Sixteen: Lebara's Song

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Siren Medley by Amy Ruffle



"Into the sea
Hold you close to me
Slide neath the waves
Down into the caves
Kiss me my love
Come rest in my arms
Dream your dreams with me
Slide beneath the sea
Come to me my love
Forget the land above"

We immediately moved into action the moment she started to sing. The moment the first verse was out of her mouth, the two boys eyes clouded over before slowly walking towards her. We ran over to the unconscious boy and Jessamyn immediately started to shake him, and she kept calling out to him to wake up. I glanced up at Lebara and notice that she's just repeating her song over and over again. How long do sirens usually sing for? I wonder. I'm going to have to guess until they get there prey, and right now her prey is Chax and Zakary. I turn back towards Jessamyn whose still shaking the boy, and I notice that she started crying. I put my hand on her shoulder trying to comfort her in some way.

"I-It's okay." I stutter nervously.

"What if he doesn't wake up? What if we did this for nothing? What if Chax and Zakary sacrificed themselves for nothing?" Jessamyn asks scared.

"We won't let them get hurt." I say to her quietly.

Jessamyn glances over at everyone and we notice that the water behind Lebara is starting to move violently. It moves more violent the longer she sings, and by the time she starts singing her song a third time the water splashed and swirled like a storm is brewing. Lebara's eyes are even glowing brighter than before, and the guys are getting closer to her. We are running out of time. I turn back towards the unconscious boy to see Jessamyn already back to trying to wake him up. I felt helpless, felt sadden that she has to go through this. I don't know him, don't know any of them really but I want to help. I know shaking him isn't going to work, if he hasn't moved by now then we should be trying something else. What can we even try though? I wonder helplessly. I try to think on what I can do, there's got to be something I can do.

"Dream your dreams with me"

That's it! It's just what Lebara is singing, well not quite but that one verse is just the answer I'm looking for. If we can't get him to wake up, then we will just have to go inside of his dreams and force him to wake up. I know I have the power to do so, but I always refuse to use it. I guess it's time to use one of my powers I refuse to use. It's just to help. I think to myself. I have to keep thinking that, otherwise I might back out which isn't really an option. I take a deep breath before turning towards Jessamyn and putting my hand on top of her hand. Jessamyn looks up at me with frantic eyes and I knew this plan has to work.

"I have an idea to get him up, but I'm going to need your help." I tell her quietly.

"What is it?" Jessamyn asks almost pleading.

"Well, I can walk in anyones dreams and I think if we go inside his, then we could force him to wake up." I tell her hopeful.

"I didn't know you could do that! Do you think it will work?" Jessamyn asks just as hopeful.

"I-well there's one way to find out." I stutter awkwardly.

"Okay. Let's hurry and do this." Jessamyn says looking over at everyone again.

We are running out of time as they are getting so close to Lebara and the pond. The water is slashing and falling onto the ground, it's nearly missing Lebara. I swallowed nervously as I'm worried, because if I mess this up then I could get Chax and Zakary killed. I turn back towards Jessamyn as I grab ahold of her hand, then I set my other hand on top of the unconscious boys forehead. It felt cool but warm, and I can feel his power radiating from his body. It felt so strong but I knew I'm just slightly stronger than him. The wind suddenly started to pick up and I knew it's both from Lebara and from me. Let's get this over with. I think nervously. The sooner we do this then the sooner we can get this done and over with. I just hope I won't mess this up. I don't want to make my new friends upset. I let a breath as I used my power to bring Jessamyn and I inside of his dreams. We both soon went unconscious as our souls get pulled from our bodies and into his mind, into his dreams.

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