Chapter 1

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From: Zayn

harrryyyy !! have you seen their new music video yet?? omfg did you see liam shirtless? did you?? DID YOU? HDLDKHLSDJUPOSJKLNDHGUIYE I AM FREAKING OUT NO I AM NOT OK I REPEAT NOT OKAY

holy shit but seriously i should calm down now before i have a heart attack. gonna try not to think about liam... #yeahright

take care bro

Harry chuckled ruefully as he read Zayn's, how shall we put it?, quite energetic message. He was currently sitting on an uncomfortable chair in the school's computer room, as they were supposed to be working on a school project regarding some economical crises that's currently taking place in the States. If Harry remembered correctly, they were supposed to be doing an analysis, or some boring shit like that. Sigh. Naturally, he didn't look it up like he was supposed to. Well, sue him for not being interested. Instead, he thought this would be a great opportunity to check his email. He knew, as well as any other directioner, that One Direction's new music video "Kiss You" was released yesterday. Obviously, he had been, and was still, dying to see it. It was if his fingers were itching from the desire to type in video on Youtube and ravish in the joy of watching and hearing Britain's three hottest guys performing their new hit single. And since he had already heard the song and watched the promo... well, he knew he was in for a treat. And after reading Zayn's message, he found it especially hard to contain himself. If Liam; sweet, pure, innocent Liam, was shirtless, he was without a doubt not the only one. Not that Harry particularly cared that much about seeing the irish, blonde superstar Niall shirtless, but Louis on the other hand... oh, holy mother of God, yes? Now, he didn't want to get his hopes up but he was very much hoping for some of the famous Louis hip thrusting moves too. Harry found himself smirking mischievously at the computer, desperately hoping no one was watching him as that would have been incredibly embarrassing. People would probably come to the conclusion he was watching porn or something, and truthfully, he would rather have them thinking that than the truth.

The reason why he hadn't watched it yesterday like every other directioner on the planet was simply because he had a big test this morning which he, unfortunately, had to spend the entire night preparing for. And he knew, he knew, that if he watched the video, well that would sort of ruin the entire night. Afterwards, he'd immediately go on Tumblr and join the craziness which was unavoidable whenever the boys did something major. And as always, he would get stuck and even if he had managed to leave - well, he would still be thinking about the video, unable to focus on his actual work. He would probably end up taking a very long shower instead. Much more... pleasant. He had been in the situation enough times to know this for a fact, and especially with "Little Things" still being fresh in his memory. (And seriously, how exactly had Louis known that he couldn't go to sleep without a cup of tea? HOW? Honestly. One time during an immensely boring economy class, Harry had found himself rewriting the entire verse into something about equally as accurate. "You can't go to bed without thinking about me, and maybe that's the reason that you're hard when you sleep. And all of my hip thrusting and ridiculous blue eyes, just admit you're into guys." Harry probably would have committed suicide if anyone would have caught him.)

With a smirk still present on his lips, Harry reread Zayn's message. He really just wanted to watch the goddamn video now so he could reply but he knew he couldn't. Not with all of these people around him. He couldn't have a massive freak out in the middle of school. For fuck sake, he had a reputation to think of.

"Hey, Styles!" A voice called out, causing him to break out of his reverie. A shrill of fear ran through his body, had he been caught? But when he turned around, he only saw his best friend Nick grinning obliviously at him. He was gesturing his hand for him to come over. "Come here."

With a relieved sigh, Harry pressed down the tab to Internet Explorer. You could never be too careful. With determined steps he walked over to his best mate. "What's up?" He asked, while looking down at Nick, who seemed very happy with a big smile glued to his face.

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