10, listen I gotta meet katie I'll be back in a hour tops, then me and you are going out to sell this shit and get the fuck out of here". He pulled me into bed and I tried to squirm. He started to kiss down my neck and bite down on my collar bone.
"Or, you can stay with Cookie Monster. Well take a shower". He kept kissing and shoved his hand down my sweat pants. It was so slow I needed more.
"Fine, make it quick".
"Never gonna happen love". He had a grin on his face and pulled me into the bathroom with him. He locked the door and I jumped in his arms he had control his tongue flowed with mine his rested my ass on the sink and pulled down my sweats and thong. I pulled off sweat shirt and tee and was bare naked waiting for his next move. He sores my legs and his tongue darted at my clit. I was overwhelmed I pushed foreword and cook held me steady. His tongue in and out of me licking and sucking my clit I was about to cum when he started the shower. He got in and I whimpered like a defeated cat. I bent over to get the shampoo and cook just entered me. I caught the wall before I could fall and he gripped my hips. He didn't hesitate he just pounded into me I was in pure bliss.
"Fuck cook! Harder!". He grabbed my hair in fistnand pulled I scream louder and Naomi tried to interrupt.
"CAN YOU GUYS FUCK OFF?". I moaned louder and she left the door. I was so close and cook knew it he kept pounding me. I clinched around him and he groaned and I felt him unload I came on him and he just kept holding me.
"Cook. We can't do this all day". He smiled and kissed me and we showered. I got ready and got dressed.
"I'll be back in a hour okay?". He kissed me and smacked my ass as I walked out.
"Jesus about time you twos little show is over!". Naomi's shitted already.
"Sorry about that, but you need to eat and get some water in you. I'll be back". She just grabbed her bottle and ignored me. The fuck is going on with her. I caught up with Katie and her mom at a wedding shop. Katie was out of it I didn't say much I waited till she was ready to leave and walked with her back home.
"You gonna Tell me what happened?".
"Nothing happened. And nothing will". I looked at her confused.
"I can't have kids cameron, I thought I was late because I was pregnant. But the clinic said it's some early menopause". She looked like she was gonna ball her eyes out.
"You know you could always adopt? I know that's not helpful but it's not over Katie, are you gonna tell Emily?". She shook her head no. I just side hugged her and made sure she would be okay.
"I'll see you tonight". She just smirked and went inside. I headed back to Naomi's.
"Cookie!". Nothing
"Cook?". I saw Naomi passed out in her room I checked her moms room where we were sleeping and no one.
"Shit!". I went to run out the front door but his sweet voice echoed from the back door.
"Babes!! Here you are great news! I made a deal and if we can move a shipment to London with no problems we get a pay out, and another pay out when we take the boat with the next shipment to Orlando!". I looked at him confused.
"What are you talking about cook?". He grabbed my hands and spun me around.
"I'm talking about cookie found a way to get us out of here!".
"Okay not to burst any bubbles but your talking about drugs, and drug dealers, you think there just gonna cut you lose if we pull this off?". He kissed my head and went to go get dressed.
"Guess we'll find out!". I got annoyed and frustrated. But got ready to go out. I needed a night of fun. We got to the club and Katie's bridal party was in full swing. I pulled cook to a booth and we sat and drank for a while. He pulled out two pills and put both on his tongue I grabbed his cheek and snaked one of the pills from him. Effy and Freddie found us. She sat with us and Katie Just sneered as soon as she saw effy. Didn't know it's piss her off enough to punch someone in the face. The last thing I heard was
"I'm katie fucking flitch who the fuck are you!". I grabbed effy and we went to go find katie
"She hates me".
"So fix it, she needs friends to effy just as much as you". She wrapped her arm inine and we found her but the pier. We sat with her and she wiped her face
"What do you want?". Effy just smiled and pulled out a joint lighting it I wrapped on arm around katie and effy passed her the joint.
"I don't do drugs".
"Just take it". She took it from effy and started couching really bad.
"You're not inhaling properly, here, take a breathe, now another and you should feel it here". She touched Katie's chest and told her to exhale.
"Better?". She passed the joint to me
"A little yeah". I nudged her and she smiled she leaned over and hugged effy and effs hugged back.
"Okay, now lets go get the boys and have some real fun?". Katie just smiled and shook her head no.
"I think I've had enough for today, I'll see you later yeah?". I nodded and effy and I headed back to cook and Fred's.

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