New Life

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Cook POV
Cameron is so fucking perfect. Watching her dance and drive the other guys mad but to know she's all mine. I get that later. That's cookies girl and everyone knows it. She walks up to me and I grab her cheek and hair pulling her face to mine kissing her harder each second. I feel a pat on my shoulder.
"Naoms I'm fucking busy ey?". She looks at me and cocks her head cameron is the first to follow and I trail behind her.
"Who's selling I need some?". Naomi has a new face with her I shook my head know already feeling my stash kick in. Cameron pulled out her extra bag and handed it to he new girl. She smiled at her feet and handed my doll face her money. I hooked my arm with cams and walked away I handed her my bag and she snorted a little more before her bossy was engulfed in mine. We melted together. I couldn't wait to get her to our place and rip her to shreds.
"Dollface, I Fukien love you!". She turned around and planted her lips on mine. I felt a shove and pulled away and noticed a girl pushing passed. Cameron noticed and pulled away and went after her. I tried to grab her wrist but she was already gone. I watched the girl climb the pole. I watched cameron push pass the crowd. I watched her look at the ground and let go, the worst part. I watched as the women that I love reached for the girl but couldn't save her. Cameron froze the club erupted. I pushed passed everyone and grabbed my gal.
"Babydoll we need to go now come on!". I never liked to yell at her but I could see she wasn't responding. I grabbed her legs and pulled her arms around my neck I kissed her cheek an made my way out of the club. I need to take care of her. She passed out in My arms and I made it passed the crowd to our loft.
I laid my girl into our bed and tucked her in in one of my shirts I kissed her cheek and and lips lightly and maid my way to our balcony to smoke. I needed to make a call.

Camerons POV:
Naomi was yelling me how she needs me to do this I pulled the baggie out of my bralet and sold her the last of my stash she disappeared into the crowd and cook pulled me to get drinks. We were pushed up against the stairs his lips connected to mine
"I fucking love you babydoll!". Cook always knew how to keep me happy I kept pulling him closer hoping our skin would mesh together. I felt a hand on my back. I pulled away from cook and looked up to see a girl completely out of it. She made her way to the balcony and stared to climb the bars. Oh no. I pushed cook off of me and started to push up the stairs. When I made my way close enough to grab her arm, she fell. I watched her body hot the floor and I couldn't move. I couldn't stop her. I felt someone pulling me but I couldn't peel my eyes from her. Finally my body left the ground and I couldn't breathe. What the fuck just happened. And then black. When I woke up I was back at cookies and my flat. I couldn't find him so I went to the balcony either way I need a smoke.
"ITS YOUR FUCKING FAULT NAOMI! How could you not see that?! If you could of kept your fucking mouth shut!". I touched cooks shoulder causing him to flinch. He looked at me and I could see his worry plastered across his face.
"I'll call you back, yes, fuck off okay!". He hung up and grabbed me into his arms kissing my head. I pulled back and grabbed a smoke and sat on the chair staring off the 5th floor balcony.
"You sure you should be out here babes?". Cook sat in front of me and held onto my knees.
"James. I'm fine, as I can be for seeing a girl lunge herself off a balcony". I took a long drag and kept processing what we just saw.
"I keep seeing it cook I was right there if I was just a little fucking faster!". H grabbed my cheeks and made me look at him.
"My girl, you did nothing wrong, just let cookie take care of things okay?". He kissed the top of my head and pulled me into his lap stroking my hair.
"Look, Cameron I know you tried but even if you did help you think she wouldn't have tried it again?". I was angry I pushed my self off of cook and threw my cigarette going back inside. I went straight for our stash. I found the 5 baggies left with powder something in me told me not to but I threw three open bags in the toilet before cook came in.
"Cameron what the fuck are you doing stop it!". He rushed toward me and grabbed my arms.
"Stop look at me just stop!". I kept trying to pull away but he held my arms above me. And pushed me toward the wall as I pushed him toward the toilet.
"COOK A GIRL DIED! You don't care but she fucking died. I heard you talking to Naomi she sold it to her I sold it to Naomi it's my fault! It's this stupid shots fault!". He pushed me lightly against the wall bringing both my hands to the side.
"You think I don't see it? I saw your face cameron I saw you freeze and no one to carry you but me. Everyone was there but I took care of you. Cameron. Stop and look at me nothing is your fault. It's Naomi. But I need you to trust me now because Cookie Monster will take care of it. Now, who's my girl?". He placed his index finger under my chin and made me look at him. I could feel the tears sealing up in my eyes.
"I love you so much cook". I relaxed and placed my lips on his. I have to trust him now. We are both in deep shit I dropped the baggies and slid to the floor crying my eyes out. He lifted me and placed me on the bed handing me a joint and lighting it for me. I placed my head in his lap and he leaned down and kissed my forehead.
"Come here". He pulled the joint out of my mouth and put it out fielding my body into his chest I payed on my stomach and he lifted my shirt to rub my back. I feel asleep with cook plastered on me but safe. For now.

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