Emily and Naomi (My Escape)

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I haven't talked to anyone all day I haven't even moved out of our bed. I heard the door open and and ran out to the door way.
"Oh it's you..". I sighed and went to go lay back in bed.
"Lovely to see you to. Now come on get up someone has something they wanna say to you". I pulled my self up from my pillow fort and say panda standing in the door way.
"Get her the fuck out of here now!". I scream as loud as I could and panda scrambled into the living room.
"What the fuck effy it's her fault cook is gone and you bring her HERE thinking a simple "ohh I'm sorry!" Is gonna work?!". I was fuming. She picked her self up off the bed and the door closed again finally.
"Move it over". I felt the bed sink and effy pulled the covers over her had to she wrapped her arms around me and held me in her arms like I was her baby.
"He's smart cami you know he'll be home". She pushed the hair all tangled out of my face.
"Now get your ass up and shower before he gets home got it!". Effy pushed me out of the bed and my side hit the floor
"Bitch..". I mumbled as I picked my self up and made my way to the shower. After I got dressed I put my hair into a messy bun and got ready to leave
"I gotta go do more damage control I'll meet up with you later okay? Door locks behind you but I'd rather you leave now with me". Effy nodded and handed me a coffee off the cabinet.
"Thanks effs I love you". I gave her a hug and made my way toward the college.
"NAOMI!" I ran as fast as I could to catch up to her and Emily before they pulled away on her bike. I stepped in front of there way.
"Okay what the fuck?! Do none of you care my boyfriends life if rubies and it's your fault!". I was right in Naomi's face
"What's she talking about Naoms?". Emily looked beyond confused.
"Tell her or I'll tell her! Cooks in jail right now because of you!". Naomi went to open her mouth but then I heard
"BABES! THERE YOU ARE!". I turned and saw cook running toward me I almost cried. I glared t Naomi
"Tell her!". I ran as fast as I could toward cook and he picked me up and spun me around.
"You fucking asshole! Where have you been!". I pounded on his chest and he grabbed my wrists and looked me in the eyes. I felt the tears welling up again. He kissed me like he would leave me again
"I was here looking for you! I knew sooner or later you'd be here". He shrugged and it made me laugh but I was still pissed I kicked his foot and he laughed at me and pulled me into his arms kissing my head.
"They just had more questions babes there's nothing to hold me on yeah?". I wrapped my arm around his waist and we headed back to the flat.
"So James, are you serious about California?". He squeezed me closer to him.
"Oh course I do babes, it's just gonna take a while right?". I linked my hand with mine.
"Not as long as you might think". He smiled at me and pushed the door open. Before I could even take my shoes off I was lifted up.
"Cook what are you doing?!". He smiled at me a launched me onto the bed. Next thing I know Cookie was on top of me and kissing down my neck it fells so amazing I kicked my shoes off and wrapped my legs around his waist he ran his cold hands up my shirt and gripes on to my boob messaging it roughly making me moan more.
"Cookie..". He undid my bra and pulled my shirt off. As soon as it came off he stopped and looked at me up and down before he grinned a cheeky grin.
"I believe we were interrupted last night, but your all now mine cami". He took off his shirt but was so close to my ear it sent goose bumps up my entire body. He nipped my ear and then down my neck to my nipple he left 3 marks on my chest 2 on the right and a nice big one on the left. He kissed down my stomach and I lifted up as he pulled off my jeans.
"Fucking tease!". I ran my fingers through what little hair he had and he hooked his index finger under my thong, and ripped them straight off.
"That's how you wanna play?". I grinned at cook and flipped us over so now I'm in control I pulled off cooks pants and ran my hand up and down the hard bulge in his boxers.
"Fuck babydoll!". I pulled down his boxers and licked up and down his cock so slow I was sure to drive him crazy. I put him all into my mouth I felt cook grab my hair and push me up and down. I fastened my pace till I felt his leg twitch. I stopped and kissed him and he rolled back on top of me.
"I love you cameron". He was looking at me with those big blue eyes.
"I love you too Cookie". He kissed me again and but my lip before plunging himself into me. God it felt so fucking good. He quickened his pace but it wasn't enough right now. I flipped us over and began to ride him bouncing my ass against his hips. I could feel him losing control under me and it was driving me crazy. I gripped onto the head board and felt cook grasp and claw at my hips
"Fuck babydoll you better make this quick!". He gripped my boob and kept one hand on my hip.
"Cook..cook I'm cumming!!".  My knees locked around him and my body jerked. I felt cookie pull me all the way to him and everything just came together literally. I couldn't breathe and feel on top of cook.
"Smoke?". Cook handed me a cigarette and I smiled catching my breathe.
" what did you mean when you said not as long as I might think?". I lit my cigarette and rummaged around for a new pair of undies to put on while I threw on cooks polo.
"Huh? You mean about California?". I slipped in my undies and cuddled up under cooks arm
"Yeah". He put an ash tray between us and pulled out or weed stash and some papers
"Well, technically speaking and I don't know how this would work. But..". He kissed my cheek
"Your stallin spit it out babes".
"Well you fly back with me we test it a week and if you likeitmarrymeandthenyeah easy peasy..". I bit my lip and waited for his reply he just look at me and grinned from ear to ear.
"You wanna marry the cookie monster huh?". I smacked his shoulder and laughed nervously.
"Shut up okay cook, obviously some day, but if you wanna stay with me technically it'd have to be sooner than later.. besides it was the quickest solution I could find I don't ever want you taking away from me like you were last night..". He saw how it was hard for me to tel him all of this and he griped my cheek with the pal of his hand pushing the hair out of my face.
"Hey, hey, babydoll. I was joking yeah? Of course I want to marry you too. And I promise I'll always be with you Cami. You and me forever yeah?". He kissed my forehead and held me into his chest.
"I love you Cookie, forever". H kissed his chest and he handed me a joint.
"How about food, and you need a shower because you stink worse than you did before!". I pushed him out of bed and made my way to the kitchen and pulled out the eggs bacon and hash browns. I heard my phone and grabbed it Emily.
"What do you want Emms kinda busy". I cracked 3 eggs into a bowl
"What are you and Naomi hiding from me? We went to some army camp and Naomi knew about her locker".
"Look Emily I don't know how deep this goes I just know what I know and either she tells you tonight or I'll find you tomorrow I really have to go". I hung up and saw cook standing in front of me in just his towel wrapped around his waist.
"Breakfast for dinner?". He pecked my neck and grabbed out two pans for me.
"Duh! You know I'm love my bacon!". I pecked his shoulder.
"Go get dressed if you wanna help". I pushed him out of the kitchen and heard him from the room.
"Who's on the phone?!".
"It was just Emily, questioning me about Naomi". Cook darted back into the kitchen and adjusted his pants. Putting on his belt. He looked worried.
"What'd you say, what'd she say?". I was confused
"I told her nothing and I told her if Naomi doesn't tell her tonight I'll find her tomorrow". I shrugged and pulled out the bottle of vodka we had stored in the freezer.
"Now get two glasses down and two plates and fucking help your camigirl!". I stuck my tongue out at cook and finished the food. I filled our plates and half our glasses and I swear I've never seen cook eat faster. After we ate he made me get ready while he did dishes I texted effy to see what the plan was JJ was on his way to pick me and cook up for some party.
"So mr. Why didn't you tell me we had a party to attend?". Cook smiled and refilled my cup and his.
"Surprise babydoll!". He handed me a red solo cup filled with vodka.
"Cookie what are you up to?". I was kinda worried he only dodges my questions when he's planning something stupid.
"Lose ends babes that's it, tomorrow we'll plan the entire trip out yeah?". He kissed my cheek and we made our way to JJ's car.
"Alright lets get this party started!". We made our way to some random house and cook and me were in our own little world until Freddie showed up. Cookie disappeared with the boys and left me and effs to drink.
"Emily and Naomi are here". She pointed toward the door and smoky made her way toward us.
"We need to talk!". She grabbed my wrist and I grabbed my beer.
"What? Did she tell you?". I looked at Naomi who was in her own world and Emily pulled my thoughts back.
"No so I did my own digging and I found a box from her room..". I pulled her into a hallway where no one was standing.
"What the fuck did you do?! You went to her house!".
"You won't say anything Naomi won't I need answers cameron I'm going mad". I rolled my eyes.
"I sold Naomi the drugs I'm assuming she sold them to the girl but I don't know!". I went to walk away but she grabbed my wrist.
"Why did cook take the blame?".
"Because he fucking thinks he's protecting me!". Emily nodded and some how I knew she would leave me be for now. I made my way back to the kitchen but there was a rumble in the hallway toward the door I pushed passed everyone and fuck my life.. Cookie was beating the shit out of some guy he even managed to hit JJ in the process I pushed through everyone and ran toward cook.
"CAMERON STOP!". I looked at Effy but rubbed cookies back he flung his arm away the first three times but he finally heard me
"COOKIE COOKIE STOP PLEASE! ITS ME ITS CAMI!". He started kicking the boy now and Effy pulled me back all I heard was Freddie
"Fuck this!". And then whap! Down went cook.
"Freddie! You fucking idiot we need to get him out of here!". No one was helping me I shook him and he started to wake up blood all around his nose and mouth. He giggled a little and started to stay something
"Cami..". Effy helped me get him on his feet.
"I gotta get him home!". I wrapped his arm around my shoulder and made sure he could stand just with me holding him.
"Shhh cookie I got you. You gotta walk now though okay?". We started to move
"Good job cook one foot in front of the other". He held my shoulder and I found a cab thank god and tucked him into it.
"Come on cook you gotta stay up with me".
"Where'd you go? I thought something happened to you!". He was drunk and groggy. Joy.
"Shhhhh, im right here and we're almost home okay? Just a couple stairs and then I'll get you some gator aide and we can watch whatever you want while I fix your face up".
"Cameron I don't want you talking about".
"Shhhhh cook it's okay I promise, Babydolls right here". I rubbed his arm and let him lay his head on my shoulder. This is gonna be a long night.

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