Eighteen: Cordelia

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Do You Feel Alive



I'm walking down the long hallway to my office so I can do some more boring work, and as I'm passing a door that my son restricted no one to go in I stop. I turn around and walked back so I'm standing in front of the door. I stare at the door intensely, because inside I know who he's keeping inside and why he wants no one to go in. I don't have to follow his orders though. I am King. This is my Kingdom and I can do whatever I please. I snap my fingers and I instantly appear inside the room. I just stare at the slowly rotten corpse of Sirius's soulmate, she's laying on a stone platform wearing a white gown. Being barefoot as always. I think as I glance at her feet. Sirius has made it so her body won't rot as quickly as a normal human being, so she looks pretty much the same. Except, there are some differences. The mortals body is skinner than before as her hair is longer, and her skin is paler and looks sunk in. Why in the hell is my son doing this to himself? Why does he insist on keeping a dead body locked up in this room? It's painful to see that my own son wants to torture himself like this, but at the same time it's just plain disgraceful. This isn't how a Prince should act, and no son of mine will keep a rotten corpse of a mortal any longer. It's time I get rid of her once and for all. I don't need a dead human rotting in my kingdom any longer. I stood straight as i snap my fingers again, and a Demon servant appears looking up at me before bowing his head.

"Sire. What can I do for you?" He asks gruffly.

"Get rid of this body." I command.

The Demon looks over at the body confusedly before his hazel eyes widen in shock. He quickly looks back at me realizing what I meant, and soon realizing what room we are currently in. He kept his head bowed making his shaggy black hair cover his eyes a bit, before he spoke up once again.

"B-but sire, that's Prince Sirius's soulmate. He ordered everyone to not touch her." He stammered.

"You dare to disobey your King?" I question him angrily.

"I-I-no sire, but Prince Sirius ordered everyone to-" he tries to explain but I waved my hand to shut him up, "I don't care what he ordered you or anyone else. I am King. I ordered you to get rid of this dead corpse now." I growl at him.

"Yes sire." He says gruffly.

I watch in anger as he stands up before walking over to her body. He very hesitantly picks up her body before teleporting away. I follow him to make sure she's gone for good. We appear in front of our giant fire pit, and it's a great way to get rid of a body. The Demon Servant stands close to the edge to throw her in but hesitates once again. Really? Did she really win every damn Demons heart? I think angrily. This is getting ridiculous. This is supposed to be a quick thing but it's turning into something long, and it doesn't have to be. I stomp towards the Demon and rip the girl out of his arms. I glare at him showing my Demon eyes which shows I'm pissed. He took that as a sign he should leave, and he left as quick as he should've came. I let out a sigh as he's now gone, and I glance down at the girl in my arms. She felt so cold. So lifeless. I think to myself. Why is my son doing this to himself? I get it's his soulmate, and it's hard to let go but keeping her body here to rot? That's just plain wrong.

I can't keep stalling like this, everyone will think that I can't get rid of her. I can, I can do it. I don't care about her she's only a mortal. A dead mortal. I'll throw her in and it will be like she was never even here. Except she was. I realized. Sirius will realize she's gone, and who knows how he will react. He shouldn't care though, she's a mortal and he's a damn Demon Prince. I won't allow my son to hang onto a dead mortal any longer. I glance down at her pale face before taking one step closer to the edge. This is goodbye mortal. We don't need you in our lives messing everything up. When I'm about to drop her into the fire pit though, she suddenly sprung up in my arms gasping for breath. I jump back spinning and flinging her out of my arms. I look at her as she lands on the ground behind me coughing. She's alive? How is this possible? I think stunned. I walk slowly towards her as she slowly sits up but I see her arms wobbling. She's weak and very vulnerable right now.

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