Twenty: Her

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Soulmate by Josh Turner



I'm leaning against a building as I glance at a group of people. There talking to someone and I have a feeling it's Amelia Fairchild. I heard someone say the name, so I'm only assuming. I've been here for a day and I'm pretty sure I already found her, which is good. It means I would be able to go back home sooner than I was expecting. I just hope father lets me come home. I think to myself. I still don't understand if this is a test or if it's literary just a mission. I don't do these kinds of missions, so I'm still confused on why he picked me. He's hiding something from me, and I would like to know what it is. I can't just go up and question him though, if this is some sort of punishment then I wouldn't want to make him more angry. Still, something is off about this so called mission. I don't want to do this, but at the same time I feel strange whenever I hear the name Amelia. It's odd. I can't tell if I hate it, or actually like it.

The small group soon say their goodbyes, and I pretend I'm not watching as they walk away. I glance back to see who they were talking to and my eyes widen when my eyes laid on her. My heavens! She's beautiful! She's tall, slightly pale, long wavy blond hair and her eyes are a beautiful emerald green. She's wearing a navy blue long sleeved dress with a brown apron that covers her whole front. It has patterns on the apron and she's wearing brown leather boots. I noticed her apron has pockets as she put her hands in them. I smile as I felt my heart start to beat faster as she waves and smiles at someone. I then realize what's happening and I shook my head quickly. No! I think frantic. I can't fall in love, and I can't especially fall in love with a human. It's one of fathers rules. I shouldn't be here, why did father send me here? I could lose my rights to be in heaven if I fall in love with a human. I'm not Lucifer. I'm not Sirius. I don't need a soulmate to be happy. I'm perfectly happy with my life now, it's perfect just the way it is.


I jump before looking over to see her right next to me. Wait, how did I not sense her next to me? I think confused. I move away from her trying to keep our distances. As long as we don't touch, we should be fine. I can feel my heart whine as I keep denying my feelings, but I shouldn't have any. I don't even know her, she's a stranger whose human. I can't get involved. I just can't lose my position, my home or the respect of my father.

"Are you okay? I didn't scare you that much did I?" She asks reaching towards me.

"N-no I uh I'm fine." I stutter as I backed away.

"You know. I'm the one who should be freaking out, considering I caught you staring at me a couple times." She tells me as she crosses her arms.

I blush out of embarrassment and I really shouldn't be. I never get caught, or even get caught off guard. What's going on? What is she doing to me? I think freaking out. I can't stay here, she's making me not feel like myself and that's honestly not a good thing. I'm a general for the Archangels, and I need to be on guard at all costs.

"I uh I'm sorry." I apologized.

"No it's alright. I'm used to it to be honest." She tells me nonchalant.

"What do you mean?" I ask suddenly.

"People stare at me all the time. I think it's because of the wedding that's supposed to happen." She says upset.

"What wedding?" I ask feeling upset.

"The wedding between my mother and Mr Lancaster." She tells me bitterly.

"Lancaster?" I ask suspiciously.

"You don't know? He's the second richest guy to be known, or well I guess the richest now." She says.

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