Cops and drugs (thomas pt 2)

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⚠️Sexual content!⚠️
When I woke up cook was gone. No note, no breakfast nothing. I got dressed and headed off to round view when I got there it was way more than I expected..
"Next we need James cook!". My heart sank I looked around but he was no where to be found I saw thomas make his way to the boys room and I followed behind him.
"You. It was you! You did this!".Thomas was yelling as I stepped closer I was it was cookie. He was flushing our extra bags.. like I should've yesterday.
"Calm down mate!". Cook was yelling as he flushed the last bag. Thomas threw him against the stall and I rushed to break them apart.
"Stop stop it it's my fault! I sold it to someone who gave it to the girl! I tried to stop her thomas just don't hurt my cookie!". I stood right in between thomas fist and cooks head. Before thomas could think Naomi barged in and confesses her part.
"It was me thomas! Cook was protecting me and Cameron.. she sold me the powder to shut me up I sold it to the girl and that's why she died! it it wasn't cook..". My heart sank into the ground... it was me.. I ran out off the gym and grabbed my phone and dialed the one person I needed the most Effy..
"Effs? It's cami I know you and your mum are away but I need you effy shit so fucked up please come back to me?". I hung up and headed back to my flat. When I got back cook was there and looked like he was busy. I headed to our "room" and changed into my comfiest sweats.
"I'm making you dinner love, i suck at cooking but you at least know I'm trying". He pecked my forehead and I couldn't help but melt.
"What happened after I left Cookie?". He sighed and gripped the counter.
"Cami, Babydoll. It wasn't your fault okay? Thomas and I are just on the outs right now and it best you stay away from him to yeah?" He looked me dead in the eye waiting for my promise.
"Cookie, you know I can't promise that. I called effy when were done I'm going with her I'd like to talk just me and her". He nodded and continued to cook.
"Whatcha making me Cookie?". He smiled at me and opened up some wine.
"Your favorite babes, Alfredo". He handed me my glass and my plate and sat across from me we ate but I felt so empty. Cook took our plates and placed them in the sink before kissing me and leaving. The best part is I texted JJ and told him I need him to distract cook and he was there outside our flat 2 minutes before my cookie left he was safe. I waited and waited and finally the knock came. I ran to the door but when I opened it it was just the smug smirk I wanted to see. I broke down and grabbed effy holding her to me like I would lose her. I pulled her into me and cooks flat and told her everything that happened. After an hour of my crying and me just talking effy finally spoke.
"Cook called me back for you Cami, he told me what happened and I was her the same night". I cried even harder because she knows it's my fault...
"Cameron your mom and dad would pay for anything for you out her why are you and cook doing this?". I lifted my head up and looked her dead in the eyes.
"Effy I need to be on my own I need me and cook to work together, not off mom and dads money. Our own". She smirked at me and grabbed my wrist
"Come on then text cook and tell him where to meet us!". I got dressed and did as effy told me. As we were walking into the pub I noticed thomas. And the gut wrenching feeling cake over me again.
"Come on shots!". Effy pulled me to the bar and handed me three tequilas and a beer chaser. I took them all and chugged the beer effy order us another round and we met the table. Before I sat down I looked at thomas.
"Thomo we need to talk please?". Everyone glared at me but thomas nodded and followed me out of the pub.
"I don't want you to think less of me thomas. I needed the money to stay a float with cook, I don't wanna live off my mom and dad I want bring cook home and make it there with him, it's not and excuse I know..". He cut me off mid sentence
"I have my own stuff going on I don't have time for this too". He walked back in and I looked up to see cook.
"What the fuck did you say to him cameron?". He was worried not mad just sacred something I've never seen..
"Cookie, nothing I swear. I promise okay it's you and me right?". I wrapped my arms around him and felt him relax.
"You and me Babydoll against the world eh?". He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me into him.
"Forever right?". I pecked his nose and he kissed the top of me head
"Forever my girl yeah?". I kissed him like I would lose him.
"Good Cookie".  He held me close to him and thomas rushes out of the bar. He pushed pass me and cook and panda ran out behind him.
"I wanna go home cook. Like California home but I need you with me please promise me?". He rubbed my back and kissed my head.
"I promise Babydoll".
"Let's go home I want to plan my announcement with you!". He picked me up bridal style and off to the flat we went. We walked drunken hand in hand stumbling through the door. As soon as it closed I tackled cook to the couch and attached my lips to his 
"Baby I need you".
I grinded my hips into his and felt him grow
"Mmm yes baby girl!". I felt him gripe into my neck before he flipped me over. He was On Top of me looking at me with full lust and passion. He's hand plunged into my undies and rubbed my clit not to fast but just enough to push me over the edge.
"JAMES COOK HANDS UP NOW!" Cook placed out his hand up and kissed me with a passion I never felt before.
"I love you Cami I'll be back!". He was pulled off me and I darted after him I felt arms grab me out the door it was thomas.. and panda was right behind him...
I turned to kick and punch and fight but I couldn't. When I was calm enough Thomas let me down.
"I'm sorry cameron but I had to make things right". I walked and balled up my fist and swung as hard as I could.
"You fucking idiot!! It wasn't cook!!! If you were smart you would have listened to me he covered for ME I SOLD THEM TO SOMEONE ELSE YOU STUPID FUCK!". I kept hitting and panda grabbed me I pulled away and elbows her in the nose.
"BOTH OF YOU FUCK OFF! YOU RUINED EVERYTHING! I just wanted cook... but he's gone now. JUST FUCKING GO!". I slammed the door and fell to my knees.. now what..

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