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Cook and me stayed with effy and Freddie last night I woke up to effys screaming.
"Get out! Go!". She was throwing shoes at Freddie and he was rushing to the door. I got up and rushed over to effy.
"What happened?".
"He doesn't want me any more cameron, and I don't know if I want him". She looked like she hadn't slept in days. Dark circles and puffy eyes I pulled her into my arms and rocked her like she was a kid again
"You don't mean that effs, I know you don't".
"But what if I do?". I looked down at her and rubbed her shoulder.
"Shhhh you need to sleep, I need to go find JJ and ask him to stash cook till I figure out what the fucks going on". I pulled her off the stairs and tucked her into her bed.
"You call me if you need anything and I'll be right here". I barley finished my sentence and I felt sick to my stomach I ran to the bathroom and threw up.
"You okay in There babes?". Cook was knocking on the door trying to get in.
"Fine, I'll be right out!". I brushed my teeth and met cook downstairs.
"So I gotta call while you were helping crazy". He pointed up stairs and I smacked his shoulder.
"Don't call her that! She's my family cook". He smiled at me and kept talking.
"We can get out of here next week, Friday night, what do think?". I was skeptical and scared but I trust Cook..
"Fine.. but if this goes south". He cut me off and kissed me.
"Can't we just go have fun today?". He looked at me with his puppy dog eyes and I couldn't resist.
"Fine". We went to JJs and he I called him to tell him we were outside. There was a parade going on and I knew just who to call.
"Katie? You gotta costume I can wear?". She already knew what I was planning and offered me the free spot on the float. Only thing I'd have to dress like an angel. I told cook and he got a smirk on his face
"So I can be the devil than?". JJ just looked at us both
"I can see it". JJ drove us to Katie's and helped me sneak cook inside we got ready and headed off to the parade. It was a blast we were dancing and partying and cook couldn't take his eyes off me. But I forgot that I had given him my phone for safe keeping.
"CAMERON, CAMI!". I looked down and there was effy she just mouthed help. I grabbed katie and she helped me pull effy up she held her and I found cook.
"Cookie!" He saw effy and nodded. He found Freddie and we helped effy off the float.
"Why the fuck would you bring her here Freddie!". I was pissed
"I tried to call you! She was manic I tried to get her some fresh air but she just lost it!".
"And why's that Fred's? She hasn't slept in days she's so strung out she's probably Hallucinating!". Cook grabbed my hand and I relaxed a little.
"I'm sorry I'm just really worried about her". I thought she was asleep on my shoulder. We pulled up to a nursing home and katie and I were confused.
"I think my grandad can help". Cook looked at me and nodded we "woke up" effy and headed inside. I was sitting with her until she told me to find Freddie I hesitated but did what she wanted me to I told katie not to take her eyes off of her. I found cook and Freddie.
"Is this her?". An older man asked Fred's.
"No grandad this is Cameron her cousin". He shook my hand and went back to talking to freddie.
"Do you love her?".
"I do grandad a lot I'd do anything in the world for her". Cook squeezed my hand like that was his ditto and Katie came rushing in.
"Effy Locke's herself in the bathroom and now she won't answer me!". I ran past her and pounded on the door
"Effy! Effy baby! Answer me! Are you okay!". Nothing
"Effy!". Cook pushed passed me and kicked in the door. There was Effy. Blood poudling at her wrist I rushed in and feel to my knees. I grabbed her head and tried to wake her up.
"Come on Effy don't do this to me! Come on baby wake up! Wake up! SOMEONE FUCKING HELP!". Cook ran in and held her wrists and Katie went to get Freddie everything was blur people were coming and and trying to take her from me and I couldn't let her go cook pulled me away and I kicked and screamed. He pulled me out of there and made me run. We were in front of effys and I broke down. Cook picked me up and took me inside. I took off the ridiculous costume and got some sweats on.
"Where you going?".
"I need to go see if she okay cook. The taxis here I'll be back". He nodded and kissed me before I left. I got to the hospital and I saw Freddie and Katie.
"Both if you get the fuck out of here". They looked at me confused but I started to get more angry.
"LEAVE!". They got up and left and I got to the nurses station;
"Effy stonem? I'm here only family home". The nurse took me to effys room. She looked so peaceful. I grabbed her shoulder and squeezed it twice she opened her eyes and looked at me.
"Fuck effy you scared the shot out of me!" I leaned down and hugged her carefully. She started to cry and I knew why.
"Hey, calm down it's okay. Effy, you know they would call". I was cut off
"What the hell did you two get into effy love are you okay?". Aunt Athena came in luggage in hand. I just looked at effy and wiped her face.
"I'm sorry mum. It's not Cameron's fault she tried". My aunt looked at me and smirked a little she reached over effy and grabbed my hand. I grabbed hers and leaned down and half hugged effy.
"I'll be back tomorrow. Be good this time". I smiled at her and she chuckled I hugged my aunt and headed back to effys to get cook. When I walked in the place was spotless. I saw cook in the kitchen and walked toward him the only thing was I felt weak and light headed. I remember cook catching me and then nothing. When I woke up cook had ice on my head and I was in effys old bed.
"What happened?". I sat up and cook lowered me slowly back down.
"You scared the shit outta me! You passed out and I didn't know what the fuck to do". I grabbed his hand but felt sick again. I hopped Up and ran to the bathroom and threw up again. Fuck. I was worried. I pulled out a pregnancy test effy had bought a few days ago. Cook was at the door
"You okay dollface?"
"I'm fine!". I paced while I waited for the results longest 3 minutes ever. What I didn't expect a fucking pink plus. Shit! I wrapped it up in toilet paper and threw it away. I started to panic. It's wrong. I'm Not pregnant! I sat on the toilet and calmed down for a second. I pulled my self together and prepared to figure this shit out. But I need to be sure before I can tell anyone. Maybe it's early menopause like Katie? Yeah that's it.

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